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Ab56 v2 aka Ash

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Everything posted by Ab56 v2 aka Ash

  1. They only need to do ONE sequel and that's Chrono. Other than they, they ought to make new stuff.
  2. Not as long as vBulletin's on task.
  3. Yes! There Is Justice On The Interwabs!
  4. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If TPoM doesn't remix Tetrisphere, no one on this site ever will.
  5. Like Drack said, I did. I do that as well. If you're aiming to do some serious training with EVs and natures, I think this way is good. If you don't care about EVs and natures, you might as well just train whatever pokemon you have. E4 is hardest with Infernape, I think. Torterra is easiest.
  6. Boys, boys. All good suggestions, but all ABSOLUTELY WRONG. TETRISPHERE. Do it.
  7. I picked the Fire starter. I have a Level 74 Infernape. The Fire starter has the most versatile move pool of the three.
  8. The Damned could probably answer this, but anyone who's a pokemon pro tell me: Is Exp. Share bad for raising competitive pokemon? I imagine it would be since you don't get EVs, right? What's the deal?
  9. I just beat the Elite Four and have over 140 pokemon seen. Just need a few more to get my National Dex... Here's a tip: Train hard for Elite Four. Those guys are at higher levels than any of the previous games, and the pokemon have much better movesets than before. I'm quite pleased with their toughness.
  10. You'll see her at the contest building, but you won't fight her for a long time.
  11. The Elite Four is not a bunch of pushovers this time. Wow
  12. WTF no spoiler tags? So is anyone at the part where you try to catch the legendaries? I'm having trouble locating Mesprit
  13. I'm trying to blaze through the game. I've got six badges right now and I'm on my way to the seventh. Let's see if I can get to the elite four today...
  14. I dunno... I caught myself a wild Kadabra.
  15. If I get myself a router and can play online, I can get you a female fire starter.
  16. No shame in that. All the hardcore competetive people are going to be doing that. For me, I just picked a female starter so I could breed to get the right nature later on.
  17. I picked Chimchar. I'm gonna get a Piplup by trading with a friend so I can nickname it Chill. Chill Penguin ftw.
  18. I'm gonna be playing the crap out of pokemon on Monday after my midterm.
  19. I finally decided on picking fire. Later on I'll trade for a water starter though.
  20. Yesterday's episode was pretty meh.
  21. It's actually ideal if you want to emulate pokemon games (DS & GBA) and not have a GBA cartridge stick out. GS Lite lets you link up the games you emulate. Just last week I linked a Megaman Zero 3 rom to a Megaman Zx rom. Ideally, I should be able to trade pokemon between roms too.
  22. Best bet would be to ask Geoffrey Taucer.
  23. G6 Lite actually
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