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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Dude, the game is way more than ready for beta. /home and /spawn? Not there in single player, because that's how the game is supposed to work. He removed it in multi most likely because it was causing some issues. Teleporting is actually hard on the game and on the server load and might have been the source of some memory issues. Content wise (what Alpha is about) the game is there except for 1 thing: the nether. And I think what's holding the nether back is simply because the server would have to manage 2 maps at once and that's a bit of a problem. But I guess being a whiny baby works too.
  2. Well, it seemed rather clear: you get beta, you get anything up to the release, and after that bug fixes and general improvements. But no expansion packs or DLC (and well, since none have been announced, I doubt it's really a problem at this point, it's just some ass covering.) Seriously, the post is in English, I don't get how so many people interpreted is as : but beta Then buy release Then buy patches Then buy DLC. Seems like some people go on right ahead and take the worse possible interpretation, even if it means ignoring parts of the message. (Never read comments on Notch's blog, you just get bitter and hateful.)
  3. 3 blocks, no matter what's in between.
  4. So maybe there should be a "350$ Time Mages" band on OCR then
  5. What happened to the gummy penised bastard anyway?
  6. Gonna be some epic movie making in heaven next week that's for sure.
  7. Hajamin Brilc ftw! So, you're keeping the same name here just so you can still have us mentally add -chth to everyone of your posts?
  8. No discount on Fallout 3, but the price dropped a nifty 20$. Steam hates me. So yeah, fallout 3 Game of the Year is 29.99
  9. Not launched yet, technically speaking, the game is still in alpha. Alpha access is a pre order bonus.
  10. I think Monday has deals as well. So far its been an expensive steam sales... bought Audiosurf, Dawn of War 2 gold, and Torchlight. By expensive I mean about 20$. Now if they don't put Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition on sale (I bought it last week) then I win at Steam Black Friday Sale.
  11. I think trying the creative freeplay is what convinced me to buy the game, and I found out it was a whole new type of game when I was in.
  12. Well, you can build a simple house. Or you can build a bigass house. Or you can build a house on a flying artificial island with an artificial lake, an aqueduct, a tower on the back and a cart elevator in the front... And once that's done, you can build something bigger, like a pyramid, or a colossus, or a submarine bunker, or a 2 km long subway track. The goal of the game is only as far as your ambition takes it to. Oh and in single player, you have to do that while making sure the undead don't kill you. And the game is still in Alpha.
  13. Reynolds is a pretty good actor, he's been given crappy roles and did the best he could with them. I've seen better trailers, but then again, better trailers have lead to worse movies, so this could turn out to be a sweet movie.
  14. Thank you for this video, now you've added one more thing for me to consider as a potential career.
  15. Well, for the block reappearing, the trick is tap it once, release the muse button, and then mine it completely. I use that for redstone and other annoyingly long blocks.
  16. He's right though, as long as you drop and pickup the tools, you are duping the item through artificial durability.
  17. Keep in mind that the daily recommended amount is between 1500 mg and 2300 mg, and then you understand why the McRib, although not as bad as some other McD's meals, is still fucking horrible.
  18. Well, you see, since everyone is filling you up with salt and fat, it'S ok that they do it. Hell, if they cut out some of the fat, they can event pretend it's healthy, because what the fuck, why not make more money because that's what life is all about. Maybe they can make something that makes the KFC double down look healthy next time. How about a bun mad of bacon, and meat that contains slightly non lethal levels of salt? And they could throw in lettuce with a special sauce, because we all know green is healthy. Fuck food companies, and fuck restaurants, fuck them in their greedy profit seeking asses. Not one of them is responsible enough to wonder if it's a good thing that their foods can cause high pressure all alone. And fuck them for using the "maximum" recommended amount as their guidelines, because it's simply a lot harder to get the truth about the shit they sell us. Just so you know, this is how much salt there is in the McRib: http://www.rgchristopher.com/cfdb/exhibits_view.php?FirstRecord=14 Now picture the fries in your mind. They are quite literally killing us.
  19. Yeah but every morning, during the symphony of burning skeletons and zombies, as I gracefully pick out creepers and turn them into dust, it feels quite efficient to me.
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