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Vortex RuneCutter

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    Rogue Paladin/Berserker/Death Knight


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  1. Wow... 10 years already. This makes me feel old. Thanks for all the great remixes, which I still listen to this very day. Nostalgia. Congrats on your success OCR!
  2. Anybody can link me to the video of the guy that keeps yelling orders to people?
  3. Anybody on the Medievh server? If so, look up RAINFANG (Alliance) and Arckana (Horde)
  4. Thanks for 5 wonderful years of music. I'm a very VERY nostalgic man, and OCR has really kept me young at heart. I haven't always agreed with the way you run things, David, but it doesn't change the fact that you know what you're doing. So, Pretz, here's to another 5 years of excellent music, noob-bashing, judge-bashing, thread-breaking, bagel-wanging, Vortex-pic-whoring, catgirls, sporks and "favorites" thread-making. Cheers! Excellent remix, by the way. Stephane Dylan Prince AKA Vortex
  5. Always been a big fan of Rayza's way of remixing. Love the beats. Nice job!
  6. Angelfire died on me... anybody have a suggestion on a good free replacement?
  7. Malroth. Dragon Warrior 2. Toughest.
  8. Listen to it with headphones... At 1:55, there's a slight glitch, as well as 1:58. I have a very sharp ear.
  9. Downloaded when it first came out on VGMIX... I liked it then, I like it now.
  10. The band's name is "Game Over" Check out their website... It's been a year since OCR uploaded this remix, and we still haven't heard from them yet. They have a cool Super Mario remix on their site.
  11. I'm really not a fan of Chrono Trigger music, but this one stands out as superb. Nice work!
  12. I'm not one to review remixes, mostly because of the lack of knowledge of terms. But I will give my opinion on this remix. I like it a lot.
  13. I'd like to thank Jared Hudson for such a great remix. And to all others, I'd like to say we need more FFX remixes!
  14. And where may we see these lyrics? In DJP's review? *Goes to check*
  15. Castlevania may be a rocker's game, and God knows I love rock, but when it's transferred right (from rock to rap, in this case), it becomes a work of art that cannot be easily pulled off. I believe DJCrono pulled it off quite nicely.
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