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So, I was working on my entry for this week's PRC (ENTER!! O.o), and I decided to call it a day. I listened it over one more time, and it sounded fine. After saving it and exporting it to mp3, I played it through WMP to make sure everything was ok.

Well, it got to a certain point and then the percussion randomly just stopped. After several seconds, it started back up again. I confirmed that it sounded as it was supposed to in the .flp, and I couldn't see what was causing the weirdness. I tried exporting a couple different times, even using different filenames and switching between "cut remainder" and "leave remainder", having no idea what to do. The percussion still drops out at the same spot. Anyone know what I should do?


Not sure what the problem is, but in the worst case, you could export a version without percussion and export a percussion-only version by muting/soloing tracks, and then combine them.

Not sure what the problem is, but in the worst case, you could export a version without percussion and export a percussion-only version by muting/soloing tracks, and then combine them.

that might mess up the mastering, tho.

sounds like you have a really weird problem.

Look for weird things happening with automation, that's a possible culprit.

Save a backup copy of your flp, then make a new version and start messing around with the playlist. Isolate the section where the drop happens. Does it still happen? Drop all the patterns except for the percussion patterns. Does it still happen?

Try disabling channels as well. Anything that might provide a clue.

you could post the project file too, if you want other people to have a look at it/see if the same thing happens.



Muting all other tracks - Didn't work

Deleting all other tracks - Didn't work

Deleting everything but affected area and a few seconds of surrounding percussion, then shifting to the beginning - Didn't work

Deleting everything but affected area of percussion, then shifting to the beginning - Worked

No idea what it's doing. I'll mess around a little more with it, and if I can't get it to work in the full song, I'll try giving the project file to someone.


I can't see anything out of the ordinary there...and if the problem was there, wouldn't it sound messed up in the project file? Because it sounds fine before I export it. Ugh, I don't know...I finished the song today, and I discovered another problem spot. I had copied the percussion from the problem area and pasted it in another place. The drums don't drop out until the middle of the new problem spot, though...

I did take a screen of the exporting thingy, because I have no idea what half of it means. If anyone sees a problem, let me know. Let me know if it looks fine, too. I guess I'll have to put up the project file for other people to try exporting.


Some things to note:

-Tried exporting to .wav...same result.

-The exporting thing says the song is 3:17, but it actually comes out to be 2:59 (no idea if this means anything).


When you say "worked" and "didn't work" are you saying that it drops out only when it didn't work? Also, looks like you're in pattern mode when exporting there. Did you put the whole song in one pattern?

If you're ok with it, send me your .flp file to nutritious multimedia @ gmail (without spaces) and I'll take a look.

I can't see anything out of the ordinary there...and if the problem was there, wouldn't it sound messed up in the project file? Because it sounds fine before I export it. Ugh, I don't know...I finished the song today, and I discovered another problem spot. I had copied the percussion from the problem area and pasted it in another place. The drums don't drop out until the middle of the new problem spot, though...

Some things to note:

-Tried exporting to .wav...same result.

-The exporting thing says the song is 3:17, but it actually comes out to be 2:59 (no idea if this means anything).

length being 2:59 when it says 3:17...do you have tempo changes in your song? if you do then FL can't get the right total time of the track...it only gives you what the song would be at based on the first tempo in the song.

also in the section you are referring to dropping out...is it very heavy on your cpu? sometimes samples just drop out for weird reasons when your ram or cpu is maxed out.


I just tested this out on my comp, it's really really weird:

Test1 - I imported his project, but I didn't have the same soundfont as his drums. I muted everything except the drums, added a piano soundfont, and exported the track. Everything comes out fine.

Test2 - I found the same soundfont he's using online, assigned it to the sound, muted everything else and exported the track. This time, the drums just pretty much quit. It doesn't suddenly stop, it kind of just peeters out; it plays fine up until a certain point, then the notes just start dropping out for no reason. I'm wondering if it's something wrong with the soundfont - like it can't handle too many notes in a single pattern or something.

Maybe if you split it out to different patterns (as I stated in my email) it will play throughout the song.

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