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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I know that would make some people very happy.
  2. Fury warriors are scary. Gear them up in plate, give them "rogue" weapons, and you have something that can do pretty much what a rogue can do in end game raids wearing plate.
  3. Most rogue at that point limit their attacks because one aggro pull means a dead rogue. Hey, you're a warrior, explain this one to me: how come my friend's warrior can barelly kill something her level (she's 45). Is there a weird curve in the warrior's progress in the 40-50 stretch? I know mages have the same problem around that level.
  4. Ranged physical DPS, and combat assist. Melee wise, there is not one hunter able to keep up with a rogue with similar gear. However, mass DPS is the mage's job. Not the same things. And I don't want no stinkin hunter claim that he can deal as much melee damage as my rogue, that is just bullshit.
  5. Well, throw me in MC and I change my style of playing alltogether. I'm a sword combat rogue. I have no good openers in MC. I don't even stealth at that point. I charge in when the tank gives the signal, and I do as much damage as possible in as little time as I can. AR is back up every 6 minutes, BF every 2. I can use them every other fight in MC. If I use them both at once and go into what I called "overdrive" mode (forgive me, but it really does feel like an overdrive/limit break if you ask me), I can pull any mob from their targets. It can happen to other rogues as well (dagger rogues with a good crit series come to mind) but the fact is that I can constantly dish out high levels of damage in the proper conditions. However, outside of MC, I'm a big game hunter. I target elite creatures, high level mobs, and high risk areas. You see teams of 3 rogues farm Tyr's hand, I go there alone. You see 2 60s take on devilsaurs, I go there alone (although they are very easy if you ask me... but if I start playing again, I need to put lifestealing or crusader on my main hand again.) But all of this means I have a different approach to gaming and to WoW. I'm always going for the next big thing. Some people don't like the idea that dying is the best way to learn what not to do in a fight, and they always go online and read FAQs and walkthroughs. I used to argue about that a lot. What the hell is the point of playing the game if you get others (and complete strangers) to decide the strategy, and you let macros play the game for you? Seriously, I never understood some classes's obsession with mods that decide who you heal and for which spell you use.
  6. Meh, I'm just tired of people exxpecting rogues to play fair. If a mage fireballs you, or frostbolts you, it's just doing a mage's job. However, when a rogue picks a target and waits for a moment of weakness to eliminate you, it becomes unfair and other BS. I have seriously seen people (some of my friends come to mind) complain about how unfair it was that a rogue stunned them and killed them. By that logic, anytime a priest heals, it's unfair... (Sorry, you can't take the rogue out of me. Back when I played, if I wanted someone dead, they died. It was just a matter of time and waiting for that one moment where my foe would be at his weakest. It's how a rogue should logically act. Hell, they should get benefits for targetting and observing someone for a while.) But yeah, some kids are annoying in that game. They don't know who to pick as a target, and they don't have any patience. I think most people picked rogues (and NE) simply because it was sexy. I picked a rogue because I love the option of observing, studying, and exploiting a foe's weaknesses. I picked NE for the agility and stealth bonus. I picked female for the "Francis Factor" ("If you are gonna stare at an ass for hours, it might as well be a female ass.")
  7. Don't blame rogues, I have seen people from many classes do crap like that. It's more like "damn pre-teens with something to prove."
  8. Meh... what about 128 bit sprites?
  9. The more people die, the more honor you get. The more your high DPS classes live, the more people die. No priest, nor druid, nor paladin, nor shammy can hope to achieve the pure DPS potential of a dual wielding fury warrior, of a marksmanship or beast mastery hunter, of any type of rogue, or of a mage or warlock. There is no way for you to do it. Yes, shadowpriests are powerful damage dealers, and quite frankly, they are neck to neck with mages for direct damage on one target, but a mage with AOE shatters the damage capacity of the shadow priest. Yes feral druids can deal a lot of damage, but feral and balance druids' greatest contribution to PVP is the Aura buff in a group. And Yes shammies can deal a ton of damage, but, up to 1.10, they run out of mana faster than anyone else, and once they are out of mana, their damage output drops significantly. Pallies just don't die. If there was a king of the hill without capturing flags, I would put pallies as defender without hesitating. But pallies can't kill as fast or as well as a warrior. It's kinda funny that in PVE situations, people won't complain about never having a druid tank high end instances (except in some rare and very overpowered groups), but that in PvP everyone wants to deal damage without concideration for what their roles can be. Hell, as a rogue I have scouted and reported enemy mouvements without engaging for some matches. I was more useful at directing the strike teams well then at running around and getting killed for no reason.
