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Top Gun

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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Go ragePyro instead of ragequitting. Even the best Spy can't do much if you're obsessive-compulsive about burninating everything around you.
  2. Oh maaan, all those existing weapon changes. I think some of those have been in the beta for months. My poor Equalizer isn't game-breaking anymore. I approve of the increased burn damage and Scout sodas, the Quick-Fix should now enable all sorts of great shenanigans, the GRU change is interesting, the Crusader's Crossbow might actually be usable now, and the Tomislav is now worthless. Quite an overhaul.
  3. Well, no update yet, because lolValve, but yeeeesssss.
  4. It's kind of fun that this is the first new SMG the Sniper has seen. There are definitely some interesting mechanics in there...now to wait and see which one winds up being game-breakingly OP.
  5. New update: apparently equipping the Eliminating the Impossible set on the Medic changes the descriptions for each of these new items, which form a quote from a Sherlock Holmes story when put together. Oh Valve, u so tricky.
  6. So...the most recent update has added random drops of what can literally be described as pieces of junk. Pocket lint, a wheel of cheese, a goldfish, a broken capacitor, and so on. No word yet on what they're for or what they can do, but rampant mass speculation has Meet the Pyro pegged as the most likely target. FireSlash popped up as part of the whole thing, too.
  7. I think Frogg got me the "assist with 10 kills" achievement for the Medic in a round of Gravel Pit once. It wasn't pretty for the other team.
  8. Oh glorious day, an Enforcer nerf! Also some other stuff, but mostly that.
  9. I already have Psychonauts and Limbo on Steam, but holy crap yes.
  10. That's the same gate I used, too; good ol' Snarby takes the heat off later. I made a really stupid move in the one Aurora Isles level: I opened an energy door that I forgot leads to staring down nine turrets, and I didn't have the proper gun to deal with them. Still not sure how I survived that one with that single health bar. I really thought I was done when I drew a Candlestick Keep level in T3 at the random selection, since those are usually a nightmare to solo, but I managed to pull it off by playing like a total wimp. But hey, at least there were no Devilites...*shudder*. I still need those two achievements myself, along with Free Spirit; I've done a couple of FSC runs with random parties, but I don't feel like I'm equipped to take on the boss-man yet, unless someone drags my corpse through it. As far as I know, the mineral one is a cumulative count, so you don't have to dump that all at once; I got the previous achievements by just tossing in small amounts over time.
  11. Well...I pulled it off. No idea how, and I was down to all of one health bar at least once, but I made it. Damn that takes a long time, though. I'm taking off for the rest of the week.
  12. I'm definitely taking advantage of this one. Either tonight or tomorrow, I'm planning on taking a run at the Dauntless Delver achievement, since it'll essentially be free.
  13. I had a few of those happen, though I chalked them up to "lol TF2."
  14. Download glitch aside, that was pretty damn fun.
  15. Woohoo! Also that new Sniper hat is awesome.
  16. There was a PL map called Boundary I played once that seemed pretty fun; it's essentially a Badwater clone.
  17. I'm really glad to hear that you're planning on taking this on, Baha; piggybacking on Ichi works fine, but it'd be great to keep up the official OCR server and have a few extra player slots. I don't really have much of a preference in terms of plugins or settings, though pregame mayhem is a must, and I think limiting Payload/Dustbowl-esque maps to two rounds is a good idea. If you do need some help, I'd definitely be able to chip in a few bucks per month.
  18. I don't know that you ever quite get used to some of the strange stuff even after seeing a bunch of series, but it at least becomes a bit less shocking. (Case in point: there's a show this season where a girl feeds a guy her own drool as some sort of drug. Yet again, WTF Japan.) Editstuffs: I don't think there's really a huge obsession with turning stuff grimdark, at least not when it comes to that srot of series; I think Madoka is pretty much the first show out there to take a magical girl series in that direction. There does seem to be somewhat more "depression for depression's sake" in anime than in Western entertainment as a whole, though.
  19. I've enjoyed those past few runs with you, too. I've managed to eke my way up to 86 tokens thanks to them, so with any luck, I'll finally be done with the thing after tonight. It'll be nice to go back to profitable runs again.
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