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Shonen ReMix Jump! - History


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Hey guys, I was working on my track when I had a sweet idea! Part of the Clash of Ninja Menu theme has people shouting "Hyeh", "Hyoh" of course "Hiyaa!" so wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got to join in? For now I'll keep it to people within the album but if you're interested please send me a message! I think this would a cool thing to do together not only as an album group but maybe even a community xD

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Hey All, Hope things are going well! 

We have another Artist on board the Album :)!  Fungist is coming on with a Dragon Ball Z Remix and an awesome demo of it too :)!

Welcome Aboard! 


Updated the deadline to be on October 30th as well to check in on the progress everyone's making. Keep up the good work everyone!!!

On 7/13/2016 at 4:14 PM, SkyRiderX said:

Hey guys, I was working on my track when I had a sweet idea! Part of the Clash of Ninja Menu theme has people shouting "Hyeh", "Hyoh" of course "Hiyaa!" so wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got to join in? For now I'll keep it to people within the album but if you're interested please send me a message! I think this would a cool thing to do together not only as an album group but maybe even a community xD

This would be an EPIC idea man! 8)

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Ok! Sadly in the hectic confusion of life and the project falling silent for awhile,(Cosmic and I have been busy and plum forgot so that's our bad xD),we've had some people drop a few tracks. So this means we'll have some extra room for anyone who wishes to join in still! We'll be reviewing where everyone is at, updating the tracklist and try to figure out a new series of deadlines. Sorry for the delays and let's get this album back on track! ---SkyRiderX

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Hi All, I apologize for falling behind on the album. Went through a move last December, got Engaged :), and got busy in general. Getting back on top of the album, and am checking back in with artists to get a status update for the tracks on the album. 

We still have plenty of room for more artists to hop on aboard the album :)!!

Thanks for all of the hard work from all the artists on this album, and for your patience as well. Looking forward to the albums release in the future!

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Posting the announcement here as well :) 


The Shonen Jump Remix Album will accept remixes from ANY Shonen Jump Video Game.

The Shonen Jump Universe is quite large indeed, and this way many Shonen Jump Video Games can be covered. Giving artists a variety of sources to choose from (Much thanks to my Co-Directors for pitching this idea)! The Album as a whole will have 1 Opening song and 1 Closing song using the criteria listed below. 

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Alright everyone, just posting this as a reminder that the deadline is coming up on March 30th. Re-caping on the albums update below as well, for those who missed it :). 


The Shonen Jump Remix Album will accept remixes from ANY Shonen Jump Video Game.

The Shonen Jump Universe is quite large indeed, and this way many Shonen Jump Video Games can be covered. Giving artists a variety of sources to choose from (Much thanks to my Co-Directors for pitching this idea)! The Album as a whole will have 1 Opening song and 1 Closing song using the criteria listed below. 

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Alright all! Have another major update for everyone. We're going to be fast tracking the album towards completion. Shooting for a finish date of [November 10, 2017] and hopefully a Winter Release (2017 or early 2018). I've included the deadlines and milestones in this post as well :). We now only have 1 Last Song that needs to be claimed, and it's the closing song for the album. Thanks so much for everyone's hard work on the album!!

10. June 30th, 2017 [Substantial WIP Deadline]

11. September 30th, 2017 [Completed Songs Deadline]

12. October 10th, 2017 [Song Evaluation Milestone]

13. October 28th, 2017 [Album Artwork Completed]

14. November 10th, 2017 [Album Completion]

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Update: I love the general excitement for this album everyone :) !!!! We have yet another finalized WAV in for the Album!!!!

We're making fantastic process as well!! If anyone still wants to join in on the album then you're more then welcome too :D !!! But the final wav would have to be done on the Finalized Wav Deadline [which has been pushed to October 3rd, 2017].

I'll post this update in the Album's Closed FB Group as well :) .

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Hey All!

We've all made fantastic progress and strides during the Albums' Life Cycle, but we are reaching a close :) !!

I apologize for being behind on the October 10th deadline, this is partially due to the event that took place in my Hometown Las Vegas on October 1st.

The deadline for the Finalized WAV has been extended to November 30th for the completion of the Album.

Whatever we've got on that date we will be moving forward with :).

Thanks for the hard work everyone!!!

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That's right everyone! ALL anime related video games are up for remixing. Opening up the possibilities for everyone in what can be remixed.

As such, the final deadline of this album has been extended out to this Summer. We are also in search of album artists as well! (Don't hesitate to reach out to me either :) ).

I know this has been an insanely long journey with hurdles everywhere along the way, but we'll definitely make this happen! Let's rally towards the finish everyone!!!

On 10/25/2017 at 3:17 PM, timaeus222 said:

We're almost there? Sweet! Unfortunately, due to how busy I am in grad school, I probably have to retract my offer for mixing and mastering (seeing as I can't get home until Thanksgiving/Christmas), but good luck with everything!

Much appreciated man!!!

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11 hours ago, Earth Kid said:

I'd be happy to offer female vocals, Celtic harp, piano, hammered dulcimer, and ethnic percussion should anybody need it!

If I think of a song that fits the album's theme (I just keep thinking of music from anime, not necessarily the game spinoffs), I'll pitch something too. I'm excited for this! :)

That would be amazing @Earth Kid :) !!!

Definitely keep me posted :D !!!!

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