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Ab56 v2 aka Ash

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Everything posted by Ab56 v2 aka Ash

  1. This is awesome. I'm lovin' it in a very non-McDonalds kind of way. I can't seem to get the torrent to work though. Some kind of tracker error.
  2. Damn Compy, I lost my internet trying to forward my ports to seed the CS torrent. Luckily, it's not out yet (which makes me feel better about losing my internet). We'll see if I can consult tech support to get it back.
  3. I would like an "unblemished" version.
  4. You better be! Man, Last night around 11 Compy's irc nick was Compyfox|ChronoSymphonic. Twelve hours later and it's the same thing. Is this guy human!? I appreciate it.
  5. Ha, I remember listening to this song a few times the first time I downloaded it. Funny stuff. I didn't read this thread (sorry), but if it hasn't been brought up, did anyone ever consider that black people saying the word "nigger" gives them a sense of ownership for the word? It trivializes what it once meant and strips it of its negative connotation.
  6. At this rate, it won't be out until 2300 A.D. Naw just kidding, get your rest. I'm sick too! I just wanted to post that lame quip ;(
  7. You, sir, are a LIAR. We both know it's more like next Christmas, Memorial Day at best
  8. A toast to what will probably one of the best projects on OCR, the good people working on it, and Claado Shou who managed to put it all together. You have no idea how much this helps ease the stress during college application time.
  9. If they intend on releasing it before Christmas, shadddduuuup!
  10. This is an awesome track, one of my favorites that I put on loop forever. No one has any excuse to not get the entire soundtrack.
  11. Where's all the anniversary celebration?
  12. You can give it a cool nickanme that's not really shorter too: The Hundred Page Project
  13. Hey, hey, remember these guys? Calm down everybody.
  14. I'm gonna just say that I've witnessed this project from the beginning and I liked even just the old WIPs. The final product is gonna totally rock my sox. CT must be having the best birthday(s) EVER. I would say which tracks I wanna hear most, but that'd be an insult because all of them are gonna be great.
  15. Without title & border. Size: 1024x768
  16. Eon_Blue that is so sweet. Could you put up a wallpaper version, by chance?
  17. I like how this song has the part of Magus' Theme that most others ignore: the part that starts at 0:46. Why they don't, I'll never know since I think it's the best part of the song. As for the remix, it's my absolute favorite version of Magus' Theme. I really do think this captures Magus' dark, somewhat gothic-yet-not attitude. Excellent
  18. The people working on the project feel it's better to keep the songs private until the project is revealed or else there won't be any surprise at the release. Having just two samples gives a taste of how awesome the release will be.
  19. Bumpizzle manizzle How's the project going? I like what I hear so far. I really like the end of time theme because it's such an undercovered song and a lot was done with it.
  20. Hey, I'm no PS pro myself. Could you possibly make a tutorial for this pic?
  21. That's awesome Zeality but the boarder takes away from the actual pretty pic (as a wallpaper). I took it out for you. http://img179.exs.cx/img179/3137/zealitywallpaper8pu.jpg I also flipped it horizontally if you keep your icons on the left and want to have the planet more visible. http://img179.exs.cx/img179/9206/zealitywallpaper29wn.jpg It's sexy. I'm using it.
  22. Lose the lens flare. No matter what they tell you, unedited lens flare will never look pretty. Other than that, it's sweet.
  23. Let me start by saying that I'm no music buff. I was pretty impressed by blizihizake's End of Time arrangement (because the song is so underappreciated), but Reuben Kee's To Far Away Times blew me away. Don't get me wrong though, they're all good. I'm just in love with the piano.
  24. What he said. None of the files work. Edit: Or what, is this just reserved space?
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