  10. HKs are just the number of people you have killed that were in your honor range. The level 60 warlord is worth 1 HK, just like the level 52 grunt. CPs are the only real important thing.
  11. Yeah, in a group, you all share the CP, and trust me, it's worth it. If you can keep the mage alive until he runs out of mana, your damage output will be a lot bigger than if you both die with half your mana.
  12. Actually, my bad, not HK, CP. CPs are the real thing that matter anyway. If you want HKs, it'S easy. Just hit any hordling just once in a BG and you will get HKs as long as they never leave combat in between the time you tag them and the time they die. CPs however are the rank raisers. They are calculated based on your contribution in a fight. Every time you heal a character, you gain CP based on how much you healed him and how much he was intrumental in killing the other character. An example, and it is nowhere near perfect or accurate because there are many factors, but it gives a general idea of how it works as far as I know: 1 HK = 100 CP. If you and the warrior both deal 50% of the damage on the HK, you both get 50 CPs. If the warrior deals 100% of the damage, he gets 100 CP. If you heal about 70% of the Warrior's life, he still gets 100 CP and you get 70 CP for keeping him alive. You basically get reversed horde CPs. My priest friend is a group healer. While she does get a lot of HKs (fear tags ennemies), she gains a ton of CPs simply because of her healing. In fact, being in the marshal group, and being a healer, has made her gain 2 ranks per week for the last month or so.
  13. Healing actually adds to your HK total.
  14. The word is HYBRID. Learn to spell a word that was written 25 times in this discussion and maybe you will not be seen as a ranting idiot.
  15. When I quit I had owned a brutality blade and a bloodfang helm for about 2 days. I'm a very sarcastic person and while sometimes it gets on the nerves of some people, most accept it. But due to a fluke in raid calanders and drops, I ended up picking two purples in two days, and it made some people jealous. When I mentionned another time that I would skip that MC raid because I wanted to let others get a chance at getting in MC (rogues are always numerous in any guild) and later mentionned I actually had a possible spot in a friend's guild run of BWL, it made some people very angry. (I actually had the tank be pissed at me because I called his "do what you will, you won't steal a mob from me is you use feint as often as possible" bluff and actually pulled aggro from him under these conditions. A druid was also pissed because he thought I did not thank people enough when I got bloodfang, and the guild leader added a complain about the 18 slotter backpack that I rolled for when he said "anyone can roll." I waited to see if other people who got Onyxia loot rolled, and when I won with a 100, I got the bag. Apparently everyone meant "well, everyone rolls but if you win, you don't get it." Anyway, we left on semi-friendly term ("you are a good player, but it's not working with what we want for this guild.")) Anyway... sorry about the completely out of the blue post... All of this was to say that while I did get some epics at the end of my gaming time (I wanna start again, but as I have said, my PC is dying), the best way I had to gain power was to find gear specifically tailored to my style of play.
  16. You are correct: Deathgrips, Stonehold, and Bloodfang are the only immune to disarm gloves. I guess weaponchains must be a lot more popular with PVPers than I first assumed.
