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  • Real Name
    Cory Harbak
  • Location
    Edmonton, Canada


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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Recording Facilities
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Keyboard, Guitar, Growling, Screaming

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  1. Sorry about that, sir! I haven't been on OCR lately, with only e-mail notifications to remind me to visit every once in a while. But yeah, Brandon's right; my brother's band has got my POD but I know the guy who has been keeping it at his house, and he text messaged me today to let me know he wouldn't make it out today, but will do his best to drop it off before he goes to work tomorrow. He'll keep trying until he makes it work. He has ULTRA_long shifts so he can't come out after work, which would usually be more practical. Here's hoping that the delay hasn't pissed you guys off!
  2. Yeah Gario, I've filled out a Support Request form for Steinberg, telling them all the crap that just happened with my Cubase. So hopefully everything gets well by the end of the week, so I can meet some deadlines...and at least do something about the deadlines I've already missed on projects.
  3. Even more likely, now that my fucking Cubase license refuses to re-activate. Fuck my life, this is the worst.
  4. I'm glad that the date is extended, because I have to format my recording computer's hard drive and re-install everything. Hopefully I can do all that in the next couple of hours.
  5. Yeah sorry about that, just recently my recording computer stopped running my recording software. I've been waiting to format C: until I needed to...and it seems that's now. I'll try to get the re-installation finished as soon as I can, and then I'll finally have something to work with.

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  6. Dood, waiting for your GMRB remix.

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  7. Alright this time I'll make it past the first round. Okay probably not, but: 1) Bubble Crab (X2) 2) Slash Beast (X4) 3) Infinity Mijinion (X6) methinks.
  8. Alright I'm gonna go ahead and ask if I can claim Out Of Time. Can I claim Out Of Time? I'd really like to claim Out Of Time, if at all possible.
  9. Bitchez don't know about my making that song in 4 hours one day and not giving enough fucks to make it any less hilariously bad. Also, Cyril, Demi loves the tune. Thanks for fulfilling the request!
  10. Haha, I'm glad you like some of it. To be honest, the drunk people weren't even supposed to be the ship originally but after listening repeatedly, it sounded that way and I decided to leave it in. But mostly to partially mask my really terrible performance.
  11. Okay so my project file deleted itself but all of the audio remained. So I made a new project file, using the existing audio, and painstakingly put it all back in place and tried to mix it again, in an hour, so it might sound really sloppy and terrible when this MP3 finally uploads. For this, I apologize. Also, all of my drunk friends are in this MP3. I'm sorry about that too. EDIT: I am so...SO sorry for what you will hear in my track. Mostly the music; my drunk friends actually sort of mask the shittiness in the first portion of the song quite well. But for the remainder of the song, I apologize.
  12. Oh! Oh--oh! Well! I guess this is pretty cool news! ^__^
  13. Haha I will, I promise; the source is easy enough.
  14. I would play the shit out of this. <3
  15. Uh I just clicked the HUnewearl (Mascot 027 apparently) from Phantasy Star Online, and there's no mention of PSO Episodes I&II on Gamecube, only on the Xbox. I own the Gamecube version, in case there's any doubt. I know, I'm just nitpicking.
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