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*NO* Tactics Ogre 'Flying on Dry Land'


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Name: Ryan Reilly

Email: Rainman0034@yahoo.com

Web: www.myspace.com/rainman7

Remix Info,

'Flying on Dry Land' (based upon 'Air Land' by Hitoshi Sakimoto)

From: Tactics Ogre

orchestral arrangement, with a few surprises including improvisation and drum and bass.

Hope thats good! Bye!

-Ryan Reilly


Please note we have a 192kbps bitrate ceiling. We don't want anything at 320kbps.

http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Tactics_Ogre_psf.rar - 24 "Air Land"

The brass sequencing is ok, even though the sample sounds extra fake. It's not much of a step up from the original in those respects. The beatwork at 1:10 doesn't gel with the orchestration at all, IMO.

Beyond that, the arrangement has some decent ideas, but feels underdeveloped at only 2:20-long. We have maybe two shorter submissions passed relatively recently, but I'd argue they said more despite less time.

I did like the interpretation within the genre, as well as the variations from verse to verse, but the arrangement needs to be developed further. Right now it comes across as a run-through of two brief & fairly similar iterations, and then it's over.

NO (rework/resubmit)

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I agree with Larry in that this could definitely be expanded. Consider writing an original introduction of some kind rather than going directly to the source tune right off the bat. However unlike Larry, I didn't think this had much interpretation at all; it seemed to stick fairly closely to the style, mood, and instrumentation of the original, with no major changes to any chords, melodies, or harmonies. More of a sonic upgrade with a little bit more of an orchestral texture added. Unfortunately we need much more than that.

Really try to personalize this mix and make it your own. Give it a new tone, do something exciting rhythmically, change time signatures here and there, bring it into some new keys, add new chords and melodies, and so on. The production isn't too bad but the brass need some work. If you can re-orchestrate things so they're not as exposed that would help the sound of this. Maybe try some different samples and/or articulations as well.


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Arrangement is far to similar, but because of the weak attack on a lot of the brass samples, it lacks the driving momentum of the original. :\

I agree with Andy and Larry that you need to really step up the arrangement on this one; it's too much of an upgrade here. The sliced beats also sound ridiculously out of place, especially when you have no bassline to go along with it.


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