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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Lordaeron is everything north of the Wetlands... I stand by my estimate.
  2. The map of outland is smaller than I thought. It seems as big as Lordaeron.
  3. I dunno, the instant party heal is nice. The reactive raid heal is nifty too. A new spell, its a 1 minute buff, when you get hit, it procs and heals you and up to 5 targets from the same raid, around the person hit. I can totally see that being used in like AB or WSG for D teams. Mass dispel is gonna be murder for AV. However, Discipline is gonna be the real PVE/PVP hybrid tree. Holy will be pure group PVE and Shadow will still be PVP/Solo PVE.
  4. I love the new priest talents. Shadow healing ftw!
  5. I may actually buy 2 PS3 and sell one. Good luck with that. The day that the PS3 comes out it's going to be hard enough to find and buy one. Meh, I have my ways... Plus if you are in a very far off place, like a small town that strangely enough has big store chains due to summer people, it may be easier than you think.
  6. I may actually buy 2 PS3 and sell one.
  7. I was surfing and the site kinda took a while to load. When it did it looked like this. I mean, it looked normal for a while and then boom, this freaky set up. Clearing the cache did nothing. This is a pretty random occurence, dunno what may have caused it, but still, I assumed it would be worth reporting it. Disregard this post, as I found the reason why it went freaky. It was entirely on my computer and not due to OCR at all.
  8. You still have Darkesword. True... but he does not carry any real weight
  9. And to think I finally had blackmail worthy material on him... Oh well, guess I'll have to resort to money bribes again...
  10. Most of the thorium veins are away from the towers, you can set up a pretty safe run avoiding most PVP "core" areas. As for CGF... well... We have to deal with it all the time, I'm currently trying to learn Chinese just to know how to tell them to F*** off
  11. As a shammy, I wont DW... Seems like a waste of power.
  12. http://worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrusade/townhall/talents-and-spells.html Oh and I had a good PvP night. Except for that one idiot "I'm watching what they are doing and not moving" asshole.
  13. Only no monthly fees on this thread. The Beta trial is almost over though. I'll need your credit card number.
  14. I kinda like how it looks now... I kinda upgraded my PC recently...I'll try and bring up a SS. Sorry about the size Oh and I love the look of my hunter.
  15. Silver Hand is no longer on the realm list... (yeah I have a new home, Silver Hand horde side, name Gilgan.)
  16. Pretty interesting... Except ever since I migrated on a RP server, I have lost the ability to deal with "Gnomkillaz" type of players...
  17. I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics. http://thottbot.com/?i=7166 Concidered level 40. Meaning equivalent to a 50 green. http://thottbot.com/?i=4009 They seem pretty equivalent. Just. Wow. I didn't realize people were so stupid. First of all, if you're going to compare, actually know WHAT you're going to compare. None of thise "Well, it's 35 but it's SUPPOSED to be 40 so I'll make that my argument!" dumbass shit. You're trying to compare an epic, BIND ON EQUIP, WORLD DROP, level 35 staff to a QUESTED level 50 staff. Secondly, you're comparing items that are from two completely different sides of the spectrum. One is INT/SPR/+Damage, which is for builds that focus on grouping for maximum efficieny out of spells or PvP-One-Shot type gimmicks; the other is STA/INT and is used primarily in builds that AoE grind a lot or simply prefer the ability to outlast the opposition. One is rare as shit, and on some servers you see maybe once a month. The other every Joe-Blow can get easily with minimal effort. One stat != same value in terms of point allocation, and much less how one person weighs each stat in gear choices. http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3228 is a staff that still outperforms your green quested item, depending on which non-moronic person you speak to. Any healer worth his weight in salt understands the value of even minute amounts of spirit, and would rather see something with more balance like the IR over that green POS. Please, come up with another Mr. Japanese Name. I haven't had this many laughs in quite a while. I could try having a discussion, but seeing as your arguments are: "You are an idiot" followed by some text. I will walk away. You may be right, but it seems that all you want is a gratuitous flamefest. It is not something that you want to get involved into, because first of all it would show to everyone you are a wannabe troll, and you would probably bit off more than you can chew. While it would be entertaining for me to question the sexual preferences of your mother while pulling out more appropriate drops than the first epic I could think of and the only thing that came up as a level 50 staff, I believe it would be better for this thread, and this argument, to be ignored. Come burning crusade, we will see who was right. I still believe that MC will be ignored largely in favour of leveling and new smaller instances, which will be more accessible than the 40 man instances. You can still believe that people will want to waste their time in MC instead of moving on to the next things. Also: ANY COMMENTS ABOUT MY NAME CAN AND SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO EVILHEAD, AS HE IS THE ONE WHO GAVE ME THIS NAME AND SIG FOR MY "GIVE ME MY NAME FOR THE NEXT YEAR" CONTEST. Comme december, I will open my name again for the following year. Provide me with an appropriare name, location and sig, and you willl give me my name. Although I currently think the first thing that came to your mind was along the line of: "Mr. Idiot Fat Ass." So I will politely decline any of your entries with the same kindergarten flavours. Have a good day.
