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Ok, so I just can't leave this theme alone...damn, it's so amazing!

I went with an orchestral remix last time (which was kinda meh) and then while I was driving yesterday I realized something - this theme would be kick ass as DnB. So I fired up the ol' sequencer and started working on this...

I wonder why more DnB songs aren't accepted here; I assume it's because of repetition. So in upcoming versions I'll be adding more breaks, more melodies, more arps, more harmonization, etc.

This first WIP is just to get peoples' reactions - so I ask you, yay or nay? Should I continue with this or go find something else? Either way, here's the link. Comments, please!




v4: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ipuv/redalertdnbv4

edit: newer update/no vocals (finalversion)

vFinal: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/hnwm/PremeditatedTrechery


Hmm it's hard to say man. I think I recognize the tune; the beat's hawt :D and the time filters or sequencers you used are sweet - I wish I knew how to do those effects. BUT, iono wut the other picky bums 'round here will think. ^^, points for effort dood, lotsa points.


Nice Drill n Bass section at 1:21.

The guitar coming in at 2:22 is a nice idea, but it's a little quiet as is. Beef it up a bit.

I agree that the remix is rather on the long side right now. I'd recommend to either shorten it by 60 to 90 seconds, or add some considerable variation to the basic drum pattern to make the 5 minutes more interesting.


sweet, thanks for all the comments! I've taken your advice and cut the track down by a few sections (it's still pretty long but I don't think it gets old...)

the snares are softer now, except on the 2 and 4 driving hits.

the guitars are louder, per request. anything else?

I next version is going to get some vocals, so let me know what you think.

link in first post.


Nice work. Changes worked well.

As a pure dnb tune this is definitely good (even though I still think you are going overboard on the snares, but maybe it's just your preference, in which case I can't judge). As an ocremix, I don't know. I say, run it by a judge to see what they think about it arrangement-wise. It's a strong genre adaptation, but as you know, they are arrangement-lovers over here.

Still, I am sure you can make those drums sound better.


Wow, this surprised me in overall quality. Bass drum could definitely have more punch to it, but the patterns are generally great. The bass is sick. I don't really hear the connections to RA2's hell march (I mostly remember the descending guitar line) but maybe I'm not remembering it properly. Cool glitch stuff. A more punchy bass drum, pendulum style, would be the main thing I'd like to hear here. Also, more drum layers as the song goes on!

Nice work. Changes worked well.

As a pure dnb tune this is definitely good (even though I still think you are going overboard on the snares, but maybe it's just your preference, in which case I can't judge). As an ocremix, I don't know. I say, run it by a judge to see what they think about it arrangement-wise. It's a strong genre adaptation, but as you know, they are arrangement-lovers over here.

Still, I am sure you can make those drums sound better.

i have to disagree with the snares. i think they have the right amount of punch.

Sir can i just say you are a master of percussion? holy freakin cow! I think the drums are executed perfectly! Got the right amount of grunge and clarity.

And as far as composition goes, i realize the initial melody does not change very much, but neither does the soundtrack in the game! and besides you dress the sound amazingly with percussion.

Lets not forget Red Alert 2 did not have much music, and was not even close to being a predominant part of gameplay.

My only gripe would be to maybe make the melody more interesting.

This song makes me want to get in an hour long dragon ballz fight.

Hmm. lets see... its definitely overclocked...

its definitely remixed....

ID say it belongs here!!!


I was a bit skeptical at first, but this is quite awesome! I would be on the side that the snares are just a TAD loud and you want to take maybe .5dB off at about the 2.5MHz freq. On the whole though, that bass is awesome; It has to be one of the best DnB basslines I've heard on this site. I would also punch up the bass on the bass drum a tad as well I guess, but this is pretty dern good.


There you have it bro. Sounds like the snare issue does not exist, and it's just my personal preference. For example, the drum patterns at 1:45-1:56 are what I like better than drums at 1:05. Repetition is not an issue, as you definitely change your drums up pretty well. Glitch fills are great, as people have already mentioned.

I will definitely look forward to hearing more dnb from you!


alright, zircon gets what zircon wants.

the kick has been beefed up, new layers have been made, and (per ocremix standards >_>) a solo section has been added.

Per hy's request, about .45 db has been taken off of the master around 2.5 khz. (and it does make it less grating on the ears)

Tweek - they are samples. Realstrat + Guitar Rig 2 = awesome. Best sounds I've ever heard (if you're not snappleman and suck at the guitar like I do.)

This is very close to the final version - debating adding vocals or not. Also, the ending is going to get something. (guitar outro?)

Thanks for all the pointers - enjoy.

link v4: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ipuv/redalertdnbv4


I'm absolutely opposed to a guitar outro. I think you should stick with the dnb theme.

Also, the guitar pretty much drowns after 2:32; maybe you should extend the part where it is the dominant instrument a bit more. Furthermore, to be honest, the sound of the guitar rubs me the wrong way, but that might be personal preference.


well...not quite yet. I've been letting it sit so I can remix it before I send it in. It's actually got a very cluttered sound field...I've got to fix that before I send it in. But yeah, it's going.

meanwhile, somewhere in another topic, hell march is still getting a dnb remix. It's just a matter of time now - and I don't have any...:(


well, here's to yet another double post! :)

I've managed to record the vocals and polish it up some more.

Let me know if you even like the vocals, as I'm cool with the song as it is without vocals...they're more like icing on the cake, anyways.

ummm, that's about it. Final version is here: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/hnwm/PremeditatedTrechery

Comments, name ideas, etc. The name I've got now is "Premeditated Treachery" which I thought went with the lyrics...well, have at you!

edit: whoops, wrong link. and vocals sucked. fixed that.


Okay, first of all, the beginning in version 4 sounds better to me, simply because you take a little more time, i.e. that one sound starts pretty quiet and then becomes gradually louder. The whole movement from the back to the front isn't as good in the new version.

About the vocals...

No. Just no. Take the vocals out, please. Most of the time, they aren't intelligible anyway. Also, the distortion you added to them is simply annoying. As in "annoying as FUCK".

...well, okay, the "FIRE" (3:58 ~) is cool, but the distortion still puts me off.

Also, the very last tone sounded better in v4.

All in all, I'm going to continue to listen v4, which I have being doing pretty much every day since you released it.


Well, that's about what I expected. when I was doing to vocals I really didn't think they worked...at least I was right..>_>

Ahem, to alleviate the suck that was the last version I present the new final version vocal free! I kept the fire at the end, but I made it much softer in the mix...it sounds pretty cool, at least to me.

I fixed the intro (I hope) making the mix start much softer before getting louder and I fixed the ending note as well. (something was messed up with FL)

Anyway, this is the version I'll probably be submitting in a few days, if no major comments are left. Thanks for all the input!

vFinal: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/hnwm/PremeditatedTrechery

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