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  1. This song reminds me of some wounded soldier, fighting for his life in some uphill battle. Fighting, fighting, never winning.... Very great: 9/10
  2. Its beat is pretty good, sounds like it's just... everywhere. 8.5/10
  3. Yeah! I like it =) Its hilarious and stuff..... 9/10....
  4. Chocobolicious.... Nice..... I loved the cute little chocobo voices =) =) =) 9/10
  5. Whoooooooa.... Very nice... A tad hard to hear the melody, but yeaaaa.... 8.5/10
  6. I liked it! Very good, and thats it.... 8/10
  7. !!!!!!!! Whoa! Very nice. But kind of confusing, which makes it good, for a battle theme. 9/10
  8. Yeah... I loved the arpegios... And well, the guitar just sounds odd, but its improvised area late in the song is good. 7/10
  9. It emphasizes the Jamming. I didn't like the changes to the jazzy feel, but It could be because I'm not much of a jazz fan. 7/10
  10. Very peaceful... Just soothing and overall, great. 8/10
  11. My god... Absolutely amazing... One of the best ever I've heard.... I like the.. everything. 11/10 EDIT: Ok after hearing a few mundred more times..... THIS THE ABSOLUTELY BEST!!!!!!! I can listen to it I don't know how many times in a row, but I'm pushing 450 now....... Arrgh.... Its is absolutely amazing.......
  12. This one had a bit more stuff piled on it. It made it much more original. Which is good. But still has that one feeling of the original. Which is also good. 8.5/10
  13. !!! Very Nice! The very beginning is just a bit.... something I didn't like, but ince the theme had been introduced, I liked it the whole way. 9/10.
  14. Very nice song, with a nice beat, and overall is good. But sometimes it gets hard to hear the actual song, which amy have peen the point, I don't know, but Its great. 9/10
  15. I find that these songs don't seem to blend well, there's too much gap in transition.... 7/10
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