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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. Me, or Uwe Boll? Because petitions really don't work, and he actually does make terrible movies.

    Unless you're saying that saying petitions don't work is overdone, and thus a cliché... then I don't know what to tell you.

    I agree with you that the petition ultimately won't do a whole lot, but I think we can also agree that the petition isn't hurting anything either (except Uwe, of course). If you don't want to sign it, fine. If you want to, that's cool too. Who cares if it's going to do much of anything? It takes only a few seconds to either add your name to the list or decide not to do it. No big deal, right?

  2. I'd be concerned if people carried around ukuleles NOT to play them. Man, that'd be a weird place...

    *Dream sequence involving many unorthodox uses of ukuleles*

    ...Ok, that was a little too weird. Although, dental floss IS expensive...

    Ever seen Desperado? People in Hawaii got some tiny guns.

    Haha, I guess I worded my original wrong. What I meant was that the ukulele is a pretty large part of the diverse culture of Hawaii, so you see some (local) people carrying them around similar to how one might carry around a book or Nintendo DS. It's much more common than say, a person walking around with guitar or a violin.

  3. Musical performances of video game music... I don't know, you might want to ask DJP first.

    On a plus side, you're like... the third person I've ever heard of that plays the ukulele. The only thing more obscure and rare would be someone that plays the glass harmonica.

    Anyone? Glass harmonica? Anyone at all?

    Move to Hawaii. Learning to play the uke is mandatory in most public schools, and quite a few people carry them around simply to play.

  4. A bit random, but for Samurai Champloo fans not in the know...

    Finally, the song that plays in Episode 11 ("Gamblers and Gallantry") when Jin and Shino are escaping the brothel has been found (well, several months ago)! The song, "Counting Stars", can be found on the album HydeOut Productions: 2nd Collection (as with much stuff involving Nujabes, highly recommended).

    Edit: Also, please don't inform me this is sampling Jose Feliciano's "Affirmation". I know that already. :P

  5. So, everyone else says topic creator sucks and he's a whiner, but no one calls them on it.

    I use a generic post that covers the usual things people would say, as a joke, and I get not only the topic creator, but someone else, telling me I am being mean.

    It's because I'm Canadian, isn't it. You all are fucking anti-Canadian! Aren't you? Don't den it, you raci... nationalists? Countyists? What's the word I'm looking for here? Whatever it is, that's what you all are!

    Fuck you all, I'm going ice fishing!


  6. I hate the animes that have the endings that can CLEARLY be continued greatly, like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It ends with Haruhi and Kyon walking down the street going to some store. Why not show what happens when they go to it?

    What's the point? Showing where they were going or what they were going to do would have been completely unnecessary. They are together, and that's sorta all we really need to know.

  7. ANIME. AN. I. ME. Japanese, not American. Are you going to start including Bugs Bunny as well? Hey, why not Pixar's work? That's totally anime, right kawaii desu ne? :roll:

    This is a micro-rant, so just skip over it if you want.


    If you're Japanese, and you're currently living in Japan, then yes, animation in general can be called anime. But if you aren't Japanese, and you aren't living in Japan, then anime only refers to Japanese made animation.

    I see this all the fucking time and it annoys the hell out of me. Even the fucking old white men from Merriam-Webster know this. Batman, while cool, is not anime. Disney is not anime. Teen Titans, for all that it wants and tries so hard to be, is not anime.

    If it's made in Japan, by Japanese people, and marketed for Japanese consumers, and is in fucking Japanese, it's anime. And don't give me that "anime comes from 'animation', so that means all animation is anime" crap. Shut your otaku-hole, weeaboo. Japan isn't some glorious Awesomeland where all your favorite things become the world standard. Only in Japan does that apply. If you speak english, you're using "animation".


    //self-admitted ex-anime nerd

    ///came to my senses years ago; realized how much of a fucking weeaboo I was becoming



    Are you serious? So oppoppo's an anime newb, naive, or just has a different opinion than you, but does it really bother you that much that you have to shove your e-ego down his throat? But yeah, chocobo150 pretty much nailed the coffin on the head with his response. Not trying to start a flame war either (it's actually pretty cool this thread has lasted so long without flaming), so PEACE The Damned. Just sayin'... :/

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