  17. Arms/fury would not last just as long. I laughed at green/early blue 60 arms fury warriors. I even defeated a hand of sulfuron (that's the 2-h mace, right?) wielder in AB simply because I kept him disarmed or stunned. He managed to land 3 hits that were not parried or dodged. If I dodged, I gouged him. If I parried, I disarmed him. I downed him and got killed by the reinforcements, but to this day, I still wish I would have been able to see/hear what he was saying. He had nice gear too. I went in only as a distraction, but when I realised I could disarm him (most epic sets have a "cannot be disarmed" gloves which kinda pisses me off because I would love to have a "cannot be polymorphed" pair of boots). I guess he was missing the gloves, and he didn't have a weapon chain. A protection warrior, with a shield, wouldn't have gotten even near to half the damage I delt in that fight.
  18. To be fair, a feral druid can actually be put in a rogue stealth group. Actually, any druid can do that. In AB I used to have a 2 rogue, one druid stealth cap group. The druid would do a bit of damage in the opening phase, but he would quickly switch to healing when the first sap broke. It's called using all the abilities a class can offer.
  19. Yet another friend is in the Marshal group of a guild on her realm just for that reason. She can keep people alive while they do other things. There are no generally useless tress (unless you only pick out useless talents) in WoW. You just need to adjust your strategy accordingly.
  20. My friend is a resto shamy. He used to be a nature swiftness runner in Warsong gulch. Also, the resto shamy, with manatide totems, are quite useful in places like alterac valley, to make a 3 shammy deathsquad. In AB, I will give you that they are not as powerful as an elemental or enhancement shammy, but a well protected healer makes a good addition in either a fast swing group or a defense/swing group. If ghost wolf had better stealth (thank god it doesnt) they would even make excellent stealth healers. In Arathi bassin, back when I was in a guild, we would sit our two tank warriors and our tankadin at the blackmith early on, and they would never move from there. In a 4 cap game, the hordies tried a 10 man push on the blacksmith, and they were held up until we could send reinforcements. There is something very positive in having a couple of unkillable people.
  21. Hehehe... I kinda wanna start playing again... luckily (well, not really), my computer is dying and well, WoW would finish it off.
  22. Druids are hybrids. I will conceed that they are not hybreds. Pallies are also a hybrid class, but it's more of a priest/warrior hybrid than anything. Shamies are a 3 way hybrids: Warriors (although without plate, but they do pack a melee punch), mages (not quite as good, but the next patch will work wonders on them for longer fights using mana) and healers (the next patch will put them on par with a pally without healing talents easily.) Druids have all the different branches except Ranged Physical (only the hunters have that). Balance makes them more than adequate magic DPS. Bear form makes them warriors with, sometimes, up to 2000 more armor than warriors with similar gear and level. Cat form make them a hybrid rogue (pretty much like one with about 10 talents in each tree). And without any restoration talents, they heal like a shadow priest with a splash of healing talents (I have seen the numbers... with a resto spec, they are almost on par with a full healing priest. But now, with Innervate being available for everyone, you will see a lot more of 21 balance, 30 resto druids.)
  23. ... I do believe the actual problem with favourite threads is that they are never delt with in that manner. Instead, they become "best ____" thread. Look at the "All time hardest boss" thread. It is based simply on opinion and it has yet to become a mess of flames and insult. However, favourite threads are approached in the worst way possible. For example, a bad favourite thread: Topic: What is your favourite remix? Content: I think Bad Tuna is the best song on this website. I love it so much, it's my favourite, and it's better than anything else over here. So, who agrees with me? Example 2, good favourite thread: Topic: What is your favourite remix? Content: I have to say, mine is Bad Tuna. It was the first remix I heard and at that moment, I knew I loved the idea of videogame music remixes. Whenever I turn on my Ipod, I go straight for that song, and sometimes I even put it on repeat. So, what is your favourite remix and why that one in particular? Also, do you do anything special when you listen to it? See, this is how a favourite thread should be. The same tone should be kept all through the thread. The OP presents why he likes a remix in particular, he never claims it is the best, and he does not expect people to agree with him. You should not argue about opinions.
  24. ... Yeah, I accidentally deleted my entire bloodfang set, my CTS and my thunderfury and my collection of every epic mounts... Haven't played ever since. Is there a way you can fix this?
  25. It said Ness/Yoshi I don't specialise in either of these characters.
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