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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. until
    The Songwriting Competition is a monthly recurring competition by the Mix Challenge audio community. This month's theme: "Blackout" - create a production in the so called "Epic Music" genre, fitting to the given premise. Deadline: 24-03-2019 11:59pm GMT+1/CET Joining is absolutely free, you can use whatever tools are at your disposal, feedback is mandatory to all participants, the winners podium have a chance to win prizes (among them KV311 Audio, IK Multimedia, Tone2, Luftrum, Hollow Sun and more. More information on: https://mix-challenge.com
  2. Not everything is about money. And we are in full agreement with the song provider what to do with the songs, etc. Reasons/Bonus Info: the track is not registered with any tax/royalty collection service (which in turn wouldn't make this challenge possible as e.g. for Germany "streaming" of an own mix already results in huge fees - it's not covered by "fair use"). Youtube is a completely different topic / own world in itself the song provider has either of two scenarios, which is why he offered us the material in the first place: a ) he's stuck with mixing himself, so he's looking for help, b ) he/she is doing this for fun to see how this track could have turned into (or could still evolve) in some cases, the tracks were already released through either service (Bandcamp, SoundCloud, own CD release, etc), or are Creative Commons it's a win-win situation for everyone: For us as challenge hosts to continue this game // for the song provider to not only do a (free!!!) mass-engineer shootout for possible future collaborations, but also getting a different exposure to his/her material // for the mix participants a possible future mix deal with the song provider (a private thing), some additional experience due to a variety of genres to tackle (bonus: you can build yourself a portfolio this way!), but also the chance to win studio gear (software) -- you do not lose anything, other than "invested time" The copyright and ownership is still on your end. We actually had professional singers and songwriters as song providers in recent years, and they had absolutely no problem with the challenge (actually the other way around - they did this for fun!). And as stated in the rules - the song provider still has the final word post challenge what is allowed to happen with the songs. If you, as mix challenge participant, want to monetize the material to "earn something" out of it - you have to clear that with the song provider himself/herself. There are more challenges/competitions on KVR Audio (a One Synth Challenge where you create a track with "one synth only", and a Songwriting Competition with a given theme similar to ThaSauce's Compos). We also had source material from these challenges already - which brings this post full circle - they did it for fun and/or curiosity - or just plain "lack" of mixing skills/knowledge and look for a different direction. Honestly - I don't see a problem with such a challenge. There are hundreds of them, similar even, on the Internet. I just happen to be a longtime member of both communities. (and here I miss a shrug emoticon)
  3. A small bump if you don't mind. The Mix Challenge (formerly KVR Mix Challenge, we've gone more independent) started the new year with MC18, which offers an EBM / Electro track to mix for this month. You can find this game over on KVR Audio, in the production techniques sub-forum. Since this is the regular run again, the challenge goes from 1st of the month, until the 21st of the month, with a possible second mix round. At the time of this post, that's still 2 weeks left to join until the first deadline. The challenge also got a small face lift. The Twitter handle is now @MixChallenge I'd love to see members of OCR, ThaSauce and (old) VGMix joining. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Or get in touch with either Twitter or through KVR Audio. Oh - and we're still (pretty much constantly) looking for new audio material to mix. Just follow the links in the first post. Once more - thanks for reading.
