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Trash Man

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Everything posted by Trash Man

  1. Funny thing is. I never bothered to beat the game yet. I got to the final area, and then I decided to do all the extra stuff first.. But then like 100 hours down the road (250 total game hours on that turn). I decided to just not bother beating it. (maybe I will someday though). I beat Yiazmat, Got all the espers, and did various sidequests (like fishing, which was so boring). The reason it took me so long because I refuse to use a guide. So, I'm probably not gonna find everything, and I already know I screwed up the Zodiac Spear because everyone on Gamefaqs blabs on about it like it's better than SEX. So, I won't be bothering to get that weapon because it's just ridiculous how they hid it. Then I hear they are making an international version which will have all the biggest problems fixed (easier to obtain best weapons...). And it will (again...) be a Japan only release. I may actually get it though, which will be the first time I ever got one. Overall, I liked FF12 though. It was nice to see the word espers again. And the battle system rocks IMO. Too bad it has strong downsides like the super insanely hard to obtain weapons and armor. IF you are like me and refuse to read guides for games, you will probably never find them all.
  2. Well I only played it a few times. And my only source is the arcade.
  3. TO those who said the syncing is bad in Supernova: This is why the game lets you adjust the sync to the steps. If you adjust it (I think it's -2 in supernova's case), then it's actually decent to play the game at home. I adjusted it right when I got the game (which was when it was released), so I couldn't tell you what the number was. You'll know when it's right when you watch the arrows anyway. I actually like Supernova. Mostly because you get 5 official Boss Songs as well as another 10 foot chart on Xepher. So that's 6 10 foot songs, and all the boss songs have a challenge chart this time around. This will keep the hardcore players happy, because the challenge charts on some of these 10 foot songs are a real pain. Fascination MaxX on challenge is insane. Matter of fact, the only one I've managed to beat on challenge is Chaos. All others I could only beat on Heavy. Also, Supernova was not the only home version to have bad syncing. I had to adjust the syncing in Extreme 2, Max 2, and I think Max. I think Extreme (US), was the only one I didn't have to adjust the syncing to. I guess I'm a hardcore DDR player, seeing as I built my own pad just to be able to play it. I got fed up with the crappy pads and prices of the good ones. SO I went and built a doubles pad. IT hasn't failed me since, and I've used it for more than a year now. I can beat 10s, so that should give you an idea of how I do at the game. I can't AA 10s just yet, but I can AA anything below a 10 if it's not something insane like Healing Vision Angelic Mix . IMO the PS2 DDR games from best to worst are as follows: Max 2, Extreme 2, Supernova, Extreme, Max But don't get offended, because I play them all. I'm just more likely to want to play the ones to the left, than I am for the ones on the right. Also, you know you are a hardcore player when you've played BAG. So there you have it.. My thoughts on DDR. (Hmm, I should make a sig about that).
  4. I think, though, more often than not, people are either all right dominant, or left. Like me, (20/20 vision), right foot, right hand. I think it's rare for it not to be that way.. I don't really know though. I have fired a bow before, but was taught by a friend's father. And I did at one point study a text course of archery. And I don't recall the eye thing being critical, or was taught that. But, then again, I do clearly see how it is critical. Because, your left eye can't set on your right hand. Edit: My point is, I just don't see how it would matter which eye, because you only have to close the other one so you can see better. Maybe if you had like bad vision in one, then that makes sense.
  5. Then you are not doing it right. I guess you never went to archery class or anything. To PROPERLY use a Bow and Arrow, or even just a slingshot, you must use your Dominant hand to fire, and non-dominant hand to hold the bow itself. Now, if you are ambidextrous, then you would be able to do it either way. But if you are not, and you are doing it the way you say, then you are not doing it right, and are just strange.
  6. Uh, typically, one would use their NON-dominant hand is such a situation, to hold the bow, or slingshot, and their dominant hand to shoot it. So, being right handed, I would use my left hand to hold the bow, and my right hand to fire. Try it yourself, get a REAL bow, one that's not easy to fire. You'll find it easier to be using that dominant hand to fire, rather than to hold the bow. So basically, Link is holding it the correct way (I have the GCN game). So, he's normal. Also, think about it. In a way, you are still using your dominant hand to aim (because that is where your eye is going to be set on. Sorta like holding a rifle.. You are gonna use your non-dominant hand to go towards the front, because the dominant hand is what you use to aim and fire it. Edit: BTW, I've fired a real bow and arrow before. Double Edit: This post is only aimed at those who are saying it's weird how link holds his bow and arrow or slingshot.
  7. Hardest bosses.. Start a turn on Hard Mode in Metroid Prime, and go face Thardos, he's the toughest boss in hard mode, and I don't know why.. After I finaly beat him, the rest was a snap.. But that FIRST time I fought him on hard mode was a real kick in the ass.. Though I doubt he's the hardest boss ever .. Hardest boss ever? Play a game called Snake Rattle n Roll (NES or Master System). If you manage to make it to the end of the game, (and trust me, making it to the end is a very hard task) then go beat that damn foot on top of the mountain. Its nearly impossible to survive what few lives you will have left by the time you get there.. I've only ever beaten that game ONCE. Or better yet, Jaws (NES) that game was HARD.. It took FOREVER to finaly be able to beat JAWS. What really sucked was how you had to harpoon the shark, or it just gets all its life back and you end up losing a life (I think, not sure about the life lost thing, its been a long time) Friday the 13th.. I don't know if that game has an end.. It probably does, but I've beaten Jason like 5 times or so, and it just keeps on repeating, making him stronger each time.. He can kill you in one or two hits if you kill him enough times.
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