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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. Did he steal it? Probably, but this isn't even close to the first time its happened and besides, Timbaland's one of the best producers in the rap and R&B game, he and Scott Storch practically ran mainstream music in 2006, this isn't what's going to end his career or anything as he's made countless original beats for people already that were better than this one. Besides, this isn't even one of the singles off of the album, chances are no one bought this album for the song "Do It" over "Maneater" or "Promiscuous"

    Oh? So, "everyone's doing it" and "he's allowed special privledges because he's so good" are valid excuses for such actions?

  2. So, are people already overlaying maps to see the similarities and differences? Ocarina of Time had a similar thing going on with A Link to the Past. The Temple of Time in OoT for example sits in the exact same position as the Lost Woods in LttP, and other areas match up as well. It also helps a bit in timeline placement(Although some parts are obvious)

    Nah, just that as far as I can tell, Death Mountain in the east and Lake Hylia and the desert in the west is more consistant. That said, what the fuck Zora's domain.

  3. Featuring Black Person as Darkesword :(
    I quit. I am tired of this game.

    I quit, and I don't wanna be Moderator ANYMORE.

    I quit. It really, it really doesn't matter me.

    I quit, and I don't wanna be Moderator ANYMORE!

    I been deletin' all these threads but I been gettin' no pay.

    Looks like someone's in the background in their way on me.

    It's not right it's not fair, I never get time to spare.

    That's okay that's alright, watch us sleep tonight...

    'Cuz I quit!

    You want, you want me to do it. I quit.

    I'm not leavin' just to save another forum.

    I quit, I don't wanna be moderator ANYMORE.

    Show me the door, need I say more, I will get down on fours

    So why do this anymore, I can't take it! I can't take it!

    Out of my way!

    No! Wait bhaisab, waaait!

    Best song Blackperson made.

  4. That's right, NOT All Your Base.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the first stage music as much as the next person (even more since Kadmium did that awesome track for DoD) but the rest of the Zero Wing soundtrack just doesn't get the love it so richly deserves.

    To that end, I hereby request a remix of Stage 2 - New Day for Me. You can find the source (and all the other files) here.

    Enjoy mixing, and thanks in advance.

  5. Did anyone say Sensual Ippon and or/Ambient Gemini? Those are good. Vig's Aquatic Ambience mix is sex, too.


    Most of Vig's stuff is good for it - might I also suggest Beneath the Surface? It's nice and mellow, if you're not in the mood for ram-bam-thank-you-ma'am sex.

    Also, given that I'm slowly building up a playlist for just this purpose, I don't think it's an odd request at all - women have better hearing than we males (and better appreciation for what they hear than we do!) so with good music, good sex becomes great sex.

  6. I beat it, after putting it down for a week or so while i did house-cleaning. Couldn't seem to find the Cave of Ordeals, but then I didn't look too hard either. Couldn't seem to get that one Goron to accept that he was being showered with hotspring water either :/

    Ending was rather melancholy I found, even though Midna was hot. Zelda was still hotter though.

    The biggest thing I found about this game was that the boss fights were fun. In a lot of cases in OoT for example, I'd treat boss fights in a sense of "Right, let's get this over with." With practically every boss fight in TP, I've wanted to do it again for the fun of it.

    Also, Mortal Draw is awesome. I was expecting a more awesome final skill though :/

  7. Well, I think my main hard drive in my desktop died. She's been going for about 4 years so I guess she's allowed to by now, but still preferably NOT while I'm using it :(

    Anyways, I'm reasonably confident that the slave drive (another 40GB one) is still functional. I currently don't have a 3.5 caddy, though I intend to pick one up today if possible. I'm not sure if it's just the Windows install that's fucked up - it won't boot, either from hard drive or from CD, failing at random points (some times it'll get halfway on the graphical indicator, sometimes a third, sometimes not past 0) - but if it is, I intend to save what data I can.

    However, I'm thinking of upgrading to a SATA drive - both of these drives are PATA. My mobo can handle SATA so that's not a problem. The only thing I want to know is are there any issues with running SATA drives and PATA drives concurrently in one rig?

    Any help much appreciated.

  8. I was pretty disappointed with the water temple in this game. I was expecting a real challenge after the ultra easy first two temples, but everything was very linear despite the numerous cross paths. Not to mention the boss was easier than the two previous ones.

    You mean, the boss just swam around and you swam after it. Honestly, quite disappointing in that sense.

  9. Kanjika, I owe you an apology - after listening to The Secluded Stronghold in a quiet environment, I can conclude it's every bit as awesome as Breathtaking View.

    Which means, everything you submitted for this project was made of awesome, and you join a select group of mixers in my opinion which includes the likes of Jarad Hudson, goat and SnappleMan. I am sincerely looking forward to any mixes you submit in the future.

  10. I'll just reiterate what I said on the guestbook.

    Snappleman, every track you touched turned to awesome. On fire. Same went with BrainCells, and I was quite glad to see the two of you do another collab. Top stuff gentlemen.

    Hadyn, your tracks still have very much a Linkin Park vibe to them. This is to your credit - Linkin Park make great music (shame about the lyrics) so good stuff all round.

    Mr Baranowsky - wtf lyrics? Good track but wtf lyrics? You're lucky you can sing well.

    housethegrate, you did great justice to Hydrocity's theme with your track. Thank you.

    Kanjika, your first track wasn't anything spectacular, but your WIPs were pretty good and your take on Sky Sanctuary was incredible. Great to hear.

    Chthonic, nice and energetic track you've got there.

    jmr, I admit, I was expecting the worst when I saw what your source tune was, as Endless Mine was one of my favourites and I was sure it wouldn't be done justice. I was wrong. You did a superb job with Endless Mine, and for that I thank you.

    To the remixers not explicitly named: Your tracks were decent, but just didn't jump out at me. Keep in mind I was listening to these at around 7:30am local time, and it was fairly noisy, so therefore this shouldn't be taken as an absolute indication that your tracks aren't as good as the mixers' named.

    WIP artists, goddammit, why do you leave us hanging? Why?

    Overall, good work ladies and gentlemen.

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