  4. Hello fellow users, how are you? I'd like to point your attention towards an interesting challenge on the KVR Audio forum, called "Mix Challenge". Unlike known challenges here on OCR like DoD (Dwelling of Duels) or songwriting/remix competitions, the focus on this challenge is on mixing a song from scratch, within a certain given time frame (21 days, starting at the first day of the month). It's aimed to be a fun game, but with the twist of having a small learning curve (you get feedback from the song provider, you can read up on mixing techniques from other participants, you learn how to do proper gain staging, etc). The Mix Challenge can be found on KVR Audio in the "Production Techniques" section, along with the rules/guidelines: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=62 We're (as of this moment) on the 17th month/song. And the current game (December 2015/January 2016 - Holiday Mix) is still running until 15th January 2015, 11:59pm CET/GMT+1. If you're interested, I'd love to see you over on KVR Audio and join the fun. While visiting KVR Audio, you can also find the "One Synth Challenge" (in Instrument Section) and "Music Cafe Songwriting Competition" (in Music Cafe) - both are also very popular and long running games that challenge your songwriting skills. Please check them out as well. However, I'm not only writing on OCR to point attention towards the contests/games, but as CTO/host of the Mix Challenge, I also have a request: The challenge can not survive without people providing audio material to mix. As of this moment, we have two tracks in the queue for 2016 (one per month). Once this queue is used up, the challenge is over and can't continue. That will sadly be the case in April (we have a track for February and March, still working on getting new ones - but it's a very slow process). So we're in desperate need of new audio material to mix. The genre is not really important - though we'd love to see more vocal work! Maybe also some modern DnB/Tech Step/Compextro and some Hip Hop/Trip Hop. As long as it's original productions (not game remixes) and you're not part of a royalty collection society. Here I hope to bring the OCR, the old ThaSauce "extended arm" (compos) and former VGMix Community back together. Especially since KVR Musicians seem to be very shy in terms of providing their material for the Mix Challenge. If you want to know more about this, there is an official campaign thread, also on KVR Audio: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=443876 So yeah, that's about it. I'd love to see you over on KVR Audio and join the challenge. The more people, the more interesting things get. If you got some questions, I try to answer them in here. But I'm way more active on KVR Audio these days. If you want to follow us on Social Media, we're on Twitter (handle @MixChallenge). Thanks for reading,
  5. Okay... DAVID - you seriously pissed me off right now, and excuse my outburst - but I'm so fucking SICK of that BULLSHIT! You need to take a fucking CHILL PILL. Since I'm back in here, every comment I post, every written word from me is, according to you, only misinterpretation disruptive behaviour not helping at all constant flames towards you, David Lloyd Pretzel, the owner of this site Would you... FUCKING STOP saying that? I'm an individual like you are, I'm as long at OCR as most of the "old staff" was (and still is). Seriously, I'm not out to get you dammit! If you don't want any comments, suggestions, or serious discusseion, then this whole thread, this whole discussion about your "holy draft" is totally meaningless. Thanks ah-lot! You want names? How about Radical Dreamer, Dhsu, andyjane, DragonFireKay, LuiZa, myself, ... just to name a view. When the fuck did I double quote? A "double quote" would mean a quote pyramind (which is hard to do in this forum version), nothing else. And that "hypothetical thesis" thing?... Let me quote please: ...end of quote. A contract IS a good reason. Another reason would be to part with your page, because the person is not fond the the "guidelines" anymore, or even the pageleader himself. This IS a rare issue, but it is a valid issue. And before you start throwing dirt at me, I emphasize it again: I, Roland Löhlbach, known as User and Remixer Compyfox on OCRemix since late 2000, removed my track, as written in the Lockdown/Removal Wiki, not due to hatred or other stupid reasons, but due to the fact that my remix, which was known as "Final Fantasy Adventure: Mission of Mana", was to 80% a MIDI Rip, had arrangement and serious/inferior sound presentation. After the removal, in around 2003 if I can remember, I never submitted anything new to OCRemix due to the fact that I didn't find the time to produce anything new, neither was the quality of my production, or the arrangement, up-par with the freshly invented remix site standards from OCRemix. This doesn't show in the Wiki, but more like "OMG he put his track down cause he had issues." - this is NOT the case. You, David, posted infos about the removal of Virt's track, here is my info once again for all to see. The discussion ended, before it even started, David. I see this as highly insulting threat towards me, and if I had rights as moderator or admin in here, and you'd be in my position (aka. a mere user), then I'd advise you now to please keep quiet, else a ban is the result. But unfortunately, I don't have such rights - not to mention that I wouldn't threat with a ban in the first place. Only if it's really disruptive behaviour like posting pics from rotten.com or something like that in a civilized webboard. Why not say it out loud "fucking learn our language then come back and discuss again"? Seriously, your constant negative point of view isn't helping either. And what's miscommunication if I even offered alternative solutions, that you also blocked right from the start. Once again, why not point with your finger "learn english first!"