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Everything posted by Kanjika

  1. Sorry for bumping and posting, but i havent seen any good banner or cover art. No offense but the other stuff was lame This took me like 5 minutes using just a picture of a pocketwatch on a table...im also doing a few others but i just though you might want to see this... EDIT:: Finished a second, better one.
  2. I think ill do Magus' Redemption and Robot Battle. I can do the remaining one (Lucca's Arrival) if no one else will, also.
  3. Thanks . You should hear the original i posted last night. Anyway, i only see like 3 songs left over. Aren't there more than that? And if anyone can tell me where to find good midis of these songs that'd be great. VGmusic seems to be pretty bad at times, and most songs are named differently.
  4. I just saw this thread only now If you have more mixes that aren't finished, id be willing to contribute 1 or 2 (maybe more if i have time). Orchestral music is no problem for me, and i'll be fine remixing these songs.
  5. LuIzA TSM, Try the bodhran on my little site http://www.freewebs.com/qualitysoundfonts/index.htm
  6. Cozark, If it says it cant load an effect into a channel, its an effect VST. Go to the mixer and click "more" on the plugin list. If you refreshed the list they should appear. Open the pluing and itll be in the mixer in whatever FX channel you put it in. For instrument VSTs you load them into the step seqencer.
  7. Well why dont you enable the MIDI device in MIDI Settings... Or use the fruity LSD plugin
  8. Lots of people have this problem. Image-line is a bit retarded so they turned it off...
  9. Lol this is slightly dead...but ill review it anyway. I wasnt quite thouroughally impressed lik lots of people. The SAMPLES, and the use of the samples are the best part. Miroslav strings are nice here, not the newest but theyre good. The violin was a bit thin though, and sounded like mono samples which can take away the effect of it filling the concert hall with sound. The use of the samples, like i said, is very good here. The orchestration is good but not the OMG THA BEST REMIXZzzxS ON OCR...lol ( i absolutley hate those stupid posts that people make). Back on topic... it lacks 2 things : lots of variety and a real climax. Symphonies and crap include lots of sections...maybe starting with an upbeat allegro section...then slows down to a more relaxed, emotional section halfway into a piece, then crescendos back into something like the first section, but more vigorous-...then the finale. Near the end of this, theres more barass and it gets slightly more intense but sort of dies really quick...the second thing i think this lacks is use of instruments. There was like NO Contrabass part, a few woodwinds and not much brass. Sure, pieces focus on things, like strings, but this kind of randomly threw in something like a clarinet, then goes back to string sections/solo violin. Those things aside, i think this is overall a very good piece and is worthy of being posted on OCR! Keep up the good music! (P.s. Sorry for the typos, but i type way too fast )
  10. Plugsound free has some good stuff that covers all areas, and a really good spanish guitar.
  11. terrisare, Use loop points, and adjust the attack/release time.
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