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I've been trying to find an old flash video that I had seen some years back here online of the final battle against Kefka in Final Fantasy VI, however all of the character sprites, including kefka, were changed to Video Game Consoles (Ranging from Megadrive, to Xbox) fighting, and even the final credits screen was also changed to fit this as well.

I can't quite remember the name of it, nor have I found it on Youtube, Newgrounds, or even Ebaums. The thing was, the site that I saw it on years ago was all in Japanese or Korean (can't quite remember which exactly), yet the flash was all in English.

Does anybody here know what I'm talking about and where I can find it?:puppyeyes:

I figured to ask around here, since this is one of the biggest gaming forums I know, hopefully someone here will know what I'm talking about.


Dear lord watching that makes me want to play Final Fantasy VI again.

*Grabs DS* Time to go to kick ass!

If there is anyone here who loves FFVI who hasnt seen that little flash (it is rather long, goes through the final battle ALL the way through the credits, to their own tone that is), it is quite entertaining if you can pick up on what every system is and all the inside jokes.


i remember that the original site that that video is from has the links to the remixes of the songs, however, finding them now on the original site, it seems that a few of the links are broken, and a few others you'd have to look through the sites in Japanese to figure out what song is what.

The flash video shows the remix titles and whatnot I believe (don't quote me 100% on this) of the songs and who they're by.


I had forgotten about that video.

Haven't yet beaten FFVI so I can't watch it all the way through though...

I actually made it a habit to download all the mp3s from those gems/flash flicks.

How, exactly, do you do that?

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