Top Gun
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Everything posted by Top Gun
Phew...finally grabbed enough candy tokens to get all three authentic masks. Now I can stop worrying about how many Clockworks levels each tier has.
Crap...more presents to farm. And I still don't have all of the masks from last year that I was trying to chase down. Guess I know what I'm doing for the next couple of weeks.
Hee, this should be fun.
Well, it wasn't a very strong hope.
Hopefully this finally takes care of anyone who was still having regular crash issues.
I managed it with quite a bit of GameFAQs map help. I have no idea how you were supposed to fumble your way around otherwise.
Okay, since Bark talked to the people involved, and they're apparently fine with it, then I'm not about to crap things up in here. I wouldn't have even said anything if I knew it'd been handled. Cool beans.
Well...someone in the server tonight became rather indignant over Miss Velociraptor being AFK and returning after auto-kick a few times. Obviously the auto-kick happens for a reason, and it should, but the server was only 2/3 full at the time (if that), and I don't think most of us cared at all. Miss stated that she should probably leave and did so, and a few of us were kind of miffed at the guy for essentially driving her off. Vimk pointed out that that was the server rule, which I understand, but again, Miss wasn't exactly preventing anyone from joining, and it didn't feel like the sort of thing someone needed to get all bent out of shape over. Anyway, ivelchild then mentioned that Miss has had some rough stuff going on, and that this wasn't exactly what she needed. Both the original individual and (I think) Vimk essentially stated that they didn't really give a damn either way, and rules were rules. That certainly ticked me off more than a bit, and it definitely got to ivel...he called the original guy out for acting like an asshole, and then Vimk when he followed up with the same sentiment again. Vimk then up and kicked ivel without warning. Like...I understand that you want the people in the server playing. That's fine. What I don't understand is why someone would get disproportionately butthurt over a single AFK in a half-full server in the first place. And what I really don't get is why one of the admins chose to act like an asshole about what had quickly become a sensitive issue. You can enforce the rules just fine without being a dick when it's uncalled for. And kicking a server regular just because he was pissed at what you'd said...that felt really below the belt to me. And I know I wasn't the only one.
Not a fan of what went down tonight. That was handled incredibly poorly.
I'd like to try to snag another complete set of masks, but is there any word yet on whether or not we can get another Haunted Scrap this year?
Very unlucky, unfortunately. The frequent crashes started with a patch Valve put out a couple of days ago, and one or two subsequent patches supposedly fixing the problem...well...didn't. I crashed twice earlier just sitting in a trade server and decided to call it a day. Hopefully they can get everything ironed out ASAP.
Well that's kind of a bummer, though the levels themselves look pretty crazy. Maybe someday I'll be able to give it a shot.
Yeah, that seems like a really silly way to go about them. It seems like it'd make much more sense to just have the gates require a certain amount of energy to open.
FINALLY 10char
I've already crashed once tonight, so yeah, either it's a new crashing bug or they failed to fix the existing one properly.
Okay, so Valve released a bugfix update that's apparently making everyone's game crash, and the third stage of Thunder Mountain is now completely broken. Woohoo!
CK's server was where I started out, and I'll still drop by there every once in a while when OCR is empty. What's frustrated me about them for a long time was that they had no auto-scramble, which often led to things getting stack-happy and your team of mostly noobs getting rolled repeatedly. Incredibly frustrating. They seemed to have auto-scramble on the last time I stopped by, which makes things so much better. They also finally had all talk on, too; it's amazing how much more easy-going that makes most games. There are one or two other random servers I've had in my favorites pretty much since I started playing: Nemu's Battleground is one, and FFN Back to Basics is another. I think both of those are 32-player, so I don't go there much.
Oh lord...apparently there's a promo set for Football Manager '12. Including a vuvuzela noisemaker.
Phew, that's a lot of stuff. The Misc slots and preset loadouts are the real biggies. Now I don't need to fumble around with my Engy loadout every time I switch from offense to defense! I'm trying to remember if I've ever played Gullywash before. This really was a douchebag line. (...but where's Halloween mode? )
That person spent $3000 on cosmetic models with sprite effects. ...I don't think I want to live on this planet anymore.
Heh, I haven't even attempted a Vanaduke run yet, so of course they're going to make it harder well before I do. I did manage to build on selling a lockbox to purchase a Leviathan Blade recipe, so I'm finally getting started on 5-star stuff. It'll probably take me forever to get my whole set there.
My biggest banes seem to be Mecha Knights, Devilites, and the third part of any arena level where you have eight turrets all in play at once. Especially if they can cause Shock. Dear lord.
Oh...right. Guess there's always a catch. I'll go ahead and keep ignoring those tokens, then. I do wish that they had a material option to purchase, like all the other boss tokens, so that I could at least do something useful with them. And I just realized: now Spiral Knights has crates and keys. It really is turning into TF2.
I'm kicking myself for avoiding the token drops after the past few Snarbolax runs I've done. I already have all three weapons you can trade them in for, so I figured that I don't need tokens I'll never use taking up space in my inventory. Then I happen to look in the Auction House, and I see a few Snarble Barbs with 12k or more in bids on them. *facepalm* Looks like a handy way to make some decent money, though. And to elaborate on that question, I don't think I've seen much difference in heat amounts between tiers 2/4/6. Most of the time, you're going to max out your heat meter there, or at least get very close to doing so. Crowns are where the real difference lies.