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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. I wouldn't say out of nowhere. For a while (since before FFTA) there's been buzz about new Tactics games. Seeing as how Squeenix is trying to milk every possible franchise now (FFVII, KH, and DQ in particular), it's natural they're going to try to capitalize on another FF series for more money.

  2. It doesn't matter about history lessons or not.What matters is that they did a terrible job in filming 300.When you are making a movie on something that really happened you aren't supposed to base it on imagination.

    With Eragon the movie was great based on the book.You can't expect everything you read in the book to be in the movie.If they were to have done that the movie would have been 4 to 5 hours long and would have been expensive to make.

    obvious troll is obvious

  3. I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.
    I take Study of Film and I'm a director,actress,and music composer,so that's why I know so much about movies.

    I'm typing ten characters

  4. For fans of Frank Miller and/or the movies 300 and Sin City, Miller's graphic novel Ronin is next in line to hit the big screens and is set to be released sometime in 2009. The story involves a samurai who is reincarnated in a dystopic mutant-filled New York and must destroy a demon with a legendary sword.

  5. Yes, because an 8.5 out of 10 is an absolute FAIL of a score. :roll:

    I don't see you giving Gamepro any grief, despite that they gave it the exact same score and had similar pros and cons with it.

    Anyone else in the world would see an 8.5 as pretty damn good.

    For a series (the Prime series, that is) that had its bar set at MP (9.7 at Gamespot) and MP2 (9.1) I'd say yeah, 8.5 is a somewhat disappointing score--particularly for those who've been waiting for it for what seems like forever.

  6. You've got one crazy idea that MIGHT just work. I would like to have participated in this, but I live in Japan, so people wouldn't be able to play some of my games. Plus, the shipping would be hell. I personally hope this idea does take off but I think that it might not work for just one simple reason. Most of the people on this site are American. You know how Americans are. Always ready to take advantage of the system without a second thought about the morality of it. Here in Japan, when someone finds some money, even just 20 bucks (well, 2000 yen) they take it to the lost and found man. You ask an American what they would do if they found some money and most would say, "Depends on the amount," which means that if it's not a million dollars in a briefcase that the mafia is looking for, then they know that nobody will come looking for them if they take it for themselves.

    fucking americans

  7. ^Judging from the Massive Attack, Radiohead and Tricky albums he's bought I don't think we have to worry about him restricting himself to music that's only American.

    PP, I'm only familiar with a few of the mixes you linked to (and too lazy at the moment to listen to the others), but based on your like of Massive Attack (and trip-hop in general, I'm assuming), I strongly recommend checking out Royksopp, a Norwegian-based electronic duo. Their music covers a wide range from upbeat electronic to very mellow chill and jazz.

    I also suggest the artist Nujabes for your hip-hop, jazz, and chill needs. His albums Metaphorical Music and Modal Soul are particularly highly recommended, as are his musical contributions to the anime Samurai Champloo.

  8. I know the soundtrack is already out but I want the score (orchestra). anyone have any info on its release date?

    According to Wikipedia and SountrackNet "A soundtrack album for Steve Jablonsky's score for the movie is in the works and will be released sometime in 2007."

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