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Speaking personally, I tend to only post in response to music I'm really passionate about... such as the OneUps vol 2, Pendulum, Audix, to name a few recent examples. I don't know if I'm considered an "important" person or not. Free releases are definitely cool, and I don't know anyone who DOESN'T support them, but considering how many of them there are, and how the quality is often highly variable, even within a compilation, I don't post in all the threads because I'd rather not give out half-hearted recommendations.

I also agree with sgx that "free" still bears the stigma of "lower quality" for a lot of people, which may be why some people are less likely to click.

I don't know if I'm considered an "important" person or not.


With you being a judge, a member of the community for over 5 years, with over 9000 posts, and a successful remix album of one of the most loved Final Fantasies under your belt with you at its helm, hmmm.

Nah, not important enough. You'd have to be at least DJP himself, or Chuck Norris.



I guess the thing with compilation, and/or free albums, is that consistency may vary across the board quite a bit. With compilation albums, you can't be sure if the genres will be similar, or if if turns out to be a rag-tag collection of songs from a handful of talented musicians plus some others.

Thankfully, after listening to Wardriver over the past few days, I must say that I'm still happily listening to it on my playlist.

The album's got a very chill feel to it, and whilst not being close to common 'chillout' tracks out there, it's still great music to have in the background, without falling into the 'ambient' or 'loungeroom music' category. Pleasant to listen to, and rewarding to pay attention to.

Personal favourites include Beaten Bishop's Treedom, and Suzu's Park City. The rest of the tracks complement each other nicely, and overall, Wardriver 002's sum of its parts make for an appealing and appreciated free release from the fellows at ThaSauce.

PS: Bumppitybump.


Thanks atma! Stuff like that means a lot.

Yeah though pretty much I'm coming to realize that it's a really hard problem to solve. You make things for free and people can assume it isn't good enough to be sold, and if you start selling you risk limiting or losing the listeners you already have and or could have had.

My general plan is to make a couple more free things and put them everywhere I possibly can and hope enough people listen to them to make selling future things a reality (and only if that's likely to lead to more listeners).

All that said -

I love garden art! I remember when you put that out before and I still love it. Third, Fourth, Sixth and Ninth are my favorites (especially Fourth).

Thanks atma! Stuff like that means a lot.

Yeah though pretty much I'm coming to realize that it's a really hard problem to solve. You make things for free and people can assume it isn't good enough to be sold, and if you start selling you risk limiting or losing the listeners you already have and or could have had.

My general plan is to make a couple more free things and put them everywhere I possibly can and hope enough people listen to them to make selling future things a reality (and only if that's likely to lead to more listeners).

All that said -

I love garden art! I remember when you put that out before and I still love it. Third, Fourth, Sixth and Ninth are my favorites (especially Fourth).

A happy middle ground might be doing what sgx did with his earlier albums (he might still do it, actually.) Release free MP3s of 192kbps or less of a number of the songs, perhaps putting up a new one for download as soon as you finish it, but then once you have a good number, put them all on a CD and add a few exclusives. People that want a good taste can download a good chunk of the album is slightly lower quality, and if they want to support you, get full WAVs and bonus tracks, then they can buy it.

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