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Ab56 v2 aka Ash

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Everything posted by Ab56 v2 aka Ash

  1. Quick, do it in time for Chinese New Year.
  2. At first I thought I was listening to a Jenova remix which would've been cool, but I was still very pleased Great vocals as usual, but the beats can get a little distracting. That is--if you're not lost in the song
  3. Who is DJ Friendly? Sum noob?
  4. I bought a $30 DS game for $15 from some noob in #ocremix.
  5. If anything, a changed script would make me want to play it more because it would be refreshing.
  6. At least we know it'll be durable.
  7. Wikipedia says there are supposed to be 4 new espers, a new dungeon, and something else where you fight monsters continuously.
  8. I really wish they would have ported it to the DS, since it has better sound quality (or at least I assume). When I saw a part of the Japanese version of FFVI Advance, the battle music sounded horrendous.
  9. ...as clearly demonstrated in your post. That was unnecessary douchebaggery. Personally, I'd prefer to see more stuff that wasn't already released in a project months ago.
  10. I really don't get what's so funny about Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
  11. FFVI has already been remade for GBA. It will reach America in the first week of February. Well, not so much remade as ported with lower sound quality but a few extras. I think there will be a few more espers.
  12. If you could care less, then why don't you?
  13. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6164522.html?tag=latestnews;title;3 Man, I hope they don't do this. I would much rather have a StarCraft RTS.
  14. Eh? I've never heard anyone say that DKC is better than DKC2.
  15. Ew sick, nobody said X2 was better than X.
  16. No one's dissing Megaman X. I think the general consensus is that it was an awesome game. X3 just improved on it; tell me how it's worse. And Bahamut smells.
  17. No, because a favorite requires a "best". This thread asks for a "better". Each Mario Party game is better than the ones before it. Mega Man X3 was better than 1 and 2.
  18. I enjoyed Seiken Densetsu 3 much more than Secret of Mana.
  19. Wow man, I think Gecko and OCR by consequence caused a stir. Gecko's ytmnd is linked on a joystiq article on the subject: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/01/18/rap-song-samples-extensively-from-c64-demo/
  20. Shariq's been on IRC nearly every day. He's not really gone; he just gave up the tedious work
  21. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6163855.html?tag=latestnews;title;4 Did the entire committee never hear about Wii? I'm not trying to provide flame bait or anything, but if they're talking about controller innovation, there's a clear winner.
  22. Featuring Black Person as Darkesword No! Wait bhaisab, waaait!
  23. Welcome to OCR. As far as I know, ReMixers on this site aren't required to follow the same goal as the original composers. While the original composers have to create a tune specifically for the game's scene, ReMixers here are allowed creative control of their own work to make whatever stylistic choices they want. They aren't making soundtracks for any videogames when they start working; they're interpreting the music the way they envision it in their minds. Edit: JJT beat me to the punch . No need to be harsh, buddy. He just made a mistake.
  24. I never heard the source material, but that Midna song sounds pretty sweet. I'd like to hear more.
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