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DJ SymBiotiX second album, Act II in the works :D. Demos Available.

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Alright, so for the past little while I have been hard at work on my new album. This album, Act II, is a follow up to my first album, Act I (This album can be downloaded for free from my website http://www.djsbx.com)

For this album, I have had a really big mellow influence. Alot of the songs have been mellow/breakbeatish, and I'm finding that my work has been improving dramatically.

For info and updates on the progress of the songs, you can check out http://www.djsbx.com/act2.php

I'll probably update here as well.

Anyways, I have a few demo's that I would like to share with you guys. The demo's have not been mastered, I am waiting untill I finish all of my concepts and themes before I go back and master/tweek/finalize everything.

I really hope you enjoy :D

Memories of The Past Demo - DJ SymBiotiX

Whoah! - DJ SymBiotiX

Memories of the Past is a somewhat mellow trance/breakbeatish song. So far, I think this is my favorite.

Whoah! is an "interesting" 5/4 song. It has some happy hardcore / house influences.

I would really love to have some comments/oppinions on these demo's. I'll be sure to post any new demo's as they continue to develop. ;d

Edit January 18,2008:

New Demo :D

Splash Beats! (Paradise Mix) [Demo] - DJ SymBiotiX


Well to be honest, my first few subissions werent really of OCRemix quality. I started work on a pretty sweet Megaman 4 Remix (for the intro music)a while ago for the mm4 project, but I couldnt figure out how to continue it so its been sitting for a while. Very recently, I touched it up a bit, but I kinda want to do a whole rework before I post it again. Stupid school taking up so much time :P

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

thanks guys :D. I have had like no time whatsoever to work on stuff for the past little week. I have exams and interviews and assignments this week and next week as well <_<. After that I should be able to be getting back to making some music. :D

I also have my intro finished, but I wanna save that for when the cd comes out ;).

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

So yea, full time work and all that jazz has been keeping me very busy lately (plus a bunch of other music projects that I wanna get done :()

Anyways, I finally have another demo to show you guys. Some may or may not be familiar with one of my previous songs "Splash Beats!". Anyways, back then it was my very first attempt at happy hardcore, thus.. yea, it wasnt spectacular. (Even though I think its like my most popular song :P)

Anyways, I decided to come back and remix it. I think this version is more true to the Happy Hardcore Genre (though I might be wrong). (Even got some sweet hoover synth :P)

Basically, its a new twist, more upbeat, and alot cleaner. Enjoy :D, let me know what you think.

Splash Beats! (Paradise Mix) [Demo] - DJ SymBiotiX

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