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*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'Life After Rachel'


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Contacted the artist regarding the source usage - LT

pot_hocket (tekcoh_top)

michael lee



rachel (final fantasy 6)

again 2 guitars (new guitar) and km184 neumann mic. I had a wip on the forums here a long time ago, but I scrapped it and deleted everything in a hissyfit. Heh anyways, I really loved the scenes in FF6 involving locke and rachel. She...*cough* OOOspoiler spoilerOOO runs away with kefka forever and happily ever after... but not for locke. i tried to capture whatever emotions (regret, bitterness, goodmemories, etc) that locke would feel [unless he were actually a robot (omg)...or had a lobotomy-gone-bad]. The earlier wip/version didnt do a good job in my opinion of having enough emotion, and I think this one was a lot easier for me due to circumstances. Anyways, I hope it's a good listen.



Can you timestamp exactly what areas you're arranging "Forever Rachel"?

The only areas I recognize are :00-1:02 & 1:57-2:35 (with the section at the end of the verses, first used from :52-1:02, sounding pretty liberal). 1:03-1:57 & 2:35-3:23 also sounded wholly original and unrelated to the interpretation of the source tune.

Thanks. - Larry

yeah thats pretty much it. lots of original stuff. I chose to

interpret not just the source tune but also how it was used ingame.


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Forever Rachel!" (ff6-204.spc)

As y'all know, I'm a big proponent of the 50% arrangement concept and personally feel it's core to the site. Anything less than 50% makes it ambiguous as to whether the arrangement is more of a tribute to the original composer or more to the artist themselves. That doesn't imply intent, creative value, or quality, but merely examines execution.

With that said, I felt like I have good handle on this source after looping last night and all day and contacted Mike regarding the arrangement. What I'm left with is a mix that barely doesn't make it on the arrangement level.

Quoting/paraphrasing myself, the only areas I recognize are :00-1:02 & 1:57-2:35. The section at the end of each verse (i.e. :29-:38, :52-1:02 & 2:12-2:19) sounds pretty liberal but seems derived from :47-:57 of the source. I'm really trying to give this as much credit as I can, and those sections are a stretch.

1:03-1:57 & 2:35-3:23 sounded wholly original and unrelated to the interpretation of the source tune, and wasn't disputed by Michael. So with that said, 100 seconds of a 203-second arrangement: 49.26%.

Now a vote like that is anal, but again, to me VGM arrangement should be predominant to wholly original material in any and all cases on OCR, no matter what. VGM is what the site is tributing. >50% is a fair and unambiguous cutoff. Anything lower automatically becomes arbitrary. As soon as you slide the bar down to 49.9%, you can potentially then move it down to 49%. Or 45%. Or 40%. Even 33%. And it starts placing less emphasis on VGM interpretation and more on "what sounds good." I'm not going to endorse anything that knowingly moves us in that direction. Even if it's 49% VGM arrangement like it is here.

50.01%, I would have put it as a direct post in a heartbeat. If I'm missing any clear arrangement that puts this over the line, let me know. This is definitely an excellent track. I gave due diligence on all levels I could.

NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)

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Hey Michael, glad to see you constantly active and remixing. Thanks again for your contributions to VotL. Before I get to arrangement, I think the recording here sounds better than your previous remixes, HOWEVER, on some of the louder notes I hear some clipping. Looking at the waveform definitely confirms it in multiple places. I'm hoping this is a mixing issue and you can just turn the volume down or apply an EQ + a bit of limiting (the lower notes are what tends to cause it.) Performance as always is wonderful.

Unfortunately, I too go by the 50% rule, and I agree with Larry's overview of the arrangement. It seems nitpicky but we would be hypocritical if we made exceptions for some people and not others. This really is RIGHT on the border, IMO. The original sections would push it over if there were even just some hints of connection to the source melody & chord progression here and there. I have to say that this is a beautiful arrangement and the original material you added is great as well. I really do want to see this posted, and hope you would be willing to add just a LITTLE more "Rachel" material to put this over the bar.

NO, resub

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