Liontamer Posted October 5, 2007 Posted October 5, 2007 Original Decision: Remixer name: HoboKa Game remixed: Breath of Fire II Song name: Final battle/Deatheven's theme Remix name: JadedByDeath Hey, Alex S back with a resub of my BoF II remix. I read your guys' review on my original ver, and got cracking on it. Heh, you know it's only been about 5 months since I've started remixing and I think I've learned a lot during that time; so I'm proud of myself regardless if this gets accepted or not. BTW, look out for OC Remix's first Tyrano Lair remix made by LagunaCloud and I, it's gonna be epic As for the current remix at hand: I changed some of the voice effects, and placement of the sound clips, I improved upon the drums by nearly 100% (though I wish I had a better drum generator than FPC x_x) and I made the techno/electronica or whatever you call it longer and better. Hope you boys n girls enjoy it ^^ PS: Sorry about the megaupload useage...I don't know any other free hosting site asides from Putfile =/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- - "Evan ~ God of Death" (bof2-46.spc) Well, you cut down on the delay on Mike Z's stuff, which was good. The laugh sounded tacky pasted in after the dialogue. Would have been more natural for him to finish his evil words and move right into laughter. Good ambiance afterward building to the introduction of the source material. On the orchrestration side at 1:06, still pretty cover-ish. Not really much change from the overall instrumentation of the original there, but still a different mood. As with last time around, good textures there. Not the best samples, but used well to create a genuinely pleasing sound IMO up until 1:36. Not that I don't want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but given how uh...unmusical the latter half sounded, I'm led to believe you used a MIDI or the SPC as the base for this opening orch section. At 1:36, again with those poor electro-synths, only sounding a lot more distorted than last time especially given that the track's apparently not clipping. 2:10-2:33 just sounds like a cacophony of noise, and didn't sound very musical despite me recognizing the source. Everything's just SUPER murky and cluttered with 0 definition. And it continued that way all the way until the end around 3:25. I'd actually post this track in ReMixing and ask for major help on refining your sounds. In the latter half, there's no separation, everything sounds crunchy and the melody doesn't stand out at all, leaving the arrangement sounding rudderless. Seems like the sounds in the latter half were a bit beefed up compared to last time around, but that's about the only improvement I heard. You better learn to walk before you try to run. Keep at it. NO
JJT Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 buh. issues: -1:35 of ambience/sfx before anything really happens -this sounds like it was mixed on $10 computer speakers or $5 headphones. with the heavy reverb and poor eq, everything mashes together into a trebley, synthy mess -there's no bassline for much of the techno section but when it does come in, its mixed without any low-end. -the arrangement has no shape. It's half ambience, half b34tz with amelodic chaos over the top. there's no continuity and no attention to dynamics. You're gonna need to spend a lot more time in the salt mines improving your production and arrangement skills. This isn't close. The best advice I can give you right now is to get ahold of some kind of gear you can mix on (monitors, or headphones). then, i would recommend comparing the EQ of this submission to that of current OC ReMixes. Once you hear the difference, you'll know what you need to work toward. NO
DarkeSword Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 Why is a third of this just whooshy sounds? Drums have a horrible reverb on them; they sound like they're in a small room, and yet they're still overpowering everything. It all sounds really muddy. And Jon's right, there's no bassline at that "techno" section. You need to think about how different parts of a song work together; in something like this, bassline and percussion should go hand in hand. I still believe the arrangement itself needs serious work. Don't let your percussion carry the song; you've got to do more than just beats and arpeggiators. NO
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