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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. Why do I have to automatically care any time something bad happens? To do so would be, at best, dishonest. As they are not family, friends, or known to me, to pretend to care is no better than lying.

    Oh? So those little white lies that everyone tells, that keep society otherwise functioning because you can't always tell your boss he looks like a dick with that hat on, these things shouldn't happen?

  2. Ah, I remember the heady days of Mortal Kombat and Night Trap, and the big hoo-hah that was raised over it. Yes, our society has certainly turned completely immoral because of that!

    EDIT: Garrett (aside from having an awesome name) would probably be the only one who'd give a damn. And really, with the way Crean just constantly opened his mouth and jammed the collective feet of whoever was around him in it, it's possibly not the best option to bring him in. Better yet, have him come in as opposing it.

  3. In an effort to cut my power bills, I've not had my win98 machine running. Which also means F@H hasn't been running.

    I plan to resolve this - my quad-core is being underutilised while I'm at work. And what better way to utilise it?

    Drack, something you might want to test - running multiple instances as different users. I'm uncertain if F@H checks to see which user initiated each instance, or if it just checks for multiple instances. But something to consider, no?

  4. I went to see this with a few buddies - we were all on the verge of a) crying man-tears and B) giving a Spartan battleshout along with the Spartans. We did so outside, where I proved I was the only one who could actually muster a voice powerful enough to deliver.

    Also, the asian bloke with us declared "Gentlemen, see that poster over there?" pointing to a 300 poster, "Yeah, it won't be here by the time the movie's finished."

    We found it, and him, in the bushes across the road afterwards - he then proceeded to run approximately two miles home with it under his arm. It was hilarious.

    Also, movie was awesome.

  5. There's being capable of intelligence, and there's acting like a child - just because you're capable of intelligence doesn't necessarily exclude you from having the maturity of a 14 year old. What he did after his banning was a perfect example of that.

    Hey, never once did I say otherwise. I personally found him to be a tosser of the highest order.

  6. Seriously Atmuh, stop flaming everything I say. You're just making yourself look bad.

    No he's not - you seem to have a tendency - perhaps it's genuine naivette on your part - to assume you know exactly what's happening.

    Edit: By the way, do you have some connection with Ghost Princess? If you do, tell him/her/it/they that I said hi and that OCR is better without him(most likely a him).

    Ghost Princess was Jimmy - an intelligent enough (despite all typings to the contrary) individual who followed one rule on internet - For The Lulz.

  7. So I picked up Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow today at Best Buy for $10. Pretty good deal, I'd say. I haven't started playing yet, though.

    I have looked EVERYWHERE for that here. I cannot find.

    Also, have I mentioned how much fun I'm having with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney? Because I'm having a lot. Bus-rides to work go so much quicker now.

  8. Around people I don't know or am not comfortable with, I simply know far more about computers, maths and physics than most people.

    Around people I know or am comfortable with, I use lol, zomg, chairman roffle mao, pwn'd, n00b and For Great Justice!

    Around people I like, I sing :)

    And on a more serious note: Thief and Thief 2 made me intensely aware of a) how loudly I used to walk and B) how loudly most other people walk. Not only this, but most people are oblivious to the small sounds around them, and so are always freaked out when I seem to know when someone's approaching me.

    It's also given me a tendency to walk silently and just wait for people to realise I'm there - given my housemate a near-heart-attack several times in this past week alone.

  9. Sounds very similar to what a friend of mine experienced with her machine - random restarts. Unfortunately, we were unable to determine whether it was hardware or software causing it - we swapped out RAM, graphics cards, hard drives, mobo, CPUs and PSUs and it continued to happen.

    I realise that isn't very heartening, but I honestly think you should prepare yourself for the fact that you may need to replace your existing machine sooner than you thought.

  10. i'm sorry but the last thing we need is another majoras mask.

    that's the only zelda game i thought was terrible.

    as for twilight princess my complaint is that the bosses were too easy. i have never found zelda puzzles to be hard. or at least the aggrivatingly hard kind like in shadowgate for NES.

    While I enjoyed Majora's Mask, my main issue is the boss fights being easy. Yeah, maybe they were in TP, but you know what? They were FUN. Seriously. I think that's more important than their difficulty.

    Or are you playing games to prove your penis?

  11. Midna knew she couldn't stay within the light realm, as surely as Link wouldn't be able to remain within the twilight realm. If the mirror hadn't been destroyed, there would always be the possibility that she (or he) could return to the other, with potentially disasterous results for both worlds. Given the instability of love and the irrationality it can induce, she obviously determined it to be better if the temptation did not exist, even at the cost of the love she had only recently come to develop.

    Side note: Am I the only one who noticed how .... eurasian Link looked?

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