Liontamer Posted November 24, 2007 Posted November 24, 2007 Yo, remix: The Place I'll Probably Return to Someday, maybe by Cram original: Final Fantasy IX - The Place I'll Return to Someday by Nobuo Uematsu This is something that I was working on a few weeks ago and decided to revisit. I really like how it turned out. I'd always have the opening tune stuck in my head after playing ffIX and wanted to re-do it, my style. I am a huge fan of Nobuo and absolutely love to listen to/play ska music. So it's no surprise this song came to be. This is my second submission and after recovering from the sorrow of being rejected on the first, I decided to submit another. I tried my best to follow the advice that was given to me and it actually helped me a lot. In retrospect, I put a lot more effort into this one than the last. Anyways, I'll stop blabbering - enjoy! Thanks, -marc -------------------------------------------------------------- - 101 "The Place I'll Return to Someday" Piano Collections Final Fantasy IX - 03 "The Place I'll Return to Someday" The source the artist linked to was pnly a clip from FF9's Piano Collections. In this case, I'd say don't bother; it's just a piano cover, so on that level it didn't offer any new insight into the source that the PSF doesn't. In any case, definitely a cool approach to the arrangement, just not produced very well, IMO. No idea why the leads were placed so far back in the soundscape to the point of not being very audible. The thick beat felt like it was distorting a bit on each hit, but it may have been just because it was layered with something else. In any case, not a good sound to keep getting hit with every second. I'd appreciate a knowledgeable second opinion specifically on that. Melody is vastly changed, arriving at :33, with the chorus from :52-1:12. Melody returned on piano from 1:12-1:50, thus showing why he felt the Piano Collections version was his source. Track ends at 1:52 with about 4 seconds of silence at the end that would need to be snipped. The arrangement was definitely highly interpretive. I'd argue the groove was good (solid beat, strong bassline), but not good enough to carry the track on cruise control for the entire time. Some may disagree; the brevity of the track certainly makes this level of repetition more tolerable, plus the backing guitar kwak in the back would vary up here and there. (All the guitars were nicely performed, IMO.) IMO, I think the core groove could be altered once or twice without ruining the character of the arrangement, but I'd literally be satisfied with the instrumentation being rebalanced. Awesome first sub, and good luck with the rest of the vote. Definitely hope to hear more from you in the future, Marc. NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)
zircon Posted November 25, 2007 Posted November 25, 2007 I agree with Larry's production criticisms, eg. the kick being a little too loud and distorted. Leads definitely could be louder. However I would also like to add some others (including some performance issues) - * The guitars have too much reverb, I would definitely go for a closer sound. * The guitar performances don't seem as tight as they could be, if you CAN re-record and try to get things a little more spot on that would be great. * The rhythm guitar is too loud throughout - also maybe consider double tracking it and panning each opposite eachother (hard left and hard right) or use a stereo enhance effect. * Drums are pretty static throughout. I definitely like the groove but I would like to hear a few snare or tom fills here and there, and maybe some different fundamental rhythms. The interpretation is really good, no question about that. I certainly wouldn't mind hearing another minute or so of arrangement, as I could imagine a number of places you would go with it, but I'd be content if that aspect didn't change. Production/execution is my only real beef. NO, resub
DarkeSword Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Man, why is this not even two minutes? It's so groovy, you could add in like a guitar solo or something. Oh well. In any case I really like the interpretation and the groove; I think the production crits stand, so I'd like to see those taken care of. I do like the part where the kick starts dropping on every downbeat; a simple, subtle change that drives the song forward. Let's hear a little more of that kind of stuff. NO but resub plz
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