Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! Composed by Akito Nakatsuka, Minako Hamano
"Think on Your Feet" "Menu", "Ranking", "Title"
Arranged by Flake, TSori, Andrew Gossett, AnimeVivi, Chromatic Apparatus, iCrescendo, Kalen Scott Thomas, KestrelGirl, myuik, optimizasean, Sean R. Hanson, ViolinGamer, zmand97 |
AUG 29 2024
Breath of Death VII: The Beginning Composed by Gordon McNeil, James Ghosh, John Osinski, Roald Strauss, yesso
"Quest in Peace" "Calm Streams", "Metal Flowers"
Arranged by Brandon Strader, Jeff Ball, Rexy, WillRock |
JAN 9 2014
Breath of Fire Composed by Mari Yamaguchi, Minae Fujii, Tatsuya Nishimura, Yasuaki Fujita, Yoko Shimomura
"Epitaph of Alan and Cerl" "Fate"
Arranged by DarkCecil13 |
JUN 18 2002
Chrono Trigger Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda
"Molding of Destinies" "Chrono Trigger", "Field of Time: Home World", "Life ~A Distant Promise~", "Schala's Theme"
Arranged by Russell Cox |
JUN 11 2002
Donkey Kong Country Composed by David Wise, Eveline Novakovic, Robin Beanland
"OSHA Violation" "Fear Factory"
Arranged by Reuben Spiers, Earth Kid, sleffy |
SEP 13 2019
Dragon Warrior VII Composed by Koichi Sugiyama
"Deeper in the Heart" "Days of Sadness", "With Sadness in Heart"
Arranged by Bluelighter, Arvangath, Chris ~ Amaterasu, Katajun |
JUL 19 2018
Final Fantasy IV Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Empress Waltz" "Flowers Blooming in the Church", "Garnet's Theme", "Princess Zelda's Rescue", "Rosalina in the Observatory 3", "The Wedding Waltz ~ Duel", "Troian Beauty"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp, Julia Henderson, Kristin Naigus, MatcHey, May Claire La Plante, Medllix, Meowsical, P2 Sue, PitTan, Samantha Ballard, Tiggs |
MAR 8 2022
Final Fantasy V Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"What Lurks Behind the Door" "Clash on the Big Bridge"
Arranged by Lucas Guimaraes, Andrew Steffen |
JAN 15 2024
Final Fantasy VII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Devotion of a Caring Soul" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by Jorito, Amerlyn Zeta, Andrew Steffen, Andrew Stern, Chromatic Apparatus, Damian Nguyen, Dewey Newt, Earth Kid, Gamer of the Winds, JohnStacy, Lauren the Flute, mkafie, Travis Kindred, TSori, Yuki K |
MAY 3 2021
Final Fantasy VIII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Find Your Way to the East" "Find Your Way"
Arranged by Sorven, Chromatic Apparatus, Daphne F., GuitarSVD, optimizasean, SableProvidence, Travis Kindred, William Sandberg |
MAY 22 2023
"Song of the Desperado" "The Man with the Machine Gun"
Arranged by Lucas Guimaraes, Andrew Steffen, Chromatic Apparatus, Shea's Violin |
MAY 11 2023
Final Fantasy X Composed by Junya Nakano, Masashi Hamauzu, Nobuo Uematsu
"Revelation" "Revealed Truth"
Arranged by sschafi1, Triforce Quartet |
AUG 8 2018
Golden Sun Composed by Motoi Sakuraba
"Hand of the Fire Clan" "Battle! (Saturos and Menardi)", "Saturos and Menardi"
Arranged by Bluelighter, Chris ~ Amaterasu, JohnStacy |
JUN 30 2020
Metroid Prime Composed by Kenji Yamamoto (I), Koichi Kyuma
"Gravity Suit" "Crashed Ship Frigate Orpheon"
Arranged by Outset Initiative, Andrew Steffen, DrumUltimA, Joshua Du Chene, Ryan Ike |
NOV 18 2022
Pokémon SoulSilver Version Composed by Go Ichinose, Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda, Morikazu Aoki, Satoshi Nohara, Shota Kageyama
"Gold Soul" "National Park"
Arranged by Emunator, CNDR, Andrew Gossett, Andrew Steffen, Brandon Harnish, Chromatic Apparatus, ErichWK, Gamer of the Winds, Lucas Guimaraes, Marissa Turnage, Steven Higbee, TSori, Whispy Woodwinds, ZackParrish |
SEP 13 2024
Secret of Mana Composed by Hiroki Kikuta
"Eternal Beginnings" "A Bell is Tolling", "Eternal Recurrence", "Now Flightless Wings", "The Little Sprite"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp, Alex Hill, Bassoonify, Chris ~ Amaterasu, Daniel Cortes, dannymusic, Elliot May, Emily Misura, Gamer of the Winds, JohnStacy, Sarah Overton, Tanner Johnson, XPRTNovice, Younes Elbayad |
APR 16 2019
Skies of Arcadia Composed by Tatsuyuki Maeda, Yutaka Minobe
"The MFD" "Dungeon of the Military Facilities"
Arranged by djpretzel |
JAN 28 2019
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
"Crocodile Kroctoberfest (Prost Mix)" "Crocodile Cacophony"
Arranged by General Grunt, Ian Martyn, Lucas Guimaraes, Muffin Tunes, Nemo Fairlight, optimizasean, Ridley Snipes, Shea's Violin, Valse39 |
OCT 2 2023
Terranigma Composed by Masanori Hikichi, Miyoko Takaoka, Yuzo Koshiro
"Beginning of the Journey" "Departure"
Arranged by Fredrik Häthén, Alex Hill, Andrew Steffen, Andrew Thompson, Atsumu, Bassoonify, Catboss., Chromatic Apparatus, Damian Nguyen, dannymusic, DavidRussell323, Dean Nguyen, Gamer of the Winds, Harpsona, JohnStacy, Lauren the Flute, mkafie, pingosimon, Travis Kindred |
DEC 19 2019
"Mother Earth (Bound by Fate)" "The Way Home"
Arranged by Manji, Catie Williams, Jorito, JoyDreamer, Richard Spencer |
FEB 26 2020
The Legend of Zelda Composed by Koji Kondo
"Zelda by Lamplight" "Dark World Dungeon", "Ganon's Message", "Sanctuary Dungeon", "Underground"
Arranged by shodan |
MAR 17 2025
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Composed by Asuka Hayazaki, Koji Kondo, Toru Minegishi
"Wistful" "Ballad of the Goddess", "Hyrule Field Main Theme", "Lost Woods", "Midna's Lament", "Windmill Hut", "Zelda's Theme"
Arranged by Chimpazilla |
DEC 11 2014