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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I was expecting a steam powered genesis device.
  2. Hey, dude, did you get my pm?

  3. A man can't die three times Schwaltz... Stop lying.
  4. Interesting, it may be added to my list if I get a job. Been a bout a month since I picked up my comics, the box must be getting full at the store.
  5. I wanted to have the REM / Elecman thing linked here, but youtube is being a "an error has occurred" bitch and I can't check if the video I found is good. Well, here,s the video I found, dunno if its good :
  6. Well, you see, this is where I would disagree with you. On a one on one fight, using the axtinguisher would be the number one recourse, unless the target is fast moving. Airblast and enemies on fire should interact in some fashion, it would give the regular flamethrower one more option. Strategy is not always falling back to the one way of doing things. Maybe balance the damage on the lower side, 40% of the afterburn effect or something like that, there are ways to tweak this into balance. Assume that the most damage you can get out of a close range afterburn using my approach is around 60 (10 seconds at 6 dmg per second) the airblast in this case would deal 30 or less damage. Not the huge spikes the axe can give. And if that doesn't kill the target, then you have a foe that is back into the low damage range of the flamethrower even outside of it, not on fire, and quite angry at you.If that guy is a heavy, the minigun would be spinning, and you would end up being minced meat. So in that case going flame + axe would be the better choice. It would augment the need for strategy in general also because now you would have to think: do I airblast or simply run away? In some cases it would knock people out of healing range, from carts or dispensers, where the burning effect would be negated fast. Right now however, the M1 + W strategy has been replaced by M1 + M2 + W. Not much of an improvement.
  7. Well, it's always a question of choosing if you want to have the foes burn for the whole afterburn damage, or just part of it, since a group is not always gonna be in your "OMGBBQ" range, you might end up consuming an afterburn that deals only 10 dmg to most. And well, reload rates on the afterburn and ammo consumption are deterrents.
  8. Cuz I gots my homewrecker? That and well, you airblast a group of burning people you get basically a small pipe bomb going off. Anyway, I'm just pointing out ways to rebalance the pyro while changing how it is played to involve more skills.
  9. Ya know, reading the TF2 forums showed what could be a good solution: I stand by my "narrower but longer" flamethrower hits, but also have a scaling damage based on the distance thing. At the edge of the flame, the flamethrower does about 50% of the damage, and the afterburn is shorter, like 4 seconds, less damaging. Mid of the column you get about 80% damage, and about 7 seconds of afterburn. Point blank shot: 100% of the damage, 10 second afterburn that leaves a mark. Buff up the damage of the flamethrower to about 115% of what it was originally. Airblasting an enemy on fire "consumes" the afterburn, causing 50% of the damage that was left on the burn instantly but extinguishes the enemy. The backburner damage seems fine right now, but maybe make the same change to the range and area of the flame, and at the middle of the range change the crits into mini crits. There, you need skills to ambush, skills to aim, and you have the option to either airblast/shotgun, or get even closer. Skills and strategy.
  10. Now see, this is disappointing. I don't see this as a step forward to a better balanced pyro, its a step back to the status-quo and not a good one at that.
  11. Truth is, nowadays if you run into a medic + anything else, you're dead before the medic unless you use the backburner. Every once in a while you get lucky with a rocket reflection, but soldiers ain't stupid, so now they use shotguns against pyros. If you're up against a demo, they either have a shield that prevents some of your damage, or a sticky launcher that you can't do much about. Scouts can run backwards and still evade you, and snipers have piss to extinguish you. Spy checking works, but as it was said, a burning spy can plug your skull with the ambassador if you don't kill them fast enough. Against pyros, you have what I call the pyro salute: you both bounce back and then move on to better targets or use the shotgun like a scout wannabe. Yes, you can still kill as a pyro, but you have to be much much more opportunistic, and to me that isn't skill, that's just a player hanging back only to get the scraps. Or you can become a spy prevention tool around a turret, the homewrecker kinda gives you that role now. So other than developing a skill to aim for the downed target I don't see much happening to the pyro other than a buff to either the damage, the functionality of the weapon, or even just speed, without breaking the class. It's already quite fragile at this point.
  12. Longer range, thinner column? Actually, I think they should bring back airblast to 25 in ammo, and give it some fire damage, like a third of what 25 of burning would do and set people on fire.
  13. The shorter burns also make the axtinguisher not as good.
  14. Doesn't leave much room for imagination, or a penis...
  15. And if you pause every 3 shots, you never run out of ammo.
  16. I may have... Still, I figured this was interesting enough.
  17. I'm reminded of the saying: you have to know the rules to know how to break them, so I suspect that there is more to her music than paint by the number pop, and that she may have more to offer than what we take at face value.
  18. Alternate thread title: Lady Gaga's got a hidden pianist.
  19. I also resisted making a pianist pun
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNq1jSqakIQ She can sing. You will be blown away.
  21. One of the better fan movies out there.
  22. I feel that Light was just aloof enough.
  23. Not really a douche... I think they tried to portray him as unable to read others... Wily had been plotting against him for a while, and he didn't see it until he reacted in a very knee jerk fashion. The acting wasn't there, but the idea that Light is more comfortable with robots is logical in regards to the series. Hell, if his social interractions were with Roll, he could be a douche and still end up not having consequences since she was always perky... Anyway, I don't think the characters were any real issue there, like I said the writing was the strongest part of the movie and every character felt complete.
  24. I'm impressed. Yes the acting was off, and the CGI was bad at times, but truth is, they have the scenario thing covered. In a fan film, I can accept bad special effects and average acting, if you can see the intention of the movie hitting the target. Wily was well established as villain, Light was pretty much how I imagined him to be, and Roll was obnoxious, but it was a character trait more than anything. Yes it suffered during action sequences, but hey, CGI is a bitch, and try filming good action sequences without a proper budget if you make a sci fi movie about robots fighting. I don't really like the use of Blues, but I can see why they did it. Overall, this left me quite satisfied.
  25. The whole of Robotrek's soundtrack is short loops repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... Here is the final boss's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUnjQmjX1-Q&feature=related the battle music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53bvs9q-TsM&feature=related the last area: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWBA0iMlh5s&feature=related This game is a quirky Enix RPG with very good ideas poorly implemented. The soundtrack reflects that: good musical ideas poorly executed that end up being sloppy and annoying. Also the previously mentioned cave theme is present in 3 major areas in addition to being a "sub theme" whenever you turn into a mouse and crawl in a mouse tunnel.
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