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  1. Would I be a terrible person to request Robo? I find it odd he was left out of the Chrono Trigger crew (along with Magus, but I take baby steps).
  2. Heh, nub. not until I noticed that they never escape a grab... seriously the game's AI is godly and stupid at the same time. The best time to grab against the AI is when it is attacking, and you are not being hit by that attack. It does have some crazy abilities when it is just plain blocking, but it rarely breaks the throw if it is in action.
  3. Heh, nub.
  4. Shadow Link is easy, use the hammer. I never understood his difficulty.
  5. I could help with the Chrono Series people, and Nintendo (but that seems to be heavily covered).
  6. Garai from Chrono Cross gave me a really hard time the first run through. I spent a good half hour trying to beat him, and I swear it was luck that I even took him down. But I was playing like an idiot and still learning the battle system by that point. In God of War the second to last fight against the hundreds of Kratos's in God mode is rediculously hard. You have to have a spider sense to be able to survive that part.
  7. I wish I was that good, wow. The second one is really nice.
  8. I never come down here to give regards to remixers, but this song is just so damn emotional that I have to. From the second I heard this I knew it was going to be my favorite. I wanna take up guitar just so I can play this song. I would really like to see Neil do a similar style rendition of Peaceful Days, that would make my life.
  9. Oh you got all my hopes up and everything. edit: Bump
  10. Can you say exactly what you dont like about it? I dont mind the critisicm(sp?) but what you said is hard to improve on. If no one like this one, I could make another one, but Claado liked the idea I had for it. But either way I'll wait for more people to comment before doing anything more. Just the firey text and the sprites. Personal opinion: I wouldn't really prefer sprites on an orchestral CD's cover, because I feel it takes away from the feel of professionalism. This isn't for the CD cover for what I know. This is just a banner for people what want to promote the thread in thier signature. Well at lest that is the impression that I am under.
  11. Can you say exactly what you dont like about it? I dont mind the critisicm(sp?) but what you said is hard to improve on. If no one like this one, I could make another one, but Claado liked the idea I had for it. But either way I'll wait for more people to comment before doing anything more.
  12. Please post how you did that Zealty. By the way I finally finished the banner, here it is in all of its glory. (Unless someone has a great idea to make it better) Sorry it took so long, but I was being very anal about which font to pick.
  13. Oh cool, I always heard rumors that the music was orginally for the new Zeal after the Lavos incident.
  14. Where in the game was signing mountain supposed to go? I always wondered about that. And thay Tricera looks like a copy of the boss that ate bombs in LOZ. I can see why they cut it.
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