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    Student... ugh

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    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
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  1. Never thought I'd run into one this obvious but... here it is SF2 Vega's theme Ananda Shake - Street Fighter
  2. Goldfish - Soundtracks and comebacks starts about 1:24Vs. Sewer Surfing www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH-lLbHbG-A I was suprised
  3. At least they dropped... still a massive fail, but at least someone got to use them.
  4. Totally bought, this kind of music needs to be supported wholeheartedly. Great job BGC.
  5. This is what Juese Belmont should have sounded like. The cover certainly does the original justice and then some.
  6. I threw "Kirby" into a Napster search one day, looking for Kirby Adventure original music. I happened to download Sgt Rama's Green Greens(ContagiousEyeInfection) which he credits to Superstar, but Green Greens in Green Greens. I was on a nigh insane quest to find where it came from, and happened to find this site.
  7. Damn, just started listening to episode 8, and what was the track called two tracks after the Infected Mushroom- Unbalanced (Baby killer Remix)? The last psytrance on the podcast, if that makes things clearer. Also, keep up the amazing work
  8. One of my favorites that I hear quite often on Chill is Digby Jones Under the Sea
  9. Not sure about the Megaman flash, but could you be thinking of Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom?
  10. http://thisspartanlife.com/8bit.php This is what got me interested in 8-bit tunes
  11. I've been looking for all of DD's non OCR mixes for probably years... or at least 2 computers ago, but someone finally posted a full zip of everything that was on his old site, I'm pretty sure http://www.themmnetwork.com/community/index.php?showtopic=1980 Thank god for Google
  12. Another vote for this, I haven't been able to put Audiosurf, Braid or World of Goo down. I don't think I've had this much fun for 30 bucks in a long time
  13. Ha ha, wow, I'm glad this thread is still going on. The raven pictures made me want to log in just to stare at my caldari navy Raven such an awesome ship And yeah, Stealth bombers are great when you actually use them smartly, as in Cloaking to 4/5 Covert ops to 4/5 and Torpedo SPECIALIZATION to 3/4 , that means Torpedoes to 5... I still haven't done it, but then again, I use my Raven for missions, and only touch my stealth bomber for killing structures, or just screwing around when I know I'm safe. They're great, but they ARE made out of paper. The only thing that saves them is the fact that they're frigate sized... and maybe a speed tank, but I've never tried it All of this reminded me to check my Cruise missile skill, 20 minutes to level 5, then specialization By the way, does anyone still go into the OCR channel anymore? Or does anyone still know about it? I've been pretty bad about it myself
  14. I hope someone splits this up, its gonna be a lot of music, but from what I heard tonight, it'll be fantastic. What time GMT does the party start up again?
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