? Maybe I should invite you to MY board and ask you to address your concerns about MY topic in MY NATIVE LANGUAGE - how about that? Btw... I don't need any help from either of you. It's not only due to my "language barrier", it's also due to walking around while wearing blinders instead of thinking a bit more open minded, consider other suggestions. I say it again, most of the discussion was useless right from the start, because you were on the constant viewpoint of saying "NO" (in size 32 bold uppercase) to certain adressed issues all the time. Then I ask once more - why did you even start this thread? And? Does that mean I didn't come around so far? What are you trying to state here? That you rather prefer comments from "native speaking" people only, because everything else is just "misinterpretation" and "not really helping"? Seriously, David, I was patient long enough to constantly take your shit towards me. I'm having enough. Why not do it like you did with the "sidebar" thread back in the day? Everyone who had an issue with it, and was it only slightly, or even with comments how to make it better, you banned them without real reason. I got two unjustified ban warnings from you already, you told me to STFU a couple of times. Do you think because you're the president of this page, that you can randomly insult others while the insulted part didn't do jack? I personally don't think so. I wrote in a calm and collective way so far, I asked questions (that were partially ignored), I stated what-if scenarios as general issues that I feld needed to be adressed and I posted possible alternatives to consider. If that is not good enough for you for a proper discussion, I don't know what is. I tell you what, David. I think I just go to the next nearest Tatoo Shop and let my fat ass being tagged with the name and URL "OCReMix", over both asscheeks, so that I can spread the word how awesome your page is. Is that appropriate and marketing enough for you? If you feel like banning me now - go ahead, I don't fucking care anymore - this is what OCR is best at after all. But I won't be silenced - not from you.
  6. Clearly THAT noise is coming from the PC, or better said the Soundblaster. Checked it, it's no ground loop, and no fan noise, but the typical hissing of the Analog/Digital converters from their "gamer card series" (they always write on them how good they are, but the sad truth is always different). There's nothing much that you can do about it, but to either use a highpass/lowcut filter (to remove the floor noise up to 80Hz) and a noise reduction module to get rid of the hissing while you're recording silence (a gate would also work)... Or... the IMO better solution than massive filtering, get proper equipment, and try it again. I guess you try to record either a dynamic mic or a small membran condenser (we didn't get further info from you in this section - so I have to assume what's up) with the Creative Live Mic-In directly. This might work for Podcasts and Team-Speak applications, but not for serious recording. I recommend you to get a cheap/decent mic preamp and another recording device (some overview should be in the stickyfied threads) to reduce the noise as much as possible, and trust me, you'll have way more for your buck. Or... get one of those large membran USB microphone solutions (Samson, Behringer, etc), where you have all in one already. They're cheap, they're good, and they can be used for more than just voice (singing/podcast) and "selected" acoustic recordings. Hope that's helping.
  7. This is why we suggested, later even asked for some sort of "lockdown periods" to prevent that kind of workload - before torrents are created. Or even a system, where each individual is asked "are you cool with your track to be released on a physical media - yes/no" and you stick to that. Seeing as Larry didn't talk to you about this yet, and your constant defensive blocking behaviour (in MY opinion), I needed to emphasize this once more. What's so difficult about that anyway? You'll have less work involved than later getting back to remove tracks individually when they're "locked" or burned on DVD, IF there is a valid reason. Every reason is a valid reason to be honest. To me all your posts sound like "sorry, whatever your reasons are - forget it". And this is what we don't/won't accept. One valid reason would be a contract - but you said that's probably "unlikely" and a "hypothetical thesis" anyway. I say it again, please get in contact with Larry(!). We talked very in-depth about the draft the other day and came up with the one or another idea that he can certainly adress better than I could. To my question with the Remix Projects, I guess I just have to PM you directly.
