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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Except Ivy is most likely not in the game... But there is a chance for a Belmont to be in the game. And the possible move set seems to indicate that samus would have a whip in addition to a ranged attack. Simon Belmont could be a Samus clone, with the cross instead of the blaster...
  2. Long range stun gun, short range light whip blade.... ... Zero Suit Samus is gonna be a Belmont clone...
  3. The trailer only shows the initial characters. Hidden characters or unlockable characters would not be shown in the trailer. Think: Mr Game and Watch, or Young Link...
  4. Well if anyone cares to speculate This looks like a level tailored to CV. I fact in the red circle I painted looks to be a coffin standing up. Perhaps Simon Belmont might be in the cards......or my eyes are playing tricks on me and this is a Fire Emblem level. That looks like part of the painting on the back wall. However, that painting on the wall looks a little like the Dracula crest. (Inverted bat wings over a white cross).
  5. You need herbalism to pull off alchemy.
  6. You know... I don't know what I would have given to be in that conference room, to see the nintendo people stand up, show the video, then at the end, have the communication start... We see the trailer and expect it, but they saw it and the reaction must have been priceless.
  7. ... Cervantes... Think about it.
  8. So, I guess it's confirmed: Orchestral soundtrack with latin lyrics...
  9. Or they could do it well, ya know... Like clones and alternate form being accessed like costumes, and maybe having subset menues... like picking the game, then the character... Or you know, just make it simple.
  10. I can't. I have a tendency to over criticise myself, and ever since my remix was completely ignored (seriously, I never even got a rejection letter or anything... I asked a judge like 3 months after I submitted and he told me "didn't you get the email?"), I have been unable to listen to a remix without telling myself "You hear that, this is why you suck, you can't do that, seriously, what were youthinking submitting that piece of shit." Since my ego is not something I like destroying for no reason, I stopped downloading.
  11. I have not downloaded a remix in about a year. Seriously.
  12. I don't believe you appreciate the whole idea behind this... Opera is not one genre. It is a complexe interpretation of music. It's a pure form. And a very complexe one at that. Think classical music multiplied by 100. If they do pull it well, and they do try to go through the whole range of what can be done though opera, then you will not miss the nice guitar or electronica, since it will not be needed. Think of classical music. It is not one genre, it is a family of may subsets, like Baroque, Rhapsody, or Sonatas. But all of these genres find their full nature through proper interpretation, like a full orchestra with an opera singer. I'll have to look up some of the guy's work, so that I have a better idea how he will sound, but I assure you, you will never be disapointed by something of that level. [EDIT= Ok, you got me, I'm a fan of opera and of powerful interpretations...] [Edit2=Yeah, my bad, I realise that only the main theme would be with the latin lyrics... I have to say, it's almost disapointing...]
  13. Uematsu cannot compose the whole soundtrack, since it was already done by others in the past. What will be interresting is the entirly orchestral arrangement with latin lyrics sung by an opera singer. No more DK rap. Hell, no more electronica inspire music. Fully orchestral arrangements. It will be a beauty if you ask me. (Other things Uematsu could write however includes the final boss theme, the special events theme, and the menu theme. It would be wise to keep the same writer involved to have one common line between these things.) ... I just realised: Orchestral Kid Icarus Theme.
  14. I have a feeling Sonic may be in there...
  15. Everything I do.... I do it for you.... THERE'S NO LOVE, LIKE YOUR LOVE! Every little thing that you do... Baby, I'm amazed by you... EDIT: Okay, less singing, more hello/welcome. Nothing less welcoming than Everything I do... It was my first slow dance... So many memories... Ah, Annie Coté, how I cherished that 5 minutes in your arms... ... Ah nostalgia... I'm turning in an old man kinda young...
  16. Everything I do.... I do it for you.... THERE'S NO LOVE, LIKE YOUR LOVE!
  17. Curse gaming breaks on every patch day... people go there to download mods.
  18. That comment could not have been gayer even if it had been about drinking tea at a rose garden in San Francisco during the gay pride parade while courting a person of the same sex by quoting Beaudelair with lisp.
  19. I developped an unhealthy love for Jigglypuff. My friends aren't the best opponents and I started using it. Last time I played I had good control and I managed to win without getting killed once.
  20. Back when I still played, there were only two tanks I trusted. Our guild's main tank (because I actually didn't have a choice but to trust him) and a gnome warrior. The first time I went to Onyxia, we had the gnome as a main tank, and trust me, it was a marvelous sight.
  21. I recommend herbalism/alchemy. Leatherworking is not all that good. Self sufficience/self buffing pushes any character a lot further than putting armor kits on stuff you can easily buy off AH because of the money you make from seling superfluous potions.
  22. ... I'm curious, what are the patch notes this time around?
  23. That sounds probable, but not likely - you'd definitely need to know EXACTLY what you're doing, have lots of gold on hand, twinked gear ready for you at every level, and probably high levels buffing/healing you at all times and making sure yeou don't get ganked. As far as I know, 11-12 days /played is the average for hitting 60. 9-10 is considered fast. Most people who are new to the game or MMORPGs spend time questing, PVPing, using the AH, levelling craft skills (and so forth) which makes things take longer. I guess shorter would be possible. You would probably need gear at every 5 levels. Always the same kind of weapon (especially racial weapons like a human warrior with a mace) and tons of engineering weapons and potions. If you plan it out well, it would cost around 400 gold at least, and it would help to have crafted sets beforehand. Even then, you would need to also plan another 100 gold for a mount. No profession except first aid (during bathroom breaks), and no quests... Also, creating the character a week or two before the start of the fast grinding (easy low levels with rested XP fly by.) Throw in 4 16 slotter backpacks. It would be interesting to say the least.
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