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Everything posted by Kanjika

  1. Just downloaded and installed it - uninstalling it shortly. It sounded nice when I loaded the standalone, although sort of wierd like most modeled pianos do. It looked pretty promising until I loaded the VST into FL Studio. I used it on a short piano piece I had written...not good. It seemed to slow the program down so much that there was skipping and underruns galore. Also, when I used MIDI sustain, the notes seemed to get stuck and skip like a CD, over and over until you turned off the sustain. Dont know if these problems exist for anyone else but on my end - Tascam you still suck.
  2. I guess it could be settings in changeit, here's what they look like now. That's only the inputs in the second pic. The same ones plus more appear in the output box. I posted pics because i'm not entireley sure what to set everything to, but I have a feeling that "creative external MIDI" might be something useful... As for the other stuff, I don't have a second cable to check with right now. I don't think it'd be the cable but you never know. And the Roland Channel Number is never mentioned in the manual nor on the JV itself so I don't know if that's an issue.
  3. Well I wasn't able to get any MIDI messages sent to the JV with changeit either, and i've messed with a lot of settings. I'll keep messing with it though. It's probably my Audigy, and i'm questioning whether this joystick port converter cable method even works. I'm probably going to get an M-Audio Fast Track Pro when I buy a new MIDI keyboard, and that way I can use the preamps to boost the JV's signal too. Well anyone have anything else to say? I've pretty much given up on this current method. Thanks for the help guys.
  4. Thanks for all the help guys. Zephyr: That could be a problem. I got the latest drivers, but wasn't able to install them. Windows refused to open the installer which was meant for Windows 95. dannthr: Thanks for all the info, but I'm still stuck on getting it working. Pretty sure the cable is connected (that'd be dumb if it wasn't), and i've tried all the settings in FL and on the JV that are possible. I have it set on GM now, which still didn't work. I'm thinking that it has to do with either; Crap Soundcard (probably will get a MIDI interface, or replace this one) Wrong Config in FL, or possibly the JV. I'm out of ideas right now. Anyone have a Roland Synth and FL Studio?!?!?!
  5. Well about the soundcard receiving data, that's why I linked a pic of FL's MIDI panel. Theres an output named "Creative External MIDI". I have it and the MIDIout channel set to the same port, still not sure how to set that on the JV. Maybe a USB MIDI interface would solve this?
  6. This is pissing me off royally because it seems like I just can't get the stupid MIDI light to respond. What you explained is almost exactly what I was doing, except I forgot a few key points. I don't have a send external MIDI data option, but I have "Enable MIDI output" checked. My MIDI options panel looks like this right now. The other thing I don't know how to do right now is configure the recieve port on the JV. Don't know if you need to since the manual doesn't ever mention it (lol roland manuals). That said, I'm still not having any success and I don't know why. Everythings connected, I all kinds of stuff with options in FL..etc. The only thing I don't know how to set would be the port on the JV. Also, Would this have anything to do with my crap soundcard (audigy... )? Now that i'm implementing hardware into my setup I probably need to ditch that.
  7. Yeah, so I have a JV-1010 sitting here, and i'm pretty much hardware stupid having used software for all my life. I know this can't be incredibly difficult, but what do I need to do to be able to utilize my JV on the computer? It's plugged into my soundcard right now with an adapter MIDI cable. I know how to use a MIDI keyboard with it, and how to get audio output (duh), but I need advice on how to link my sequencer (FL) and the JV so it plays the MIDI data I compose. Really I just need a lot of general advice about how to use it with my PC. Anyone care to help me out here?
  8. Hey, I didn't really tell anyone else except Pi (did you forget or something?), but i'm in drum corps for the summer and I have absolutely no internet time. I'll talk to you guys in about two weeks when the season is over. I'll be back on regularly then.
  9. Wierd. I have one too, with all of my PC songs, and my rejected Zanarkand mix...so popular because I had it on AP. Ya know, I don't even really know what the hell last FM is. I don't give a crap either. Seems pointless.
  10. If it's done in a sequencer, why not just re render / record your track? If it doesn't go away there's a problem with a sample or plugin. If you can't do that, I'm not aware of how to completley remove crackling, but if it's at a high freqency, you could maybe EQ some of it out without causing too much alteration to the other sounds.
  11. I thought it would be funny to make one, so I did. I used Obikun's title suggestion. It's not that professional either but, still made me lol.
  12. I like the second take much better overall, but it would be interesting to incorporate a little of both styles into your final take.
  13. I disagree with that. When solo pieces are done well they really don't need any accompaniment. Being a percussionist myself, I might understand it more. It's clearly 600 AD. It's very nice sounding (especially for being improvised) and I definitley think that if you polished things up, possibly shortened it a little, and got a hold of better recording equipment, it'd have a chance against the judges. If they accept solo piano, why not solo marimba? Good job man. Makes me wish my 4 mallet playing didn't suck.
  14. Yep. Just like Pu said. Send me and PI your best work. Keep in mind that this is also the time where we are really cracking down on the quality of the project tracks. I must say that this deadline came rather quickly too.
