Grim Death Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 This song was inspired by a very lovely person at my school. I had made this song's first version in a day flat then for about a couple weeks i have been developing it further. I used bitrate of 320 because if i use any lower the Mp3 would sound bad at the ending (some glitch with the tempo change). Song's Title: 'Passion of Time' Game of Origin: 'Zelda: Ocarina of Time' Developer: 'Christopher Gosnell' Program used: 'Fruity Loops 7 XXL' File type: mp3 Bitrate: 320 Song archive: My Homepage ___________________________ Instruments and Sounds used: Sound Fonts: 198-Hollywood ST WT_Clarinet (Quoted from Fruity Loops Library) Vibe Pad-Vangelis FPC_Kick_Gretc_003 FPC_CIHH_GSab_002 FPC_SnrC_3_6 FPC_SdSt_B_004 FPC_Tom_16inPr_004 ___________________________ Song Links: (Adds) Any and all criticism accepted. Quote
Beoulve Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 I can't download it. Try uploading it at Quote
Harmony Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 I downloaded it but I got a ton of adware from a link I accidentally clicked on Megaupload. Definitely try to host it somewhere else. In anycase, I like what you've done so far. I actually don't have the song with me now to fully review, but from what I recall, I think the biggest thing you can improve would be to work on blending the strings together more smoothly, especially in the intro when they are really exposed. That can be as simple as just having the notes overlap each other for a little while between each chord change. It's actually not that big an issue once the other elements come in, but every little adds to a quality mix. Quote
Rozovian Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 I both like and dislike it. It has a very newb feel to it, which I don't like today. It's also very rearranged, with not enough regard for the original arrangement to keep a similar rhythm. However, it's not bad. It needs work, but it's not bad. From 2:09 forth, it sounds less wannabe-ish. Looks like the drums is what makes it feel that way. Rework the drums. Compress, pan, and make it more complex, add fills and such. Think like a drummer. The deliberately off-key pitch bends or seriously detuned stuff at 3:25 and forth has a very cool feel, but that doesn't mean they sound good. After 4 minutes, it feels you've made me waste half of the time listening to this, as it felt like the same thing over and over. A break in between, and then back again, with some alteration. There's a lack of general direction with this, it's not really going much anywhere. Like my remix of the Faron Woods music from Zelda: Twilight Princess, it lacks direction. You gotta give the remix some place to go, a climax, and then you gotta lead the listener there. Still, it's overall a pretty cool thing, and with a little work, you can make 3:25 and forth the big thing of the mix, then add little breadcrumbs on the road thare, and you're half way to a submittable thing. The rest would involve tweaking adsr, velocities, and overall mixing-related stuff like adding reverb, compressing, EQing, and such, where it is due, to the extent it is due, plus seeing where it isn't. So, more work is needed, but a good job so far. While the song of time has been heard over and over again in more or less listenable versions, this is listenable. With some work, it'll be good. Nice job so far! Quote
Grim Death Posted November 1, 2007 Author Posted November 1, 2007 Thank you all very much on the feed back. I can't download it. Try uploading it at I will try eslware here in a couple min. work on blending the strings together more smoothly I will try to blend those a tad bit more thank you for pointing that out. After 4 minutes, it feels you've made me waste half of the time listening to this, as it felt like the same thing over and over. A break in between, and then back again, with some alteration. There's a lack of general direction with this Well, I am trying my best to figure out ways for this song to trail up to the end, the only problem is that i barley have any knowledge in music. All i do for music on a daily basis is go to High School and play a Trumpet. So, Pretty much I'm not even sure how to right music. Half of it was moving notes up and down trying to figure out what sounds good. As to the Paning, Velocities, and what ever ADSR stands for. I didn't want to do much on Paning because i wanted it to basically use both speakers (just in case), but as i just now realized, Other people can automatically set there speakers to mono, so, I have no reason to not Pan. I will work on that a bit as well. The Velocities are bascically only on Percussion right now i didn't experiment with the others tho. Its only the Vibes, hi-hat, drums, and the like. Also on the Percussion (except the vibes), I tried to make different sets of loops and or rhythms for the beginning parts but all i came up with was the part you already hear. I'll try to make it change more. Quote
Rozovian Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Some clarification and general advice (and a bit of my musical background). I started out pressing keys on a synth, and it sounded terrible. Then I got into tracking (which is essentially writing notes in a single-track piano roll, tho some tracker software has a GUI - graphical user interface). Then I got into guitar. And bass. And I got my hands on garageBand. Now I feel I've missed out on a lot of chances to learn, but even so, the third-grade musical education I remember still helps. It's not what you lack, it's what you find useful. So, on to the terms and details: some panning is always good, just don't go to extremes. With the exception of intentionally hard-panned stuff, stuff generally sound pretty good when evenly panned in opposite direction. Set strings slightly to either side, and another instrument the other way. Careful about panning drums tho, as they tend to sound odd when panned unevenly. Some drums one way, some another - just look at a drumset. ADSR, or attack, decay, sustain, and release, are envelope settings, if determines how quickly the sound will fade in after the note is played (and since it's in milliseconds, we're talking about how softly the sound comes in) - Decay determines how soon it will go from the initial level to the Sustained level - Sustain is the level it's sustained at during long notes or when a sustain pedal is down - Release is how fast the sound fades out when the note is released. basic settings. Play around with those in another project to learn. When it comes to velocity, I recall Zircon's guide giving the ultimate advice: just think of how a real piano player would play. If we're talking about a piano. With most things, that's good advice - think of how a pro would do it, for real. This is pretty good for someone without the experience and knowledge in music some people display. I've played guitar and used trackers for a number of years, and I still don't get everything right when I show it here. But hey, nobody does. Try things out and see if you can imagine some kind of story to the remix you do, a set of events becoming more exciting. Something you can visualize when working on the music, and something to try to tell with the music. I find myself creating better stuff when I think like that, it could help too. I think having a specific source for inspiration is helpful, it's helped me before. Quote
Grim Death Posted November 4, 2007 Author Posted November 4, 2007 Some clarification and general advice Thank you so much on the information... It will be put to good use.. it will be awhile before the next version of this song comes out, because in the next week or two I will be quite busy with school, family, and other various activities. Thank you again for your assistance. Oh and btw I'm, not some random person who just started looking at this forum. I have been listening to the music of OCRemix sense about 2003. I just never got around to trying out to remix until last year when i came up with Jungle Vibes (Broken music.. lost the original edit file, never finished it [its in the website under song archives]) Quote
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