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  1. I have put the expanded version of Zebesian Midnight on my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6hrz2vq1ay94hco/Vigilante - Super Metroid - Zebesian Midnight (Full OC ReMix).ogg?dl=1
  2. From the description of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9oBX7iZKSE:
  3. Or the more well known: Cheetahman II - Main theme: Phoenix Wright - Cornered: Breath of Fire III - Forest: Chrono Trigger - Guardia Forest:
  4. Some that haven't been listed yet that I really like Order of Tyr - Chiptunez of Destiny http://videogamemetal.com/album/chiptunez-of-destiny Anything by Dubmood really, I really like: http://dataairlines.bandcamp.com/album/lost-floppies-vol-2-data027 The Aqua Kitty soundtrack (seriously just listen to 5. Kitty Rock, it's awesome) http://electric-cafe.bandcamp.com/album/aqua-kitty-soundtrack Anything by syphus, notably the Pineapple smash crew soundtrack: http://syphus.bandcamp.com/album/pineapple-smash-crew-soundtrack Kubbi - 2012 singles: http://kubbi.bandcamp.com/album/2012-singles I regularly scour around on bandcamp so they might not all be well known, there's a huge library of all kinds of chiptune music there.
  5. Hi guys, Another entry in the Symphonic series will be livestreamed on http://www1.wdr.de/orchester/planm/index.html at18:30 local time. You can find a countdown on http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131122T1830&p0=311&msg=Symphonic+Selections&csz=1
  6. I just finished listening to the entire OST and I really like it , it's great to play it as background music once in a while. Bump because this deserves more attention/feedback ^^
  7. I haven't played a lot of games that made me cry but To the moon certainly did the job.
  8. I remember Pipe Dream being a demo for my ATI card, in fact, it appears the demo is still available on http://developer.amd.com/archive/legacydemos/pages/ATIRadeon9700Real-TimeDemos.aspx
  9. Anyone played or heard of Really Big Sky (http://bossbaddie.co.uk/bigsky/) ? I've played it for a few hours and like the intensity, reminds me a lot of hard arcade shmups. As for my favorite, probably Tyrian
  10. MIDI is also the protocol used when you hook up a synth keyboard to your computer for recording. A midi file is (well more or less) nothing more than a dump of that protocol to a file. Software can interpret midi files as sheet music, but they aren't stored as such. In essence, a midi file is of the most part a long list of: note <index> on note <index> off, note <index> on, note <index> off along with their timestamps in delta ticks on 1 or several channels (tracks). And each channel (track) has a current instrument defined.
  11. To be clear, I didn't draw that, nor is that deviantArt page mine. I did a quick search and stumbled on that and thought it would fit nicely
  12. You should look on http://www.dragon-tear.net/ if you haven't already for lots of resources about BOF if you haven't already. Also this: Yes I know, it looks horribly slapped together (and it is ). Someone can probably make something better (the subtitle looks horrible .. really) Sources: http://xcbdh.deviantart.com/art/Breath-of-Fire-2-Poster-45924219 http://www.jap-sai.com/Games/Breath_of_Fire/Breath_of_Fire.htm
  13. I thoroughly enjoyed the live stream , it was the first time I saw it completely and not just pieces from youtube. I liked the fact that they added 2 not-on-program performances ^^, although I don't know if they have done that in previous concerts. I should really look into actually going to a concert next time Let's see if I can embed all the parts in the first post Edit: I've added youtube links for all pieces in the original post.
  14. Just started http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr-tv-event_web-l.asx live stream works for me in VLC (the one on the page itself did not) If the above link does not work you could try DSL: http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr-tv-event_web-m.asx 56k: http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr-tv-event_web-s.asx
  15. Livestream starts today on 19h45 GMT +1 on http://wdr.de/mediathek/html/regional/livestream/sondersendung.xml To see what time this is in your timezone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110709T1945&p1=988
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