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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Fighting? At that point my little 41 ass was running around from aggro while dumping renews on whoever was fighting.
  2. So I went through Uldaman yesterday. Lots of fun... I would have liked a real tank, pallies can't hold aggro, but I managed to survive the whole ordeal. However, for some reason, I can no longer unlock my action bars. I tried with and without a mod and it's kinda annoying.
  3. I'd have to say so far I love the Gnomeregan boss fight simply for the bombs. But I think Barron Geddon, as a rogue with low FR, takes the cake. That fight was a fun run through do 2 SS avoid AOE. Run back through do 2 SS avoid aoe. Run back through do 1 ss and one eviscerate, avoid AOE. For a rogue's who's job can get pretty boring at that point (see target, hit target until it is dead. Dont get hit by target, Repeat until Barron Geddon), the sheer crazyness that you can throw in the fight if you try meleeing with low FR is fun.
  4. So last night, I saw a former guildy who I enjoyed doing stuff with, so I whispered him with my priest. He said that a big part of the guild felt that what happenned to me was kinda unfair and all. However, after a bit of thinking, I realized that my rogue being guildless is the best thing ever. Since I don't feel any duty to anyone to play with Jan, she stays on the sidelines. Instead, I play with my priest, and while she is not my first love (Rogue for ever!!!) I am learning a whole new aspect of the game. Yeah, I'll go back to Jan one day, but for now, I am a healing machine. Plus I educate some rogues on the finer points of undyingness. And I get shadow priests so bored they stop attacking. Seriously. I was running in Ashenvale at level 38 when some 44 troll priest attacks me. Shadowform and all. I know I would not stand a chance so I just make a run for Astranaar which is about 5 minutes away on foot. So basically, all I did was shield, renew, and dispel magic. He followed me trying to kill me for 4 minutes, saw Astrannaar in the distance, and turned to run away. I finally hit 41 yesterday, my +10% healing is filled up, now I'm gonna get +15% on renew. By 48 I should be done with holy and move into disipline. And at 60 I will switch my "healing after a crit on me" talents into the armor thing... I think. I love having a rogue ambush me for 1000 damage, and to have healed 250 of that damage for free by the end of the psychic scream.
  5. Well, one day I was ripping through low level mobs in Durnhold keep for cloth when some mob attacks me. I kill him and boom, dishonorable kill. Seriously, civilians run away and hide, they don't fight back.
  6. So I went questing with my priest. Somewhere in Hinterland trying to get money for my flight out of there (I was sure there were hinterland quests at level 40... anyway, plus I sold some stuff to get money to pay for my mount and level 40 training so I was really broke). I kill a wolf, and I get the Grim Reaper, a level 36 blue polearm worth about 10 to 15 gold on bloodscalp's auctions. I'm kinda happy that I'll manage to get some money in my priest's pockets. In my search for a place to quest (I hate the 40s, nothing to do that is quite as fun as going in the plagues.) I end up in STV, where I go and slay the dangerous and terrifying miners of the Venture Co. operations. I say dangerous because a miner dropped Speedsteel Rapier, a blue one hander worth around 100 gold on AH. I will be able to reimburse my other chars for their contribution to the mount fund.
  7. Why does that seem to be the only solution? Anyway, I'll grab my rogue and go have fun in Tyr's hand.
  8. For the last 10 levels, she has not been to the AH other than to sell stuff, all of my gear is drops and gifts from my 295 tailoring mage.
  9. My priest is 39, a tailor/skinner, and needs about 60 gold by level 40. Got a suggestion? (She's holy too...)
  10. I went with NE for various reasons: Added Dodge (before I knew of overpower) Higher agility Shadowmeld/Better MoD (I'm a combat rogue, but I put 3 points in MoD, which means I cound like a level 62 for stealth. Shadowmeld being on a different timer meanse I have a quick restealth from which I can move into regular stealth, so I also have a rapid concealment of some sort.) If I could, I would remake the same kind of rogue. However, being a Sword rogue, I still think I could have gone human as well...
  11. OMG someone is playing a character they like. How gross...
  12. My one hope for the rogue is that they come to terms with the agility part of a rogue, and make something like: 1.5 AP per agility and .5 AP per strenght or something like that. Not the 2 per agility for rangedof the hunter, but something better than 1 per Str and 1 per agi. Adrenaline rush should be an all rogue skills, and combat rogues should get a new opener for any weapons... Something like Twin Strike, must be stealth and behind target, 40 energy. Instant attack that uses both weapons and 1.5 times attack power for damage. If the main hand weapon is a mace, chance that the target is stunned for 2 seconds, if it's a sword chance that a hamstring effect happens, if it's a dagger, chance of a bleed for 25% of the damage, and if it's a fist weapon, chance that the target's miss chance is increased by 25% for 10 seconds. They should make vigor a 5 point talent, 2 total energy per point and 1 energy added to regen per point. Assassination should have another final talent. A new finisher, something like eviscerate with an added slow effect. Make it do a bit less damage than eviscerate (10% less) but add a 3 second per combo point slowed period. Subtlety... well.. Ghost strike sucks. Other than that... Camouflage and Master of deception should be one skill. Make ghost strike a skill available to everyone (no one will care, trust me), and move the final talent lower. Instead, add the "Ghost stealth" final talent. This replaces stealth. When you are stealthed, attacks on you have a 50% miss chance, and when you unstealth, an image of you appears next to you. It stays there until it receives a hit, and it mimics your every move, it does not cause any damage, but anyone outside the group cannot tell the difference between two images.
