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Is there any way to use a chopping tool or something to cut a beat into 5 equal parts instead of four? Or is there any way to get the grid to have 5 sections per beat?

Thanks hehe :)


Maybe I can just play the quintuplets by hand then move them around with copy and paste to where I want them. I want the bass drum to be playing 16th notes while the lead is playing alternating septuplets / quintuplets on this solo line.


Hm, since you want to alternate between those two, I have another idea for you.

In a part where you want quintuplets, zoom in on the piano roll to the max zoom, have the snap set on line, and plot out 6 (not 5) notes on each step, then select those 6 notes, hold down shift, and drag from the right edge of the last note so that the final note lines up exactly with the start of beat 2. To verify, you can double click the last note after doing this, and if you've done it right, the last value of 'start time' will say 000.

Same thing for septuplets, but with 8 notes.

You can then change notes / note durations, etc. and copy/paste these quints/septs from there on out.


I am posting a video shortly on how to do this

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

edit ok go here http://youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4


whoa i just found an awesome way to do it. It's pretty much the same way as before, but way more accurate. go to options and set the PPQ up as high as it goes. It makes more ticks per measure.


I just figured out how to do it the miku way. I'll make a quick vid hehe. I guess the confusing part was you said to make 6 notes not 5, but really all you do is put 5 notes next to each other and shift drag them.

Where did you learn about that shift trick? Is there a manual with all the untold hotkeys of FL studio??




told you i'd make a vid =p

EDIT: There's a reason I do one more than the amount of divisions. If you do 5 for quintuplets.. you have to guess at where the 5th division would start. If you make 6, there's no guessing needed, because it necessarily lands on the downbeat following the set of quintuplets.

EDIT2: All the info you need to know about FL Studio is in the Help menu. Help > Contents. The Shift+Drag can be found in the piano roll section.


where did you learn the shift click trick and is there a manual with all the hotkeys somewhere?

You can also throw the tick accuracy up to 960 ticks per quarter note which makes it as close as it gets to perfect timing.

Thanks Miku!

In short -

options -> project general settings

set PPQ (pulses per quarter) as high as it goes. Or if you are doing only quintuplets without septuplets, pick a number that is divisible by 5 as well as divisible by 2, 4, 8 and whatever rhythms you are using. Meh just pick the highest one, the ear won't notice.

Not recommended - Now you can either manually edit note durations by double clicking and using a calculator to find out how many ticks/pulses the note should last and round them to nearest whole note

Recommended - or you can make 6 notes right next to each other, select all, hold shift and drag last one to start of beat. Double click on it to ensure its start tick/pulse is 00. Note that the computer will still round the ticks off so use a high ppq or a no remainder divisible ppq. (use high ppq lol)


You're welcome.

Like I said, in FL Studio, Help > Contents. If you want a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts, go to the index or search and type keyboard shortcuts, then click said topic. Note that this list does not include the shift-click timing change; There are more complete shortcut lists in the individual topics pertaining to the various windows.

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