  8. I had a long phonecall with Larry the other day, where we discussed some things, and he said he will forward my/our ideas as soon as he catches you (he's out for the weekend). Did he do that already? If not, please wait till early next week. I'm fairly sure the stuff we discussed can be adressed a bit better from his point of view, and with a way more fluent english than I would. Thanks. There's one concern with the remix projects though. I mean, the only "tag" the projects hold (all of them) is in the album name that's stating where it's coming from (and in this case, the subpage for example chrono.ocremix.org, or chozo.ocremix.org). While this is not necessarily a problem per se, it's more like a question. I tried to clear this with Larry and he was like "I don't see a problem with that", but your recent post actually makes a problem out of it. As you know, I still hold all rights for releasing the (long awaited) Special Edition of Chrono Symphonic. I can't say when it'll happen, but I plan to release it one way or another. The thing is... the original project was released already via "OCRemix" (the subpage, featured on the front page with a couple of tracks) and Studio Compyfox (my torrent tracker), where the SE will be released later, too. The Special Edition would be a massive sound enhanced version, with a bonus CD of about 10 tracks - as mentioned a couple of times in the original project thread. The thing is... how will this be handled? It's actually an "add-on", no official "initial release". Not to mention that the projects were all released "independend" from OCR (as there're tracks on them, that're not on the OCR main page, but exclusive to the project - so it'd theoretically not make it an OCRemix project only with the exception that it was "presented" on OCRemix with an own subdomain - and who said that a project that "spawned" on OCR is an official OCR Project in the end? Or are the Remix Competitions "OCR bound", too?). It's a bit tricky, and I'm sure Larry will adress that, too. But I'd love to get a clearance via PM to this if possible.
  9. I give it a HELL YES!!! The game is the topping of the cake in terms of graphics and gameplay. While Winwaker was massively dissapointing due to the long travels overseas, the greedy bastard Tingle and the dissapointing short 4(!) dungeons, not to mention the annoying hunt for the triforce shards (where you needed a crapload of money that you didn't have), this game was actually the holy grail of the Zelda Series again. I bought this game on it's releasedate in Germany, played it 3 days in a row, all in all 55hours, only used a gameguide once because I was stuck and collected 3-5 hearpieces along the way. But else this game draws you deep into the story, you're treated with awesome cutscenes, a very interesting battle system, 8+ long dungeons, an epic battle in the end (IMO as epic as Ocarina of Time) - I really enjoyed the game, even though it rather was a bit of a "strange spinoff" than a Zelda that we used to know (I missed the fairy accompany), but boy this game was awesome, also in terms of storyline. The only negative things in my opinion were that you didn't have an ocarina anymore, and that some parts where you're the wolf are a bit meh, one or two minigames were just annoying to beat, but overall the dark athmosphere and the graphics really were impressive, and it's in my opinion a MUST HAVE title for the Gamecube. A pity that Nintendo never recreated Ocarina of Time in those graphics, I'd buy it at once. In terms of Gamecube vs. Wii Version. All over the globe (especially in Europe), Nintendo was like "the Wii version will be released first", and therefore they spread the image that the game was made for the Wii in the first place. This seriously ticked of the Cube fans because it was planned to be an exclusive title for this engine. Unfortunately the game was released too late for the Cube, else it would have revived that console for one final time. The game itself was "made" for th Cube, so the Wii meme was a bit stupid, especially the people all saying "graphics sucks, soundtrack sucks, no voice over, etc". The main difference between the Wii and the Gamecube Version (aside from the controls, which are not bad on the Wii in terms of aiming with the bow, though a bit iffy) is that the screen was simply mirrored. Link holds his sword in the left hand on the Cube, and on the Wii on the right. The maps and people were also mirrored. So if you played either version first and think "ah, let's do a speedrun on the other console" - big mistake. This game is definitely a must have in my opinion.
