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I have never used the FPC before and I just tried it. You can download new patches inside it from sample fusion. I don't have to pay to download these do I? (some of them are red and say free and others are blue and grey)


O by the way are there any other ways to download content for free inside FL? Thanks

Oh edit I had another question too. It's one of those things that I always wanted to ask but never got around to it. When you are working with samples, sometimes they have redlines drawn in them. What are those? How do I make them? I think they have something to do with a slicer, but I've always done all my slicing in audacity so I've never made those redlines myself. Ok thanks. I am still a newbie hehe.


sorry, i was in a bit of a rush to make that post.

loop points, well, let you loop all or a certain part of a sample.

For ex if you have a sample of a violin, you can use this to sustain the note however long you want, like this:

without looping:

attack portion of sound->sustain portion->decay portion of sound

with looping:

attack portion of sound->sustain portion of sound gets REPEATED until note is over->decay portion of sound

you can also create a "ping-pong loop" (exactly what it sounds like, the playback position goes back and forth rather than always forward), and there's even a more advanced feature called Crossfade Loop (labeled "CRF") that you can use to smooth loop playback in some manner.

If you want to disable looping for a certain sample, just turn off the "Use Loop Points" button.

If you want to add loop points to samples that don't have them already, you can right click the sample and Edit it, which opens up Edison, FL's built-in sample editor. I don't use Edison much, but IIRC all you have to do to set up the loop is click and drag to select the looped region, then right click->regions->set loop (or hit alt+L). Then you re-export the sample under a different filename and use that. There's more advanced features and ways of doing it, of course...

If any part of that wasn't clear, go to your FL help file and look for the following topics:

-Channel Sampler

-Edison - Main Interface

-Edison - Loop Tuning Tool


About the FPC, that uses sample fusion, one of the benefits of using FL studio, since you bought a product from Image line you get any stuff on sample fusion for free. All of the kits on FPC are free to download, but the one's that say "_free" can even be downloaded on the demo version of FL. I'm not sure about other things that use sample fusion, or if you can just go straight to sample fusion or not, but I think you can do that with Direct Wave aswell. Someone else can explain more about SF if they know.

Oh, and another thing aboout the red lines, in most cases they're the loop points like Kirby said, but sometimes there are a bunch, not just 2. When there are more than 2 lines they work to split the sample into regions, which will be auto sliced into samples when using the slicer, but they really shine when used in a sampler. These points work together with time stretching when you run it on a sample with them. If they have regions it does some sound voodoo and makes it so that it can be stretched without affecting pitch. Obviously if you stretch too far it kind of ruins the sound, but it works very well within reason (the word, not the program).

Edit: Looked at www.samplefusion.com a bit, and if you're logged in to your imageline account they have a bunch of stuff for free. A lot of it will alreday be included in your FL studio though.

Haha, it surprises me how much I know about this program, I've only had it for a month and I still haven't done any remixes with it yet... I should get on that.

Hope that helps,

~Zephyr Tread

About the FPC, that uses sample fusion, one of the benefits of using FL studio, since you bought a product from Image line you get any stuff on sample fusion for free. All of the kits on FPC are free to download, but the one's that say "_free" can even be downloaded on the demo version of FL. I'm not sure about other things that use sample fusion, or if you can just go straight to sample fusion or not, but I think you can do that with Direct Wave aswell. Someone else can explain more about SF if they know.

Oh, and another thing aboout the red lines, in most cases they're the loop points like Kirby said, but sometimes there are a bunch, not just 2. When there are more than 2 lines they work to split the sample into regions, which will be auto sliced into samples when using the slicer, but they really shine when used in a sampler. These points work together with time stretching when you run it on a sample with them. If they have regions it does some sound voodoo and makes it so that it can be stretched without affecting pitch. Obviously if you stretch too far it kind of ruins the sound, but it works very well within reason (the word, not the program).

Edit: Looked at www.samplefusion.com a bit, and if you're logged in to your imageline account they have a bunch of stuff for free. A lot of it will alreday be included in your FL studio though.

Haha, it surprises me how much I know about this program, I've only had it for a month and I still haven't done any remixes with it yet... I should get on that.

Hope that helps,

~Zephyr Tread

Yea same here. I spend all my time researching instead of doing. Moulton labs is where i have been reading lately. I guess it's because i m afraid of failure. What the hell i am going to make a remix tomorrow and who cares if it sucks

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