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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Still having a hard time dealing with the changes to the flame thrower. For every deflected mini crit hit I get, I get my ass handed to me four or five times. (I did manage to deflect an arrow right into a heavy's head though). I'm not switching to the backburner because I don't quite like how it turns an assault class in a "support" role. One thing they could do to make the flamer a tiny bit more interesting would be to be able to deflect the turret's missile.
  2. I dunno, try Tetris? ... If I stick with the choices offered, I'd say Ducktales.
  3. Uber Spy for ambassador killing spree.
  4. The first trailer has Transformer's music.
  5. Been using imageshack for so long, forgot it didn't re size for me... I should probably see if I can setup a macro in gimp to take care of the size thing.
  6. Figured that if I'd post this in the offtop art thread might as well post it in the community photography thread: http://img714.imageshack.us/g/img1130z.jpg/ Pictures I took on a roadtrip in my friend's jeep. Not many were taken at a full stop, gotta say I love his power shot, but this makes me yearn for a digital version of my rebel 2000.
  7. Uploaded some of the pictures I took with my friend's powershot last fall during a road trip. All of these were taken in a moving jeep, I'm kinda proud of how well some of them came out: http://img714.imageshack.us/g/img1130z.jpg/
  8. Yeah, I read wikipedia articles before jumping in at countdown, and it really helped.
  9. http://img263.imageshack.us/g/reflectionv.gif/ Some of my old pictures... I have about 300 taken with my Rebel 2000, maybe 100 I wouldn't mind sharing if it weren't for the whole scanning process. Nowadays when I see digital cameras , I realize that if I had saved the money spent on film, I could get a nice digital rebel, but the truth is, I'm kinda glad I cut my chops on a film camera. You don't get 1000 tries, only 24 pictures so you kinda have to make it count. Kinda sad I didn't get any darkroom experience though. Anyway, working with film for a while means that when I get a digital camera, I take much better pictures than I would without the experience. Such as: Which was just a quick snapshot to show the freak snowstorm from last Wednesday.
  10. Tell that to the scientists who coined this term on earth to discuss a possible material... God forbid sci-fi be rooted in actual science...
  11. Well, if the backburner came with a cloaking device...
  12. I would like to see a spy decloak in the center of a sentry field.
  13. HEY, cut it out with the imbeded midis... I'm on 33 k here. Also Retro + retro = RETRO!!!! http://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/content.php?theme=2&music=2&url=overclocked.org/
  14. Now, how much cooler would it be if you could reflect syringes... or set them on fire.
  15. The final boss should be the "Mr. Silence" which is what OCR breaks by providing music.
  16. Summoner is Bluegrass, Geomancer is Ambient... you know... maybe you should ask someone who knows more genres...
  17. For shame... We revoke your Internet permit for not knowing about Sam and Max.
  18. Final Fantasy 5 with the 4 Tans, and instead of Jobs you get Genres... Berzerker would be METAL!
  19. He's old... Gonna fall apart soon... Might as well wish him a happy birthday while he can still hear.
  20. What seams like years ago, I discovered music on RPGamer that rocked my world, it was a great version of Shadow's theme. It was my introduction to video game remix / re-arrangements. Needless to say who was the artist behind it. Thank you for the great music, and good luck in all your endeavors.
  21. Yes, you actually send one gay stripper and one BBW stripper.
  22. Well, maybe the ASS needs to include Substitute Human Imagination Techniques.
  23. Terra + Jazz + Max it out has your remix beaten like a red headed stepchild.
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