  10. I'd definitely give a vote for REZ on both PS2 and Dreamcast. IMO a very cool beatgame, nice soundtrack, interesting concept. Same as with Squaresofts try to create their own "net shooter" called "Internal Section", where you could even load your own CDs (soundtrack) because the game was in the PSX Memory and it adjusted to that (like Vic Ribbon). I still play it from time to time, but over here, the "second hand" versions of REZ (no matter if DC or PS2) are still friggin expensive. Wish it had a proper sequel, not just "evolutions" like Meteos and Luminies.
  11. Actually my friend spent 699Euro with the right flight agency directly to Tokyo (Asakusa) with a 2 week visit. Not bad if you ask me. If I wouldn't be bad in terms of writing, I'd step in. But if you need help in terms of engineering, I'm open for this one - unless Andrew doesn't need help in that section.
  12. If this FF6 mix is still up in terms of "production", I could offer my services - worked on Chrono Symphonic, why not even on this one? Unless that idea is discarted by now - it's from over 2 years ago anyway.
  13. Hell YES, I'd give a positive vote on that one. It's simply the bst 2D fighter in terms of animations out there. It's only that the Dreamcast Pad downright sucks. The Remake on the PS2 (on Street Fighter Collection) was therefore more playable/enjoyable, but you can say what you want... out of all Street Fighter Games (along with Super Street Figher 2 Turbo on the PC and Dreamcast), it's definitely the best of the series. Hell it even beats some of the King of Fighters Games. Also a YES on this one. This is another one of those rare fighting game treasures, especially one of those playing in the late Samurai Era. While the prequel (Last Blade) was a bit messed up, the controls, moves, animations and characters were stocked up to create IMO one of the best 2D fighting games ever. Though the difficulty was very unpredictable, but still more fair than Samurai Shodown 3 and up. I can't say which version is the best, but I still prefer the NeoGeo (Arcade) version, simply because it's the original one. Once more the controls from the Dreamcast fail while the PS2 version was reported to have some issued graphics wise (still it's fairly playable). All in all, IMO a must have fighting game from the 2D era. As one who tried his luck on the Bemani games (especially Pop'n Music and Dance Dance Revolution), I'd also give a positive vote on Beatmania IIDX. The songs/mixes starting with V7 were very enjoyable, dead agressive and wanted to you to come back and actually finish this game. It's true however that the difficulty is sometimes insane, especially if you're not used to the controllers (you definitely need to start with 5 keys first and then slowly rise to 7 keys), or if you play the "very hard tracks". But even then, the tracks are so awesome, you can't stop. Furthermore, the portation from the arcade to the PS2 really worked fine. You don't feel the difference, with maybe the exception that you have smaller controllers (the home version, unless you shelled out the money for the "big arcade type" controllers) and not a standup display like you're used to in the arcade. Still, if you're into beatgames and you're better with fingers than with your feet, Beatmania is definitely the way to go. I give it a GODDAMN NO because of several reasons. While this game might be one of the better games for the DS, it's fucking unfair. You're happy if you can finish the mushroom cup and 1/4th of the flower cup. Then, if you're not "skilled" to pull off the "snaking move", you're lost and you won't come any further in the game. The CPU enemies jump from "uber-stupid" to "highly advanced robot" in the Flower Cup almost instantly and it was only a matter of time till my DS hit one of the corners of my room (same as with 3-on-3 Mario Hoops, which is also way too difficult). Hell even the shortcuts fail like 90% of the time, while the CPU still outrules you. Seriously, this Mario game is NOT for casual gamers, but hardcore gamers. The online mode is also dissapointing. It is a nice idea indeed, but it's so buggy that it's not even funny. You want to play against (maybe) your friend because that's the only chance you have there, and this came pings out in the middle of your race. If that happens while playing vs. a "snaker", he wins the battle and your ratio falls. Way to go Nintendo, you know how to encourage players. At least the local WLAN version works and is helluva fun, if you cheated and unlocked all tracks. I won't say that the graphics are bad, neither are most of the tracks or the music. But the AI is totally unbalanced, the online system fucked up, and this is downright a button/control killer because you have to press the buttons like it's the end of the world. Sorry - but I'd give it a NO, unless you have a cheap module to load a savestate into the game.
