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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. The Pretzel knows his Terminator tracks. The drum sequence he's referencing sounds almost EXACTLY (read: awesomely) like the final drum sequence in the intro to Terminator 2, where the camera zooms in on the robot.

    Synth guitar ... eh, no biggie to me. I'm more overwhelmed by the similarities to AE (read: more awesome)

    Damn that ending! Confirms the Terminator vibe beyond doubt.

    This is great stuff, the Terminator vibe certainly doesn't hurt, nor does the similarity to AE. This gets an easy 6 (>75%) and is held back from a 7 because the guitar isn't meaty enough :)

  2. I'll be perfectly honest - this did not appeal on first listen. Not that the production was poor, or the arangement horrible .... it just didn't click for me initially.

    Well, I listened to it a few more times, and it grew on me considerably. The gunshots are cheesy-awesome. There's a flow to this that builds and fades at least twice throughout the track.

    And it's decently suited to walking at a relaxed pace.

    Comfortable 6 (>75%).

  3. Listened to this closely on the way to uni today, and struck I was, by how similar it is to Gothic Sandy. Or maybe just the bit that uses the same theme as Gothic Sandy stood out to me. Either way .... if F.E.A.R. were made into a film, I could very easily picture this track being used for the creepy scenes with the little girl and the blood corridors and so on. It's got that sort of an evil feel to it, a feeling of trepidition. It leaves me with an uneasy feeling, especially the intro.

    7 (>85%)

  4. First big difference I noticed was that the original's ... laid-back, or at least, mellow tone (perhaps conveyed by the 'dryness' of the winds?) was missing .... this feels more ... awake, I guess.

    The drum bit (rythym keeping?) really does do the title justice - it gives the impression of a clock's rythymic ticking, yet in such a way that it almost comes across as nervous.

    More grand feel overall though ... the first version had, to my hearing, a very dignified feel, whereas this one is more upfront.

    Ah, I'm glad the ending remains relatively unchanged :)

    Great work Rexy, but then, I loved the original too :) Oh, and you too Gray, good stuff :)

    Easy 7 (>85%)

  5. What Noobix said .... am I feeling this? Damn right. Lyrics certainly wouldn't go astray (and let's face it Darangen, you're one of the better male lyricists here). There's a definite ... uplifting quality to it, something I've only otherwise felt when listening to Metal Gear May Cry.

    Credits theme? Definitely. There's a feeling of victory here.

    BlueMage grants a 7 (>85%)

  6. It's on my Car CD for a reason. Intro seems ... almost rustic, I guess. May have rubbed Gray and Vig the wrong way, but it sounds appropriate in its way.

    The lyrics man, the lyrics! My only gripe with them is that you sound ... well, boy-bandish I guess. Bit deeper, and it would've been great. Otherwise, good flow.

    Yeah, only Gerudo Valley mix I actually like after sustained listening :) That's gotta say something.

    Did I rate this anywhere else? Can't remember. BlueMage grants a 6 (>75%)

  7. :o I didn't gush at you over at VGMix. How odd.

    Ah, I see what you meant by remastered - I also hear additional tracks methinks :)

    Hmm, odd .... the transition to the Golden Sun part seemed a bit at odds in this version...seemed more natural in the first version I heard. No matter, doesn't detract any.

    Eh? WTF at the FX at the end?

    Ah well. All in all, an improvement on the VGMix version. Glad to have downloaded it :)

    Tepid, easy 7 (>85%)

  8. Prepare for gushing.



    Now, in all seriousness. This is a damn superb track. I have NO familiarity with the source material whatsoever. AND I DON'T CARE! It's that good.

    There are segments when the trumpets take the lead, choir backing directly, and it sounds truly inspirational. Inspirational meaning take-on-the-whole-world-and-win inspirational.

    Easy 7 (>85%) for you Jared, you musical fucking genius you.

  9. Got this at VGMix too (jeez, it's like a mantra -_-) and I've always considered this a definite improvement over Stomping Through Seasons (got rejected from here a while back).

    One thing I have noticed is that most of GaMeBoX's tracks use extensive use of samples, often taken directly from the game. Now that is truly paying homage to a title :)

    Overall, a nice, mellow track, with enough bite to make sure you won't fall asleep.

    Easy 6 (>75%)

  10. The Zero series is very fun, yet brutally hard in an old-school way. It will make most modern gamers cry. :)

    Trust me, it does :)

    That said ... MMZ3 is strangely easy .... I mean, sure, the last boss is, like in MMZ, a nice surprise, but when you consider who you're fighting against .... it seems too easy.

    Bummerdude - very much a pain in the arse. You'd understand why if you knew who that final boss was. And you really should try the X series of MegaMan games - after 3, the NES ones were all pretty much the same over and over.

    That said, I'm considering getting X8 for PC.

  11. I got this from the RPG Splendid site I think ... and then, like an idiot, I never really listened to it. More fool me.

    Really is a melancholy piece, but one strangely suited to the world Zelda is set in. There's been too much black-and-white morality/emotion in most of the Zelda games - and this track shows the potential for more depth in that sense in the franchise.

    Good work Dhsu, 6 (>75%)

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