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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. Offtopic once again. I think Lunar's pretty awesome, but I'm blown away by Hunters.

    No really, I'm exceptionally impressed by it.

    No, I don't care if it's old news.

    Lunar IS awesome. Lunar Dragon Song is fucking awful, though. Biggest disappointment of all time.


    I'm enjoying it though. Plus, I got it cheap. I get all my games cheap. Because I'm a tightfisted bastard, who only buys when it's on special and pre-owned.

  2. So am I just bad at LostMagic, or does it really suck as much as I think it does?

    I read a lot of reviews that marked LostMagic as poor.

    I looks like the controls were a good concept but they completely screwed it up.

    Man, it looked interesting too.

    DS needs more RPGs

  3. complex numbers

    I'll have a test about that next week. ;_;

    Complex numbers are simple.

    Or so I tell everyone who asks me.

    Also, yeah, NEVER become an electrician. Or do anything involving electrics.

  4. So I finally got a DS. I realise this is a different topic, but before I start fiddling, I wish to know - does anyone have experience with DSs interfacing with wireless networks that are set up as peer-to-peer, or does it require an access point?

  5. I seem to remember this from a DoD a while back. Enjoyed it then, enjoyed it now.

    It really is guitar-driven, so if guitar isn't your thing, doubtful this will appeal. The transitions between tracks is a tad abrupt, but not enough to detract significantly from the remix.

    All in all, a solid track, and one I'm glad got the nod for OCR.

    EDIT: Can't seem to find where I got the first copy I had, but it's at 192-bit encoding.

  6. Jesus H. Christ I love this track. I mean that. I listened to it no less than five times in a row on the way home. I just don't do that.

    The section 0:37 to 0:41 really really reminds me of a cool little Master System game called Dragon Crystal for some reason. I'd swear the music in that followed a similar sound.

    Add this to goat's submission, and OCR is fucking rocking of late!

    More guitar mixes!

    Especially from you Sixto - I know you said in channel that this is something you feel you could've worked on a bit more. Honestly, if this is indicative of what you consider your less-than-shining pieces, man ... words fail me.

    Awesome track.

  7. I love the cheesy opening! And the fact that the same instrument carries through. Is it an organ? No idea.

    Actually, it gives the entire track a playful feel, which is unusual for most Unchosen Paths material. Not that that's a bad thing.

    Love the solo around 1:45.

    Quiet section is ... actually a bit disturbing. Makes you expect some giant explosion of sound. Which comes in around 3:10.

    Also, ends on a cool frantic pace.

    It's no Creeping Dusk or Scourge of 1691, but this is still an awesome track, and worthy not just of OCR, but also of Unchosen Paths.

  8. Yep, we sounded as shitty as I expected we would. Also, don't blame you for editing out the JP-rapping.

    Also, just so you can match voices to faces: Snoop was responsible for "WTF!" and "YOUR MUM!" during the singing, as well as that bit about pixie's hooters; Dr Wily was responsible for "Well EXCuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!"; Spaceman said very little; JamPaladin and I carried the melodic part of the tune for the most part; and finally, I was responsible for muttering "kill it" at the end, along with "MOBGOBLINS" as inspired by the master himself, Shael Riley.

  9. I need to get back into this, for some wierd reason, I stopped. Is there some way I can retrive my old stats, cause I can't find the program on my computer :(

    I think all you need is your original user name. However, any work that you did for another team (or no team) can't be added to a new team that you join (ours, I'm assuming :wink: ). So to get back all your original stats, you have to join the same team. (I think that's how it works.. might be worth a cruise through the FAQ's)

    If it was uninstalled form your computer, or you're installing it on a new computer, it won't update those offline stats. When you open up the program display it shows your name, team number, work units completed, etc. That work units completed is only the work units that that computer has done. For example, when I open it up on my current computer, it says I have done 60 WU's, but my online stats are 180. The remaining WU's were done by a different computer (or three :)!! )

    Hah! So I could've put the same name on my old box!

  10. Zircon's got a distinctive style, and when I say that, for once I don't mean it in a negative way. Thus far, this one, Vurez's piece, Sixto's piece and the collab between Akumajo and BrainCells stand out the most (wondered why the last two weren't posted, but oh well).

    Nowhere near as quirky as Salzman's take on the same theme, this has a harder edge to it, and to my ear, more energy. Then again, these are all supposed to be tracks that could seemlessly be used in any of the games and still make good fight music. In that sense, this track surpasses by far that expectation. I do notice though that the high-end frequencies seem to be a bit neglected for the most part.

    Get's an easy 6 (>75%) from me.

  11. Uhh, CG videogame animal porn? I can't even imagine how nerdy that is.

    This is exactly the reason the world needs to forget about Krystal :evil: .

    No, that's exactly why furries need to be hunted down where they huddle, beaten with sticks and set on fire.


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