  14. If the controls would have been better, I'd give it a vote. My fingers fucking hurt after 10 minutes. Aw come on. It's not that bad - you just need to play it along with the other three parts. Especially the (uncut) japanese versions. Definitely a fun game. I wouldn't vote for "Star Fox Adventures" either, but more like "Star Fox Assault", but like all other Starfox games, too short. Compared to the old Flash Version, this game is just too hard and unfair. Then again, the minigames are worth it. Not as good as "Ghost in the Shell" on PSX, but way better than ONI. I give it a vote... oh wait... that vote came from me. XD And I got even more, sorry if I repeat myself, but I just write down what comes to mind: SNES: Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana) Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 6 (3 in US) Super Mario World Super Metroid (hard as fuck, still the best along with Prime IMO) Contra 4 - Alien Rebels The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past ...in short, all major SNES classics plus some RPGs and regular fun games PSX: - Ghost in the Shell (Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell - awesome game, awesome OST - play it on ePSXe with a beamer sometime, this rocks!) - Final Fantasy 7 - Final Fantasy 9 - Final Fantasy Tactics - Valkyrie Profile - Vagrant Story - Parasite Eve (not the sequels!) - Rhapsody - the LUNAR Saga - Soul Edge (was IMO better than Tekken) - Wipeout 2097 (Europe) - Wipeout 3: Special Edition (Europe) - Xenogears (Xenosaga EP5) - Metal Gear Solid - Einhänder (totally ruled out R-Type) Playstation 2: - Zone of the Enders: Anubis (aka: ZOE - The Second Runner) - ICO - Shadow of the Colossus - Street Fighter Collection - King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 - Final Fantasy XII - Megal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ("Sons of Liberty" was good too, but dissapointing because you couldn't play Snake longer than the Tanker mission) - Burnout 4: Takedown (or was it Revenge?) - R-Type Delta (too fucking difficult, but still cool) - Shin Contra (Contra: Shattered Soldier - awesome remake) - Silent Hill (Series) - God of War (only the first IMO) - Disgaea (Series) - Prince of Persia (Series, none was really bad out of those three) - Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - Okami - and probaly a couple more I miss at the moment Gamecube: - Viewtiful Joe (Series) - Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (IMO a MUST HAVE remake, pitty that it never made it to the PS2) - Zelda: Twilight Princess - Zelda Windwaker - Collectors Edition (because of Ocarina of Time) - Zelda - Collectors Edition (because of OoT, Majora's Mask and the classic games) - Zelda: Four Swords (fun as hell, if your friends can behave) - Pacman VS - Mario Party 5 - Paper Mario RPG - The Sealed Door - Mario Kart Double Dash (better than Mario Kart DS!) - Wario Wares Inc - Metroid Prime - Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee - Starfox Assault - Sonic Adventure 2 - Resident Evil 1 Dreamcast: - Shenmue 1 and 2 (unfortunately, Part 3 never saw the light of day, which should have closed out the series) X-Box: - Project Gotham Racing - Burnout 3: Takedown/Burnout 4: Revenge - Halo 1 and Halo 2 - Prince of Persia (Series) - dun have that much Box games, rather abuse it for Emulation X-Box 360 - Lost Planet - Project Gotham Racing - Halo 3 (coming up) - Perfect Dark Zero (with they'd have redone Perfect Dark, too) - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (the last two games) - Prince of Persia Remake (X-Box Arcade/Live - DUH! I hate them for that! I want it as regular game, too - dun have a 360 myself YET) PC: - Tactical OPs - Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (IMO too long and tiresome, but kicks most "3D Adventures" in the nuts in terms of graphics, sound and story) - Rising Force Online (RF-Online, Korean SciFi/Fantasy MMORPG) - Ragnarök Online - Half Life 2 (series) - Counter Strike Source (for some fun inbetween) - I'm a bit off the hook here, could only