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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Enough server talk, here is my latest "homebase" for a single player game. SkyGarden The shots actually focus more on my farm setup, which is suspended in midair atop 2 towers topped by lava globes. The farm is 40 blocks big, and I have added 2 trees to the back of the farm for easy 24/7 wood access. Underground I have a cobblestone distributor that I may simply relocate up top to turn the sky garden into my main hub.
  2. TF2 is way more popular than your presence in this thread.
  3. Well then, you could always try to charge for the minecraft server, or look for a practical solution instead of bitching.
  4. Meh, I've heard worse. Hell I've heard worse out of cover bands. Hell, I've heard 10 times a worse from a "professional" "musician" who was singing in a restaurant songs that I didn't think it was possible to ruin. Go figure.
  5. Yeah, not touching the McRib or any McDonald's food with a 10 foot pole. That sodium level is insane, a normal adult should eat 1500 mg of sodium per day. Throw in a couple of fries and boom, you are toast, one meal that will truly slowly kill you.
  6. Well, I go along with what the websites tell, although he apparently was a writer more than a creator.
  7. How about this: Road/rail/canal/canal/rail/road ___ ___ |___ ___| |___|___| I might not be on OCR's server but I still know that the solution to any problem in minecraft is: Make the project more ambitious.
  8. http://tellycafe.com/world-news/takeshi-shudo-pokemon-and-minky-momo-creator-dies-at-61/ We might not all be fans of his creations, but this is sad news.
  9. So when I went shopping today, I saw a magazine with red blue 3d glasses and I'd figure I would try minecraft's 3d setting, and let me tell you I was impressed. Not perfect though but I think the issue is with my monitor's settings rather than with the game, and I could probably tweak that.
  10. Dudes, look at this, I'm the first one to post this ever here so yall get ready to thank me: http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/10/22/minecraft-halloween-update-preview-meet-the-ghasts/
  11. Well, with quick Sitcom makeup he doesn't look half bad, especially considering the point was to make the patient look like the doctor (or janitor).
  12. It was just one of these perfect moments where I had watched the right episode recently and knew there was a way to respond to that specific claim about that specific actor. You never stood a chance.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ycQMJhDdIs#t=8m40s
  14. Yeah, what a load of crap, who the hell are these 30 noobs you picked?
  15. Another game Yahtzee likes, funny how he's been on a streak after Other M.
  16. Yeah, I might have dug straight through your mountain there douli, the cave system I was exploring led me there.
  17. I have a hard time seeing pre-boo multiplayer as something permanent, it seems like a great experimentation playground though.
  18. I think I just like starting too much, I just feel I can get the early stages much better and I feel like redoing them again and again until I get it perfected.
  19. Decided to try single player for a bit (only played multiplayer) and well, my first shelter was badly located (for a first shelter anyway) and so I tried to move to a better position, halfway through construction, a creeper sneaked up on me and I went kaboom. I deleted the world and will try it again some other time, right now I'm just having fun building stupidly pointless things in multiplayer.
  20. All the better to start fresh again...
  21. The rule that seems to be in effect is: if it appeared outside of videogames before being in a game, it isn't acceptable remixing material (with only one exception: Tetris's song A but that's a complicated story).
  22. Because it's metroid and you work for that 100% ? I mean, in SM you had the gauntlet to go through, twice, for that elusive 100%.
  23. Metroid: Other M. I say that as a soon to be M.A. in literature. The plot is complex, but still easy to get, the narrative elements are well done, and the flashbacks, although sometimes long, all add to the current state of mind of Samus. From a feminist perspective, the game is great in showing Samus as a strong female protagonist that becomes strong on her own terms rather than the patriarchy's terms, and that keeps her identity. You want more? Without going in the whole post modern view of culture, I have to ask this: what is a valid art form? If you take painting, isn't anything on the canvas representative of a valid art form? Does a painting require a certain level of "greatness" to be seen as art? In fact, what is art? Can you answer this? Games that are entertaining and aesthetically pleasing are art. Hell, they don't even have to be pleasing. Many people don't like cubism, or Picassos, or modern art, but they would be hard pressed to say that it isn't art. So what is your justification to claiming that Nintendo's games are less artistic than another company? (Also, in 2000, so in the last decade, Nintendo released a little diddy known as Majora's Mask. Even if you ignore the fact that you cannot claim clearly what is or isn't art, you have to realize that Majora's Mask is a very artistic endeavor.)
  24. I rewatched it to make sure I wasn't unfair towards yahtzee, and well,he's kinda playing dumb. The whole "deleter" plot is not forgotten like he claims, it is resolved and if you pay attention to the plot you know who the deleter is and when he died. But that implies paying attention to the game.
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