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Hi. My name is Domini,c I'm easily distracted so its incredible I

actually finished a song for your site. Hopefully it will make it on to

your site... i read the guidelines page a million times but i wouldn't be

surprised if i missed something. Ive been coming to you site for a long

time and i love it cuz i think game music is great and there is so much to

choose from. one time when i was at your site i noticed in your review of

some remix that the person used fruity loops and so i went and downloaded it

and i started making songs that really suck but i thought it was the coolest

program ever and so 8 months later now i think i have something worth trying

to submit. Actually i have two other remixes- one for megamanx2 and super

mario kart.. last time i checked there were no megaman x2 remixes(i hope i

can be the first) and i would have submitted my song already but i still

need to rework it because i am completely unsatisfied with it. anyways i

can play the piano a little bit and the saxophone, im a little better at it

then the piano but not much. im no musician and i didnt play the piano in

this, its a soundfont... :( oh well i think its still sounds halfway

decent, i hope you think so too. i won't usually write this much its just

since its my first time submitting. AAA!!!! i have to say right now

starfox is the most exellent game ever.. well its my favorite anyways. i

like starfox64 and i play ive played it a million times to try and get a

high score (2164 who's the man!!???!?!- yes i know im a loser- please dont

dis me) but i like the snes version better. my favorite artist at OC Remix

is AmIEvil- his music totally rocks and sounds so good. plus he actually

uses real instruments so that makes his work twenty million times cooler. i

so wish he would do a starfox song from the snes... oh well this is it for

me.. sorry it as so long but not too sorry or i would have shortened it, heh

heh heh!!! so here is the link it better work... i only made the web page

its on so i could submit songs.. hopefully this song wont send you into a

fit of uncool crying because it sucks. enough of me now here is the page

and the mp3 is the only link on the page It says to leave but dont let that

scare you please. i don't know if you need to know but my login name at oc

remix is fox_nabox. i also made foxnabox but i either deleted the

comfirmation email or i never got it.. either way i cant loggin on that name

and i have to have a stupid underscore in my name now which makes it look

very unorigional. thats the link to the song.


Ick... the intro makes me want to throw up. The piano sounds bad, the strings sound bad, but having the strings mirror the piano just... isn't good. The mix picks up a little later on, but the samples are still pretty bad, the arrangement's a little too simplistic and repetative, and the idea's not quite developed enough. Try doing something interesting with the drums, and changing up the roles of the piano and the strings a little. Add a few more instruments, maybe? I dunno. But this does need work.


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