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Sooo... I actually asked ParagonX9 to do this, because I wanted a remix of Cavern Caprice and I wanted it to sound like his "The Alternate Route". He hasn't replied to my request though, so I tried my hand at it myself. I realize it's nowhere near as good as his mix, and I'm not likely to finish it either, but, I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me why my beats suck. Are they too intense, too weak, or what? For whatever reason it doesn't really feel like they're pushing the song forward like those in The Alternate Route do, or like a solid 4 on the floor beat would. I've been listening to music that has this kind of drum programming for years but making something like it myself is new to me. Yeah, there are other areas that could be improved, especially balancing and the bassline. If you have any advice, please post them... and I'm always open to collaboration! ;)



Overall it sounds very synthy, the drums too. They lack a real sharp and crisp attack that I like to hear from beats. Tightening the attack and some nice EQ'ing would really spice them up, and EQ the other parts so they don't walk all over the beats too. Just some thoughts, the arrangement was solid for me.

WTF, ParagonX9 is a little girl?! Awesome (unless it's a publicity stunt, in which case not awesome)! Either way, girl mixers ftw! :-D

LOL, wow I'm totally confused now =/ Keep us updated on what's up, lol.

Anyways, somethings up with my comp/link, cuz I can't dl it >.< I really want to listen so I'll see what's up!


k real reply.

The drums themselves really like a punch, a snap, a quick 'pow', and the sound really over used really quickly. I know the snare sound sticks out really hard, and you aren't using it twice in a typical 4 beat pattern, rather then you'll hit it several times. By this I mean, take a typical kick, snare, kick, snare beat. You have the snare going all over the place during the other parts of that beat, at the same volume as the main downbeat, so it sounds quite cluttered. If you make it sound subtle, kind of like a snare brush is hitting it, it may open things up more.

The kick right from the beginning I didn't really like. It sounds compressed/slight distorted, with some reverb or something on the low end, making it a little muddy.

The hats/shakers don't seem too bad imo though...

One thing that could easily fix all this, is you finding an amen break, and substituting what you have for it.

and then just finding a better kick for the intro.

or that could just be my solution to everything.....

The drums themselves really like a punch, a snap, a quick 'pow', and the sound really over used really quickly. I know the snare sound sticks out really hard, and you aren't using it twice in a typical 4 beat pattern, rather then you'll hit it several times.

I feel like there's a word or two missing in each of these sentences. I don't quite understand what you're saying... Though the next sentences kinda make up for it, I guess.

One thing that could easily fix all this, is you finding an amen break, and substituting what you have for it.

I could make one myself, I guess. I realize that the break itself might not be the best there is, but I was mainly concerned with the sound of it.


If I may add a suggestion (I know shit about breakbeats and DnB so bear with me and just say it if I'm suggesting stupid things :P), I'd say that besides the loading up of different snare samples so you can put accents where you want them and have a less intrusive sample hit whenever you don't (convoluted sentence, I know), you should vary the amount of times the snare appears within the beat.

I think that everything was pretty fine until you got back to the descending synth pattern from the intro; somehow that section seems to me like it was intended as a sort of 'breather' after the intensity of the previous section, however this idea was kind of brought down by the fact that the drums stayed as busy as before and didn't change at all. I think it would help to tone down the rapid firing drums a bit by removing some less essential parts of the beat to give it a less busy feeling, that way you can give the whole mix a feeling of dynamicism, and the intensive sections will feel twice as intensive because of the contrast with the mellower ones.

Whew, sorry for my shitty grammar, but I'm really tired and it's starting to show on my foreign language skills, I hope I got the point across :P


Try writing that in Dutch and I'm sure I wouldn't understand any more of it. My Dutch is... well... not good. ;) Good points, I'm sure that if I continue working on this I'll pay much more attention to dynamics over the song. I threw in the intro and breaks just to make it long enough to give the listener an idea of what I had in mind. I was mainly concerned with the beats in the more intense sections, and you offered some advice there as well. So thank you.

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