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Everything posted by Kanjika

  1. VGMIX IS BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. I cant submit a WIP for 4 days since i deleted an old one. BULLSHIT. lol. Since id rather not get kicked off Hidden palace, heres the intro to the song. The main part of the song is very unfinished so far (and is actually similar to my sandopolis wip in some ways). This intro probably wont be so long in the finished version either. http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=554896&t=8198 Enjoy!
  2. Fucking vgmix and their crappy WIP system! I had to reupload Sky Sanctuary because i uploaded a bad mp3. I upload and find i cant upload any more for 24 hours,so i cant put hidden palace there. Oh well, i always hated those idiots and that dumbass site. Ill host elsewhere. For now, heres the Sky Sanctuary and Sandopolis (updated) WIPs. Sandopolis: http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=4101 SS: http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=4169
  3. WTF will somebody update the freakin post?! Im doing HIdden palace, Sandopolis, and Sky sanctuary...NOT icecap. And all my finished WIPs will be posted later, or tomorrow.
  4. Holy fuck i only have tonight and tommorw night to work on my wips!!! Ill be away from home on friday, saturday, and sunday (but ill still have access to the internet, just no remixing.) And will you take me off icecap and put me on hidden palace already!?
  5. Alright ive finally decided which songs im going to do, and which i wont. Im dropping icecap, and i may finish credits. Sandopolis and sky sanctuary are both very close to being done and ill have final versions soon. Put a big maybe by me on credits... OH, and put me down for hidden palace too
  6. Wow theres alot of stuff that voters could screw up now that i think. Im 100% in favor of non-voting now
  7. yes it sucks! Let the people decide what remixes are on the project...i think it would be cool if anyone (any legitimate forum member)could vote for any number of songs. If the people dont decide what mixes are on the project whats the point of releasing this? i dont see how not voting would help quality either. EDIT....ok now that i rethink this...its a good idea LOL. i just thought how much this could go downhill if we just used what people wanted. Id not ENTIRELY in favor of the idea still, but it seems like the way thats best
  8. YAY COMPETITION!!! LOL! im sure you guys will be able to do something great too. And KFC...the intro wasnt even close to what i planned to do. It sort of came out crappy I have a very different idea for that violin solo, a MUCH better one......... And is it just me or is the guitar crappy sounding?
  9. FINALLY i have a rough sandopolis WIP...but still not the full song though. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=4101 Enjoy!
  10. Well ive pretty much decided that my Sky Sanctuary WIP is complete, but it might need a little polishing. My sandopolis WIP is the BEST yet by far! I MAY try marblegarden and drop icecap(im not worried about Flying battery anymore), or i might try 4 songs....hmm
  11. I thought the project was gone since i didnt see the old thread...ive been gone for awhile. Im going to start a Sandopolis wip, and i MIGHT drop icecap and try flying battery (but its unlikely until i get one of these songs completley done). Im still definitley doing the credits and sanctuary, and sandopolis too. Ive been off the computer for a week so im going crazy composing crap
  12. Just record the song...hit the little record button on the bottom of the FL mixer, save the file, press the record button next to the play button at the top and let the song play though. Rendering sucks if you use lots of samples and stuff.
  13. Ok...heres my newest version of Sky Sanctuary. This version sounds alot more natural and a little smoother but things are missing that were in the previous version (mostly very minor things). The next version i post will be near 100% done http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3789
  14. lol you guys are arguing alot Well, im just letting you guys know that i'll definitley be updating Sky Sanctuary and the Credits theme (and they'll sound ALOT better). I may not do anything for icecap though....we;ll see. I've bought a new HDD for all my sample libraries and i have to re load just about all the samples into these songs, and i've been busy re-arranging stuff.
  15. Im going to go for ice cap too i think. Thne WIP should be finished soon (although i havent really started)
  16. So songs are due NOW? And when are we voting on WIPs?
  17. by all that is holy and sacred... how long must I wait to hear the WIP of the credits??? Oh well, guess the suspense will just build up untill I finally hear it... here's hoping its good, and dont rush it rayza! btw, Ill be glad to hear more of Azure Lake from you Wait no longer! I just decided to work on the credits, and i have a very early WIP. it needs alot, and hopefully i can get more done before the deadline. Its also pretty short. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3857 And the deadline is april 10th now? YES. That gives me time to work
  18. Its improving....still lots of problems though. I think that it can be cleaned up, and some keys can be changed so that they sound more pleasent.
  19. You just need a complete WIP
  20. It looks like theres quite a few people who sith needs to hear from, but hopefully most people will meet the deadline. WHat happens if we have tracks with no WIPs though? I'd be happy to help out since im only doing one song. I also probably wont do much updating to sky sanctuary until after the deadline. Its already good enough right now (IMO).
  21. Wow...groovy . I dont think theres anything that needs fixing. This is definitley good material.
  22. Very helpful, zircon. It's the truth. The method you described isn't really changing the time signature in the traditional sense. FL lets you set the time signature of the entire project, and you cannot automate it - thus, you can't change the time signature. Who cares if its technically not a real time signature change...you dont have to get all technical and be Mr. Knowledge. Its the only way that time signature like changes can be done in FL. And if you want to get real technical, its not even a correct time signature. 12-2 in FL is 12/8. i suppose that theyre saying theres just 2 steps in one beat..but to be musically accurate they should be saying that it means a quaver (eighth) is one beat instead of a crotchet.
  23. Very helpful, zircon. See the little -- in the upper left hand corner of the step seqencer? If you want to change from 4/4, to say...3/4, set the thingy to 3. In the playlist everything will have gaps and look like sdfukjdik so set the SNAP thingy to "beat". This will allow you to move the patterns into the correct place so there are no gaps. Now if you want to change to say..6/8, then i just change the thing to six and double the tempo (because thats like making each count an eighth note since eighths are twice as fast as quarters basically. if you leave the tempo but change the thing to 6 youll end up in 6/4. I hope this is all clear... That's how I've been doing it, I was hoping there was a more proffesional way of doing it, oh well, I guess this is good enough Nope. Imageline has been sitting around doing nothing and they havent thought of stuff like this. Again, FL WAS made by web designers on crack, so
  24. Very helpful, zircon. See the little -- in the upper left hand corner of the step seqencer? If you want to change from 4/4, to say...3/4, set the thingy to 3. In the playlist everything will have gaps and look like sdfukjdik so set the SNAP thingy to "beat". This will allow you to move the patterns into the correct place so there are no gaps. Now if you want to change to say..6/8, then i just change the thing to six and double the tempo (because thats like making each count an eighth note since eighths are twice as fast as quarters basically. if you leave the tempo but change the thing to 6 youll end up in 6/4. I hope this is all clear...
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