name oldschool games though, sorry - my PC is for audio engineering mostly and not strong enough for games Nintendo DS: - Phoenix Wright (series) - Bomberman Land DS (only because of the Classic Multiplayer Mode) - Tetris DS (IMO the best remake so far) - NEW Super Mario Bros (though friggin hard in later stages) - Starfox Command - Wario Ware Touched - Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (not because it's the 10th remake or so - still think that Firered on GBA is the best, but because of ONLINE BATTLES and SHARING) - Metroid Prime Pinball (fun for long/short journeys with a car or on the train) - Sonic Rush (better than Sonic Advance!) GBA: - Zelda - A link to the Past/4 Swords - Zelda - The Minish Cap - Super Mario Advance 2: Mario World - Super Mario Advance 3: Mario Bros 3 - Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen (awesome remake!) - Pokemon Ruby/Saphire/Emerald - Boktai - Advance Wars N64: - Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Zelda: Majora's Mask (dissapointed me, was still okay though) - Perfect Dark I probably know a bunch more, but meh... Played so much shit in my life, can't remember anything. Speaking of the Bemani Series, sephfire... They're mostly Sony bound (PSX/PS2) and feature stuff from Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage (not all are bad, except maybe DDR EuroMix, though that one's a localized version like DDR Max for the USA), Para Para Paradise, Pop'n Music, Taiko no Tatsujin (Japan only), Keyboard Mania (bad game IMO), Beatmania and Beatmania IIDX (most successful series), Guitar Freaks, Drummania, Karaoke Mania, etc. IMO the beatgames are a MUST HAVE, starting with at least v4 from each game, as they're more balanced then. PC wise nothing can beat Stepmania, which later errupted into "In the Groove" on PS2, but is friggin difficult. So much about me
  15. This is the thing that's kinda bugging me. The ship always needs a captain, Will got the new one, they cut out his heart, Elisabeth get's the heart for taking care of it ("it always belonged to you"). So if he holds through the 10 years and get's back on the island, and if the course is lifted - there're still too many plotholes to be honest. Who will be the next captain (I thought the Dutchman is the Ghost Ship that takes care of the souls thanks to Calypso)? Can he get his heart back? (according to Calypso, the counterpart has to give away "hers", too)? Who will be the next keeper of the realm of the mourning souls? Nice story indeed, but this just ruins it. Maybe it is covered in the "Adventure of Jack Sparrow" books (didn't read them, don't even know WHERE to get them), but it would have been nice if it would have been in the movie, too.
  16. Mind to post the source for that, VGJunky? I read the wiki's but nothing was ever mentioned about that. But THIS would make the whole "flying dutchman" thing a bit better than saying "the ship needs a captain, heart of the ship, heart of the crew - always and forever". Then again, who'll be the next one? And that thing only happened with Jones anyway (heart cut out), while Calisto was in charge of the souls.
  17. Actually the Pirates series suffered the same as the Matrix series did. The first one was the best, the rest were a massive effect and story load. It was even filmed the same way. Then again, the Pirates series had one advantage, well actually two. First, the actors didn't look like they were much older (unlike in Matrix) and it didn't look out of place either, second the story weren't as confusing and totally fucked up - all fit togehter, though part 2 and 3 could have stood on their own. Still I think "Pirates 1" is the best movie - Pirates 2 had some awesome visual stuff in it, Pirates 3 was a bit too overloaded and long, just to finish off the series. Doesn't mean that it's bad though. Just a bit... dissapointing.
  18. Well, there're still some novels left to "convert" with "Early Adventures of Jack Sparrows". And the ending hinted for another sequel already (not to mention that Depp already agreed for further movie jobs).
