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Hello! My artistic name is PoPsMastertrance

Choose a different name. This one is too easily bastardized to "Poopsmashertrance".

and I want to include subjects of Final Fantasy X but not like doing it, that I must do?

Summarized problem: You're lazy.

Solution 1): Get someone else to do it, then drug them and upload it under your own name.

Drawback: you can do this only once.

Solution 2): Get someone else to do it, but try to score points as "collaborator".

Drawback: it's not just your own name in the spotlight.

Solution 3): Choose something else, perhaps the bleeps of Space Invaders. Not only are those a less-milked-out theme than anything Final Fantasy, you don't have to do as much work either.

[23:34] <Dyne> Wow yoozer, way to pwn the noob.
[23:34] <yoozer> i don't call it "pwning the noob". i call it
"applying intellectual pressure to cause introspection"


My artistic name is PoPsMastertrance for 8 years, is Spanish and speaks from a translator who is not very good, I what I want to do is upload my projects to listen to them, I feel not to speak well English, to pardon the annoyances!

Here my projects:

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Monte Gagazet "

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Naruto - Sadness And Sorrow "

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Silence Before The Storm "

Pd : That a moderator moves post where must be!

My artistic name is PoPsMastertrance for 8 years, is Spanish and speaks from a translator who is not very good, I what I want to do is upload my projects to listen to them, I feel not to speak well English, to pardon the annoyances!

I suggest writing your posts in Spanish. Then someone who knows Spanish (such as Sir_NutS) can help you out, or translate it to English so that someone else can.

As for your music, it's actually quite decent. If you're asking how to submit to the site, here are the submission instructions. It basically involves sending your name, the game name, the remix name, and the remix URL to submissions@ocremix.org .


Hola a todos! nose si mis mensajes fueron entendidos si alguien sabe ingles/español decentemente le agradeceria que me ayudara a traducir.

Mi problema es que no se la manera de publicar mis remixes y creo que Dhsu ha sido el unico que lo ha intentado educadamente, perdonen las molestias ,mi intencion es distribuirlos ,muchas Gracias!!!

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Monte Gagazet "

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Silence Before The Storm "

Yoozer eres un pedazo de subnormal intolerante , ya entendi tu mensaje y se nota que es creado por un capullo que no sabe quien es su padre, fijo!

Helo everybody! I dont know if my messages were understood. If anybody knows english/spanish fluently (something like that), can you please help me translate?

My problem is that I dont know how to publicise my remixes and I think that Dhsu was the only one who understood my question. Sorry for the bother, my intention is to distribute them, thank you.

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Monte Gagazet "

REMIX Por PoPsMasterTrance " Final Fantasy - Silence Before The Storm "

(Something about Yoozer)

To the best of my knowledge this is what he wrote.

Puedes leer las reglas aqui http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions

Si no sabes que algo dice, preguntale aqui. :D


Yoozer eres un pedazo de subnormal intolerante , ya entendi tu mensaje y se nota que es creado por un capullo que no sabe quien es su padre, fijo!

Hey, I know exactly who my dad is! :(.


( Estoy seguro que esto sonará igualmente ridículo en español ;) )

Soundclick no ofrece cada uno para descargar sus canciones. Deje a jueces escuchar su canción, Soundclick es bastante bueno.

Si usted quisiera que la gente lo descargara usted debe hacer su propio Web site. Otra opción es un anfitrión público del archivo como www.rapidshare.com o www.putfile.com.

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