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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. Ahh Berserk. Speaking of Berserk, some years ago a friend of mine gave me (in digital format) like, several years worth of the manga, but unfortunately I don't have it anymore. Do you guys know a place where I can grab it so I can catch up?

    You can find torrents for it here: TheHawks.org, the most popular Berserk translation site. There are also sites online where you can download the manga directly or simply read scanned pages though those can be pretty much found through Google.

  2. Bland, slow, generic fantasy just doesn't do it for me. But if you like it, fine, go watch it. Just don't tell me that I should too.

    Didn't really say that at all, and certainly didn't mean to get your panties in a wad. :/

    But yeah, pretty much what I-n-j-i-n said.^

  3. ^lolz

    Yeah, I watched the first three or four episodes. It's your typical medieval fantasy/fighting demons stuff.

    No thanks. If you're going to make a show like this, at least do something that isn't horribly obvious and taken right out of the big book of anime standards and clichés. There's already been a half dozen shows just like this over the last couple of years.

    No offense, but if you judged or labeled all anime based on their first three or four episodes then you'd be missing out on quite a few quality titles. Just sayin', you know.

  4. That is possibly the worst thing I've EVER seen. I don't care how funny anyone thinks that is. That's pretty insulting to me. In my own opinion that site should have that page removed, or the site should be shut down.

    I don't care how funny they think it is, it's NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    Making fun of people, making fun of OCR, the judges, and the shenanigans of the past. Honestly, let sleeping dogs lie, and get over it already. There's enjoy negativity out there, I don't believe we asked for, or deserve more here.

    If it was something a bit nicer, maybe even actually joking, I wouldn't be taking the time to write this post. However, the way I see it, it's scathing, ill-humoured BS that I honestly cannot stand for.

    But whatever. I am but a voice in an ocean of hundreds.


  5. :( I think I'm just bitter there's no PC or Saturn category. :(

    (Also favorites with a 'u' lol)

    DC: Shenmue, Bangai-O

    PS2: Devil May Cry 1 and 3, ICO, Guitar Hero 1 and 2, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Guilty Gear XX

    X-Box: Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Steel Batallion

    GameCube: Killer7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (hm, lots of Capcom)

    DS: Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, Sonic Rush, Megaman ZX, Rocket Slime (hee)

    PSP: EMULATORS LOL (also Lumines)

    Seriously though guys, stop with the recommendation threads.


    How can this thread bother you that much? I understand these topics can get annoying pretty quickly, but is it really that hard to just not open it up? Not trying to be a troll, but seriously.

    (PS - Nice nominations with Bangai-O and Shenmue II)

  6. So I've just recently started getting into SFIII: Third Strike and was wondering if anyone would mind mentioning who are considered the top tier characters and who should clearly be avoided. I'd look it up myself, but I'm terribly lazy and this seems like a good enough place as any.

    At the moment I'm digging Ken, Yun, Yang, and Ibuki.

  7. A lot of bLiNd's stuff would probably work well. Specifically, I would recommend Aerofunkanamics from Kong in Concert. The well-placed screams and "hiya" sound-effects add to the general keep-it-up sort of mood that the song emphasises.

    But it's not rock, so it may not be up your alley for this occasion.

    Agreed. Also, bLiNd's "White Skies (Club Mix)" and maybe some of Rayza's mixes as well.

  8. ^I plan on getting it soon too, and I noticed that (thankfully) I haven't had any problem finding it in stores where I live. Also, just preordered Castlevania: PoR a few days ago and the Gamestop people told me there was a slight chance that I might not get the awesome preorder bonus due to limited availability. :(

  9. I just got back from the store. I bought three DS games whoo!

    Metroid Prime: Hunters

    Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

    LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

    Thanks to whoever it was who linked to that 3 DS games for the price of 2 thing. I saved $35 whoot! :D Too bad the selection at Best Buy is far from comprehensive. :(

    Anyway, can't wait to play these, especially Metroid. But first, homework. :cry:


    Is that an in-store only deal, or is it also available through their website?

  10. i'll be honest. I only accepted the offer because of the exceptional dental care coverage. The pay is weak, but I only have a $100 deductible. How sweet is that?

    No, but seriously though. Those of you who don't know me, I'm more of a forum lurker than an activist (look at my post count) so I'm sorry to disappoint in that aspect. I'm sure I'll be involved with a lot more of you from this point on, and I pledge to do my best to offer any feedback/assistance in my decisions to help you fellow remixers get your stuff out there and appreciated by the masses.

    And for those of you who may still get offended should I drop the big NO, all my hate mail gets filtered from my spam mail by my secretary. It could be months before I even get to read your letters, much less actually weep.

    and wtf is the deal with the twitching Ewok? That is disturbing. :lol:

    But seriously, glad to be on board. I'll do my best :)

    Don't worry any doubters. You've got great skills as a remixer and obviously the rest of the judges seem to think you're more than right for the job, so good luck to you.

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