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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. I'm suddenly reminded of why I hate people...

    Offtop != GenDisc. The mindset of people that post over there is different. It'd be wise to remember that :0 We like to rib each other in GenDisc, but in Offtop it's more like a slap to the balls.

  2. Is the anime Blood+ any good? I've been wanting to watch it, but have yet to find it in good quality online...

    I used to watch it when it was on Adult Swim. I thought it was pretty good.

  3. Hahahahaha yeah, voice acting was terrible, writing wasn't much better. The PSP version makes some improvements to both of those areas, but not a whole lot.

    I like the voice acting in the ps1 more than the PSP version. Claude's new voice makes me want to punch him in the dick :/

    About Lufia 1....I love the game to death. Hell, I even have it in my SNES right now because I started playing through it again recently on Try Again mode. I like Lufia 2 as well, but I just seem to gravitate back to 1 because it has a more classic feel to it.

  4. super mario world 2: Yoshi's island

    i remember loving it the first time through. Never did get 100 percent. Now i can't stay with it more than a few levels, a couple of worlds at the very most. I replay lots of games, but that one just doesn't seem to work for me.

    I still really enjoy star ocean 2. One of my all-time favorites. I replay it frequently.

    Tear into pieces! Burn to death! Oh, the almighty Tria!

  5. I was only half-serious, but my point is if I want to practice pipe bombs and pipe bombs only, I don't go to the OCR server because I won't be a lot of help to my team without stickies.

    Well, would you rather:

    1.) Have people you play with regularly LOL at/with you because you're trying to get better.


    2.) Deal with a bunch of random dickholes.

    You might not be a lot of help at the time but it would at least pay off some in the end, would it not?

  6. how about a decent reason why a 2 sniper limit is a bad idea

    Well, if the two slots are already taken and you're someone who'd like to work on sniping/bowing, wtf are you going to do? Ask someone to switch? What if they're pricks, or are actually skilled? There wouldn't be much room for improvement for people who'd like to get better at this classes, but can't.

    Hell, what if you just want to have some fun as that class? :/

  7. Meanwhile, I have spent the last few months trying to figure out if I'm going to buy it on PC, XBOX 360, or not at all. Obviously, the OCR people here will be playing it on PC. My real-life friends and coworkers will be playing it on 360.

    PC is $10 less expensive and will be more likely to receive future updates and patches.

    But all my real-life friends and coworkers will keep talking about the 360 version and wanting me to play with them.

    Also, $50-60 is a lot to pay for when Modern Warfare 2 comes out a week before.


    PC = Custom Campaigns.

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