  18. I may not play anymore, but simple logic can be used to see why that makes no sense. The best greens available at level 60 don't beat epics and blues that are lower than that, in the 50s, thus there's no reason to expect level 70 greens would be tier 2 epics. http://thottbot.com/?i=7166 Concidered level 40. Meaning equivalent to a 50 green. http://thottbot.com/?i=4009 They seem pretty equivalent.
  19. Ah Russell, stick to music, insults are not your forte. Any complaints about my name may be, and should be, directed towards evilhead, as he won the contest I had to give me a name for 2006. Come january, my name will change again. You, however, will remain a delusional jerk. Take a 40 man group, spread across america, in 5 different timezones. Assuming everyone becomes available to raid at 7PM in their timezone, this means that some people have to be there as early as 2PM or as late as midnight. Even in the better conditions, you have to get 40 people ready at, depending of their location any time between 4 and 10 PM. Just there, picture MC as a 20 man instance, and cut that in half simply because the 20 eastcoasters can now raid together. The max range now becomes 4PM to 10 PM for both the east coast and west coast group. By starting at a centralized time, the logical range is gonna be 5:30 to 8:30. sounds better, no? It does not stop there. You can get 40 people ready? Great, you can now break it up, one group of 15, another of 15, and another of 10. In this groups, you can include 20 new people. In one raid week, you could fit 3 20 people raid for an larger total number of raiders: 60. This is how it would improve the raiding schedule. Also, it's easier to find 20 people with a timeslot to allocate to a raid together than to find 40. That is simple mathematics, you should be able to get it. Now, as to why people would skip these instances: Tier 1: the gear is said to be level 66. Tier 2 is supposed to be 76, and tier 3 is 86. Traditionally, a green is equivalent to 2-5 levels higher to its written level. Blue is 5 to 8, and epic is higher than 8 (except tier 1, strangely enough.) This means that a level 63 green will have similar power to a tier 1 drop taken alone. This also means that at level 66, greens will be at least as powerful as tier 1. By level 70, Greens will rival tier 2 pieces, and blues will equal or surpass them. I dunno if you know this, but at one time, Scarlet was the high end instance. The geare there was not to be surpassed. Then the top dog was UBRS, and the aptly called tier 0 sets were the best things ever. Right now, people can't skip UBRS because they have nothing other than to gear up for MC. Hell, most people now would skip LBRS and BRD, and many already ignore ST. People would skip a timesink like MC just to get to other stuff. Unless they remove some of the limitations to the raid instances, it will be easier to target the level 62 instance, or to target level 70's power. Oh, and just because you talk to people doesn't mean that you don't scrifice something else for WoW's raiding. Think of everything you turned down for going on a raid.
  20. Incorrect, thanks for playing. I don't know how much life you don't have, but many people have a hard time fitting a 40 man raid in their schedules. I say skip, but most people will go on ahead and hit level 70 before thinking about MC.
  21. People will skip MC/BWL/AQ40 then.
  22. However: Scaled instances: If you run a 62 instance with a 70 team, it will be harder with better drops. If they scale up MC, I can't see why they would not readjust the player cap. And the part that has me excited is: This is why they gave both factions the classes: They don't need to justify any changes with a change to the other class as well. They will grow in very different directions.
  23. I'm pretty excited about the shammy news as well, and to an extent, the pally news. It's true that by having them split in two factions, they had to keep an illogical balance between the two classes.
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