  13. The Rogue Talent Review: Due to issues with itemization and feral druids, it has been decided that rogues would now wear cloth. Due to issues with itemization and hunters, it has been decided that rogues would only use maces, daggers, fist weapons and thrown weapons. Due to issues with itemization and mages and warlocks, it has been decided that rogues would only use maces and fist weapons and thrown weapons. Due to issues with itemization and paladins and shamans, it has been decided that rogues would only use fist weapons and thrown weapon. Due to unfair issues regarding the range capacities of rogues, it has been decided that rogues would only use fist weapons. Due to issues with stealth, the mechanic has been removed from the game entirely. Due to issues with energy, it will then increase during fights and not outside of fights. Due to issues with pickpocket, now a rogue who picks pockets will share his money with anyone on the server. Adrenaline Rush will now trigger a "heart murmure" effect that will deal 500 damage to the rogue every 30 seconds. Every time you use Adrenaline rush, the delay is cut in half. This is part of our plans to make rogues unplayable. Preparation will now cause the heart attack debuff. A player will die unless nature damage is delt to him within 5 minutes of using preparation. Poison use will now properly poison the poison user as well. Due to issues with itemization and fury warriors, rogues will no longer be able to use fist weapons.
  14. WoW's website is blocked here, can you paste them?
  15. Yeah, same here for receiving mob kicks in SM. However, I think the human healing spell is treated as discipline, but i'm not sure.
  16. I heard it also some times triggered other effect, like the darkmoon fair cards.
  17. Pick pocket counted as an attack for procs that were dependant on attacks (like the lightning shield spells). Ok, here is my solution to the LFG chan: Deactivate it in your main window, create a new window and put it there. It's genious, I can be in theramore and get invites for SM.
  18. Meh, just join any ventrilo channel where a guild just whiped at lucifron.
  19. Oh and: Bloodscalp: Kaisalla, Jannael, Felidia, Chihiro, and some others I can't remember... Look for Chains of Oblivion, alliance side. Only two people in the guilod, a friend and me, so if you get that marrylorenne pally, it's not me.
  20. Hunters and rogues suffer from the same problem. When they solo, they are incredible. They are resourceful, they can get out of most situations, and they survive a lot. Put them in a team an they lose some use. Yes the rogue can still stealth his way across the mobs, but no one can follow him. And in the end game, save for some specific fights, hunters and rogues have only one role: DPS. And while pure DPS is fun once in a while, it does not make the rogue/hunter for a team player. He doesn't need healing as much as the tank, and quite frankly, he does not have the relation a warrior may have with the rest of the raid. I know that as a rogue, the plan was simple: Hit my target until it dies, bandage up, then hit another target. Can't wait to hit the 50s with my priest, I really wanna go through an instance without ever targetting a mob.
  21. The day I got Rend's was the day they nerfed the sword speed damage thing Yeah, you just don't drop out of a raid because you got something (plus there's always shadowcraft tunic...
  22. Meh, UBRS is so "OMG END GAME!!! YALLL" And then you have the "Looking for more UBRS NO MORE ROGUES!" Usually, people who say that are the only rogue of the group and they are gunning for rend.
  23. Hopefully, all your innervate woes are gonna be gone tomorrow... maybe...
  24. The basics of a good 5 man group: Tank (that would be a warrior, or a very good feral druid) Healing (Druid, Priest, or 2 shammies or 2 pallies) DPS (Hunter, mages, warlocks, shadow priests, and rogues) Crowd control (Hunter, mages, rogues and in specific instances priests and warlocks.) In that order too. Any instance is doable with the right amount of tanks and healers. DPS and CC just make it easier. However, hunters that depend on their pets are at a disadvantage simply because the pet is not under a perfect level of control and can mess stuff up (Hatchery in UBRS comes to mind, or the pillar jump room in BFD). Many people have learned to fear hunters and warlocks' pets because of these cases. Anyway, I decided I would mainly play my now 36 holy priest instead of my rogue. I think seeing another side of the game would be fun, plus it makes it a hell of a lot easier to get a group. I'm also hitting the fun levels: SM, Uldaman, Razorfen Down and Kraul... all the instances I actually never did seriously with my rogue. I main healed a Gnomer group yesterday, and after everyone but me and the warrior had died, I kept him alive a good minute before running out of mana. Apparently he thought fighting athree dark iron dwarves was not enough and he pulled a pat. Either way, I'm learning a lot about the other side of running instances.
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