  19. I guess you mean "at worlds end" now, because it definitely wasn't in "dead mans crest" - only that he cut out his heart, but not why he turned into the creature.
  20. Haven't seen the movie "yet", but... is it even cleared why Jones turned into a sea creature? If it was (in "Dead Mans Crest", I must be obviously dumb, as I've seen this one like 8 times in a row (thanks to my brother having the DVD).
  21. Because some synths have a certain character that can't be recreated with software, no matter how good the emulation is. Also, there's still the thing with analog recording vs. working purely digital (especially rock music). And... some of us started in the days where no software stuff was available (especially some of that awesome freeware material that you can get nowadays), so our only solution was to work on a pure hardware basis, mixed with a PC sequencer maybe. Not to mention... DON'T underestimate the advantages of hardware devices: switch them on and they work in seconds, you can actually "touch them", you can abuse them as controllers (tweaking knobs, faders, etc) and sometimes, due to their not so flexible architecture, they offer you way more possibilities than click'n play software solutions - because you're "limited" and have to be more creative. Of course this can all be done within the PC now, but it really depends on what you prefer. I can work with both, I do like both hardware and software. But I used to have so much software synth crap that I recently caved and was like "to hell with it!". It really depends on the production, and how much variety you want to have (1 patch per synth, or 2-3 synths per song with like 3-5 patches each). Budget is also an issue, true. But nowadays you can stuff for dirt cheap if you're patient and wait for pricedrops, or you don't have a problem using second hand tools. I mean... why do I want to build a Do-it-yourself midiBox SID? Because the SID chip offer's more than just C64 sounds, it's an analog bass/lead synth and it's something special that not everyone has. ANYWAY - less talkie, more pictures people. This is a "show us your studio pics" thread, not "what stuff do you use - list" thread.
  22. Tomorrow (today already for me) the draft discussion ends - and no reaction whatsoever in both threads. Time needed for decitions or not, but this is a serious compromise that needs to be commented on. Unless however, it really doesn't matter anymore. Butd as soon as the discussion is "closed", the draft is set. A lifesign would be nice indeed.
  23. But what good is it, if the "headquarters" don't even comment on them whether or not they'll accept it? Or even "think" about it. Either nobody cares, it's a clear NO right from the start.
  24. Then again, Andrew, there's still OCReMoved hosted by Doulifé where even my mix is still on there, also Virts long lost material (still love that Toejam&Earl track). If we take a closer look, we weren't asked either whether or not we agree that these tracks are still publised, they just are. And if we talk about that, VGMix also has/had some kind of mirror of OCR mixes, too. So the tracks are not really "that" lost in certain ways to those who want to really get it. And like mentioned over and over, people still "have" the song somewhere (or loaded already), not to mention that P2P systems are crowded with OCRemixes - so yeah, we'd still have no influence of the "fan side", but on the "page side" - the officual ways. Anyway, this came up in the other thread, and I think it's a good alternative to discuss. Actually Dhsu came up with the idea, but let me quote from my other post: Two reasons why this would/could not work: 1) There will be no further lockdown according to DJP himself (chat) 2) How do you contact all remixers? And if you can't reach them within the time the lockdown runs out (for example in stormy area's), what then? Is it still valid? I'd agree with this option however. This is indeed a more fair deal than just giving the tracks away and then you're stuck with an infinite and irrevocable release, or releases on physical medium. So if this'd be pulled off, I'd consider a vote change. Though there's still the thing with my "uber-hypothetical what-if scenario" (/quote DJP), but this is something completely different, and while it's still a valid reason for a removal IMO, it's a special exception and needs to be discussed seperately. This idea actually found some positive response in the "closed poll" already by Sir_Nuts and Radical Dreamer. If such a system could be implemented, it would mean a bit more work indeed, but it's making this whole "rules thing" a bit more interesting, not to mention more relaxed and open-minded, for all participants. Though we still can't predict the future (my "hypothetical scenario" again), but it's a start. Maybe a thing to consider?
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