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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. I'm sure some mixers wouldn't mind doing that, but there are a billion other projects struggling to survive and get finished, so many are busy enough as it is. And like you said, there's already been a few Sonic projects so creating a project dedicated to a different game series might prove a bit more refreshing for some as well.

  2. To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.

    I'd like to see new characters too, but seeing how SFIII had many clone-types (some arguably very forgettable) of the original SFII characters I also wouldn't mind seeing the return of a few of the classic characters (E.Honda, Blanka, Sagat) to go along with Ryu, Ken, and Chun-li.

  3. Fantasic book, but it's been at least ten years since I've seen the movie so I don't really remember the film. I'll probably Netflix it now, though. After reading the book, I'd also recommend reading it's never-mentioned sorta-sequel Tales from Watership Down. It's not really a sequel but more just a bunch of short stories that involve the mythology of the rabbits and also some events that occur after the original book. Obviously it's not as good as Watership Down, but it's still worth reading for fans.

  4. My favorite physics are definitely from Super Mario World, though I'll be quick to point out that I did not own an NES when I was younger and thus did not play SMB3 until after playing SMW. I've always felt the slickness in SMW felt just right, and it's no surprise that of all the different Mario platformers I'm best at World. Ultimately, however, it really does make a huge difference when you consider which 2D Mario game you played first.

  5. 1.) What is your favorite game series? Legend of Zelda

    2.) What is the game series you are best at? Mario Bros.

    3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite? Ocarina of Time

    4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those). Almost all of them (the good ones at least)

    5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it? Superb visuals, music, art direction, story, atmosphere, gameplay, and puzzles. I also particularly like the incredible attention to detail each game has.

    Adding in a question here...

    6.) What game series do you wish you could be better at? Streetfighter

  6. As for everyone's favorite Miyazaki, his favorites of mine are his work in ROBOT CARNIVAL, SPIRITED AWAY, PRINCESS MONONOKE, and PARASITE EVE. All of those are very moving listens.


    Not to be nitpicky, but Joe Hisaishi does the music for Miyazaki films, not Miyzaki himself. Hisaishi was also the one who did Robot Carnival and Parasite Eve.

  7. I'm really enjoying it so far myself. Just got the bow, which is a blast to use. I do have some minor complaints (seafaring is still tedious, music is not very memorable, puzzles and dungeons a little on the easy side), but overall the entire game is incredibly solid. Some of the best graphics on the DS too! Highly recommended.

  8. I've been playing a ton of SFII on the SF Anniversary collection with a friend of mine, and I must say it gets pretty freaking epic. It always comes down to our marquee match-up of Dhalsim vs. E. Honda. My friend (Dhalsim user) has an extremely annoying strategy involving perpetual yoga fires combined with perhaps one of most devastating combos in the game: slide kick to throw. The cheapness in that game is also probably its greatest charm -- we just can't get enough of it.

    Anyway, I'm sure most of you have seen this already, but it's worth posting for those who haven't.

    Volume X - Super Turbo Shenanigans - Evo07 Special

  9. Absolutely amazing. Thank you.

    '97 huh? Right, I must have been in 6th grade when I played it. I was using the friend that gave it to me as a time reference as well, and I met him in 4th grade. Wrong end of the friendship time line I suppose.

    This game is awesome, by the way. I recommend everyone get it.

    Very welcome, good sir. Happy to help.

  10. I bought this game off of eBay (a near brand new copy) about a year ago, having been interested in it for a long time. Sadly I've never really gotten around to playing it, though this thread has somewhat inspired me to maybe give it a go...

    Edit: I think, in fact, that the reason I bought it was because people kept talking about it in a thread (something along the lines of "saddest videogames ever") that was on OCR some time ago and it sounded pretty interesting.

  11. I want a PSP Slim, and it's crossed my mind to trade in my old one but it's not worth it. Also, I'm going to pick up War of the Lions next Wednesday because I have a half-day at school.

    Yeah, I've been thinking of trading mine in for a PSP Slim as well. Being able to play on a tv sounds pretty cool, but also something that I'd probably quit doing after a while as the novelty wore off. Anyway, I'm super-hyped for War of the Lions as I've been wanting to replay Tactics for a while now and I've been listening to the original soundtrack a lot lately. Hopefully I'll have Phantom Hourglass beaten by then.

  12. Just off the top of my head...

    I really dug the soundtracks to Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2. Ennio Morricone, Zamfir, Luis Bacalov, Isaac Hayes, Tomoyasu Hotei, and many others... Just an amazing amount of talent.


    Pulp Fiction

    The Twilight Samurai

    A Better Tomorrow


    Star Wars

    Indiana Jones trilogy

    Romeo + Juliet

    The Godfather trilogy

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Back to the Future trilogy

    2001: A Space Odyssey



    The Seven Samurai


    The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

    Interstella 5555

    Terminator II

    and practically all Miyazaki films (Joe Hisaishi's the man)

    I'll add more later.

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