  15. Alright. Send me and Pi some of your work and we will discuss.
  16. Well first off thanks for appreciating those tracks. Always nice to hear how many people like them. But as for your Zelda idea, well i'm pretty, actually 100% sure that they wouldnt throw Koji Kondo aside for me. There's too many preventing factors, like AGE (i'm not yet out of high school), I have no real prior experience doing that, and tons of other things. That's all I can really say, lol. I DO hope to compose comercially in a few years, but right now, I barely have time to write anything anymore. But thanks for the hype. On a side note, i do believe there is a reason that the Twighlight Princess music sounds the way that it does. My friend made this point a while back and it could be true. Nintendo's focus is VIDEO GAMES, and the want Zelda to be exactly that, a video game. The slightly cheezy midish sound is a classic Zelda thing since N64. This I believe is the reason the Wii is not a beefed up powerhouse like 360 or PS3. Nintendo simply wants games to be exactly that: games. Back on topic, a big PS to everyone. 24
  17. We need a bumpin'.
  18. Yeah that's fine. The size doesnt bother me.
  19. Send me that mp3. I might be able to figure it out.
  20. ATTENTION REMIXERS. After discussion with Pi, The new project WIP date is set for FEBRUARY 24th. ALL remixers, regardles of sign on date must show very significant progress by this date. The last date was November 19th, so this is date is giving you almost a month and a half from today, and over 3 months from the last one. That means there should be NO reason you don't have a lot more done.
  21. (sorry for not responding to your PM dude..I'll answer here) If you have the money to do so, I would forget all of the sample sets right now and get Kontakt 2. This will open up so many possibilities for your music (orchestral and other styles). The VSL library thats included is pretty adequite for a starter set, and is especially flexible as a library because it's sound can be molded into many different things. But, as most "normal" orchestral libraries do, it takes a little time and knowledge to be able to get things sounding good. Also, anything is possible with most libraries, even if you hate the sound. You could turn a "small" sounding library into a monster orchestra with a few scripts and the proper use of reverb. QLSO's horribly tinny horns in the maximum velocity could be remidied in seconds, you could ensemble GPO's strings without opening more than 2 patches (instead of like, eight). If you go with an entry level library, Silver is an okay choice, but it's pretty easy to reach the limits of what it has in terms of articulations, and color of sound. It totally lacks the power and effect of Gold/Platinum versions once your really hear them, but it's effective enough. It's also probably one of the easiest to use out of box, but sounds quite generic. GPO is fine, and if you like solo instruments, the ability to customize the size of your ensemble (although annoying at times) it's a good choice. Recording quality wise, QLSO wins. Both of those are limited as the included Kontakt players suck. Why do they suck? No editing capabilites beyond basic ADHSR, volume, pitch, and some effects that are rivaled by most free plugins. They also hog the HELL out of RAM, DFD or not. There are a few other good options, like Pete Siedlaczeck's Classic Collection, which I own and use many parts of. It has like 5 libraries in one, including the Extended AO. VERY useful phrases can add lots of realism. Before you say "But I don't use loops", Let me tell you that's it's not anything beyond runs, chords, and grace notes. AO is very similar to VSL in ensemble size, but slightly more primitive. It does have a few rare things, like good woodwind ensembles, and a GREAT piano. Another advantage, is that this is a very computer friendly library. Id doesn't suck up tons of RAM, even with the Kontakt player, but that might be different for you. Again, it's not going to give you a big good sound out of box. It has a learning curve like most libraries. So, my reccomendation is get Kontakt 2 if you're serious, and you'll learn how much more it is rather than the name of the samples. If you just want orchestral sounds to use, you can get an entry level library and be just fine.
  22. They don't have to be that great in order for you to get an idea of the contents of the song. Often times, I don't use the MIDI as it allows you to use a little TOO much of the original material. Using only an original track forces you to improve your listen/writing skills. But, do it howevevr you prefer. Whatever method you use to make your music sound its best is fine.
  23. Haha, Linking to romnation wont get you banned. I'd think you'd have to do something a little more extreme than that to even be warned. Ripping music from ROMs is kind of pointless OMG WWW.VGMUSIC.COM . Fuck they don't have Gunstar heroes
  24. I've been thinking about upgrading a few things to sqeeze the last bit of power from my aging computer. Since i'm upgrading the CPU, i'd like to replace my TT Spark 7 with something quiet. It really is loud, even though i'm totally used to it (makes any game system seem like a whisper in comparison). Anyone know of any quiet, effective CPU coolers that would be under around 50$? Some say that they are quiet, but if someone could reccomend one from experience that'd be great. I don't mind the sound of rushing air, just the annoying hum some fans make. I would do water cooling but there's really no point in spending that much, and I probably wouldn't need it.
  25. If you could add this that'd be great: http://z8.invisionfree.com/CTC_Project_Forum/ NEW FORUM. PROJECT MEMBERS GO HERE AND REGISTER. Once you have regged, I will give you acess to the private WIP/art sections if you are a project member. PLEASE USE THE SAME NAME THAT YOU HAVE ON OCR, otherwise I might think you're some random person.
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